International Committee (IC)

International Committee (IC)
The IC is a sub-committee of Council and reports directly to Council on matters relating to
the international affairs of the University. The IC will oversee and monitor implementation
of the GRS. The IC meet twice each term. The IC will report to Council twice each term on
progress in relation to the implementation of the GRS.
The IC comprises of the following members:-
Vice President Global Relations (Chair)
Director of Internationalisation – Sinead Ryan
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Dean of Health Sciences
Dean of Graduate Studies
Dean of Research
Academic Secretary or nominee
Council representative
Chief Operating Officer
Dean of Students
President of Trinity Foundation
Librarian or nominee
President, Students’ Union (or nominee)
President, Graduate Students’ Union (or nominee)
Secretary to the Committee (Administrative Officer from Internationalisation
Terms of reference as approved by Council are as follows:
Oversee and monitor the implementation of College’s international strategic
objectives as defined in the Global Relations Strategy
Review the business plan annually and propose revisions as necessary
Review policy and provide strategic advice on global matters to Council and Board
Receive reports, as required, from the Vice-Provost for Global Relations and the
Director of Internationalisation