Who/What is the Faculty Senate What did we do last year? Meetings and attendance Who/What is the Faculty Senate Definition, The Faculty Senate Constitution: The Faculty Senate is the body empowered to act as agent for the University Faculty with the delegated power to formulate policies in regard to all academic matters and other matters of faculty concern except those that are related to the Graduate School as set forth in the Bylaws and Statutes of the Board of Trustees. Who/What is the Faculty Senate From the Web Page: ◦ The Faculty Senate represents the entire faculty in organizing faculty governance on all matters relevant to the educational interests of the University and serves as a communication link between the faculty and the higher administration. Body empowered to organize faculty governance represent the faculty comprised of elected faculty representatives From the Web Page: http://www.siue.edu/ugov/faculty/ 50 Senators: CAS - 25 senators Business - 4 Dental Medicine - 3 Education - 8 Engineering - 4 Nursing - 3 Pharmacy - 3 Library and Information Sciences -1 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Officers: ◦ President – Rhonda Comrie ◦ President Elect - Susan Yager ◦ Past President – Jane Gillespie Faculty Senate Executive Committee Council Chairs: Curriculum – Sue Wiediger Faculty Development – Bryan Duckham Welfare – Ken Moffett Rules and Procedures – Erik Kirk UPBC– Tim Schoenecker Graduate – Gertrude Pannirselvam Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Sets the agenda for the Faculty Senate meetings Acts for the senate on matters of immediate need Appoints Council members Curriculum Council – undergraduate curriculum Membership – 11 senators (3) 2 students 8 ex officio 7 from Provost and VC for Academic Affairs 1 Chair of General Education Committee The Curriculum Council is responsible to the Faculty Senate for : formulating and recommending policy on undergraduate curriculum (instructional programs; courses of study; definitions of certificates, diplomas, degrees, student entrance, retention and exit) formulating and reviewing undergraduate curricular policy proposals reviewing the administration of all undergraduate curricular matters conducting undergraduate program reviews. Curriculum Council – Standing Committees: Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Courses General Education Graduation Appeals Committee on Assessment (one needed) Faculty Development Council –programs in faculty roles and responsibilities in teaching, scholarship, service Membership – 11 senators (5) Ad Hoc EUE Director IT Services Representative from Provost’s Office Faculty Development Council – Standing Committees TEAC – EUE Oversight and Review Event: Faculty Symposium Rules and Procedures Council – apportionment, election of senate officers, evaluation of Chancellor and Provost, name changes and restructuring of departments Membership – 6 to 12 senators (1) Rules and Procedures Council – Standing Committees – Constitution and Bylaws Personnel Evaluation and Liaison Welfare Council – faculty welfare: faculty evaluation, benefits, salary, tenure, promotions, rights and responsibilities… Membership – 9 senators (4) Welfare Council – Standing Committees – Faculty Status Faculty Benefits and Facilities Faculty Salary Equity Faculty Grievance Standing Committees Reporting to the Senate: University Planning and Budget IL Board of Higher Education Intercollegiate Athletic Committee Academic Technology Steering and Implementation Committee Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees: Video Surveillance Working Group (WC) Family Leave Policy Working Group (WC) AQUIP SET (CC) Task Force on Shared Governance (FSEC) Task Force on Senate Communication and AFM What did we do last year? AQUIP Curriculum Process Review, Improvement, Implementation Report Actions to support implementation of the Lincoln Program SET Implementation Passed: Definition of shared governance Modified grading policy What did we do last year? Modifications to Operating Papers Welfare and FDC (TEAC) Reports from HR, IT and Provost RSS Feed What did we do last year? Commented on SIU Systems Consulting Policy Appointed faculty to: Chancellor’s Search Advisory Committee Search Committee for Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate School LIS Dean’s Evaluation What did we do last year? Message: You matter (Task Force Senate Communication) 1. Currently, is the amount of information you get about Faculty Senate: Message: You matter (Task Force on Senate Communication) 2. How do you want to hear about Faculty Senate business or activities? Answer 1 Personal communication from my faculty senator 50 Via the faculty list serve 22 By visiting the Faculty Senate Website 3 At an all faculty meeting in my School, College, or Department 12 By receiving emailed minutes of Faculty Senate meetings through the faculty "announce list-serve" 22 Through social media sites, i.e., Linked In, Twitter, Facebook 0 Total 109 Membership and Responsibilities Three year term beginning in Fall Attendance is expected at all senate and council meetings ◦ Alternate from same unit should be appointed if you cannot attend > 50% meetings ◦ Seat may be declared vacant if you attend < 50% of total senate & council meetings without an appointed alternate Must maintain 50% or greater assignment within your unit Senate Meets on the 1st Thursday of every Month during the 9 month academic year ◦ Location: Mississippi/Illinois room of MUC ◦ Time: 2:30 pm until finished (usually 4:30 pm) ◦ No meeting in January & August ◦ Special Sessions can be called by… Executive committee Written request of 5 or more senators Senate Procedures ◦ Quorum represented by presence of 50% of senate membership ◦ Conducted under Roberts Rules of Order ◦ Each present senator or alternate has one vote ◦ Any senator may make a motion ◦ All meetings are open to the public Non-senators may speak by majority vote Meeting may be closed by majority vote No final votes may take place in a closed meeting Councils meet every 3rd Thursday during the 9 month academic year ◦ Location: MUC, varies depending on council ◦ Time: 2:30 pm until finished ◦ No meeting in August ◦ Meetings are open to the public (but can be closed) Executive Committee meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the 9 month academic year ◦ Location: International Room, MUC ◦ Time: 2:30 pm until finished ◦ Meets in August and January http://www.socialmedi8r.com/