Field Study Interest Form

Field Study Interest Form
Field study (FS) is a for-credit (PSYC 493), unpaid internship offered through the Department of
Psychology at SIUE. Field study students spend time at their sites, complete occasional progress
reports, and write a final paper about their experience. Students may use sites at which students
have been placed previously, or they may find new sites that are tailored to their specific
interests/needs. Please note that the availability of Field Study placements each semester
depends on a variety of factors including:
 Whether or not sites are accepting Field Study students
 Your interests, availability, and qualifications
Please complete this form in its entirety if you are confident that you want to complete a field
study. Dr. Segrist will review your responses and send you an email regarding further directions.
Note that you cannot register for the field study course until your field study is finalized. In
the meantime, you should register for a full course load for the semester in question. You may
drop a course and add FS when your FS is finalized.
Please do not submit this form unless you are confident that you want to pursue a field
study. Once you have completed this form, email it to Dr. Segrist at
Email address (be sure this is an email address you regularly check):
Phone number:
Current year in school (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior):
How many PSYCHOLOGY credit hours will you have completed by the end of this semester?
What is your current CUMULATIVE GPA?
Please provide the name of one Psychology faculty member who can comment on your suitability
for a Field Study:
Before you complete the questions below, you should know a few things about Field Study:
 They are unpaid experiences
 You'll have to provide your own transportation
 FS is a variable credit course, ranging from 1-6 credit hours. The Fall and Spring terms
are 15 weeks; the Psychology summer term is 8 weeks. The number of credit hours for
which you take the course determines how many hours you work at your site. Note that
the hrs/week are much higher in the summer because the summer term is only 8
weeks long:
 1 credit hour = 30 hours at the site (2 hours/week in Fall/Spring, 4+ hours/week
 2 credit hours = 75 hours at site (5 hours/week in Fall/Spring, about 10 hours/week in
 3 credit hours = 120 hours at the site (8 hours/week during Fall/Spring, about 15
hours/week in Summer)
 4 credit hours = 165 hours at the site (11 hours/week during Fall/Spring, about 20
hours/week in Summer)
 5 credit hours = 205 hours at the site (about 13.5 hours/week during Fall/Spring,
about 25 hrs/week in Summer)
 6 credit hours = 255 hours at the site (17 hrs/week in Fall/Spring and about 32
hrs/week in Summer).
In what semester do you hope to do a Field Study (Fall, Spring, Summer)?
In what year do you hope to do a Field Study?
For how many Field Study credit hours will you wish to register?
What area of Psychology interests you most? In other words, in what Psychology area do you
wish to complete a Field Study? You may list more than one if you wish.
If you know the names of any particular sites that interest you, list them here:
In what geographic area(s) would you be willing to do a Field Study (St. Louis, Edwardsville and
Metro-East, Other)?
Is there any additional information I should know when considering potential Field Study
placements for you?