Peer Review Report (Teaching) In Confidence DOCX, RTF and Word 97-03 versions of this document are available. PEER REVIEWERS AND HEAD OF DISCIPLINE/SCHOOL SIGNATORIES. Please note that members of the Faculty Review Committee or the Personal Chairs and Senior Promotions Committees cannot advocate for candidates, and therefore cannot sign any form associated with the candidates application. A suitable alternative must be found. Queries can be raised to Secretary of the Committee, at The Head of School/Dean will agree alternate signatories. After completing this document you should convert it to PDF, return to the candidate, and the candidate submits alongside their application form through erecruitment. Report to be submitted in typed format only. Name of Candidate Click here to enter text. Promotion Position Applied for Choose an item. Date of Promotion/Appointment to Current Click here to enter a date. Position Please base this report on your knowledge of the Candidate’s teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Other Peer Reviewers will have been contacted about other aspects of the candidate’s work. The candidate has supplied you with the evidence you need to complete the Report (attached). Please leave any section blank where you are unable to respond. Having due regard to the criteria for promotion (attached) to the position applied for, please rate the Candidate under the headings listed below. College procedures relating to promotion define teaching as the conversion of knowledge in the relevant discipline or field of study derived from research into a reciprocal process of education and learning. It may include any or all of the following: the introduction of the concepts, methods, and subject matter of the discipline or field of study in a manner which stimulates those taught and enables them to engage with the knowledge in a critical and independent manner appropriate to the level at which they have been taught curriculum design, course management, instruction, assessment, and the creation of a social and academic environment that promotes learning initiation into research by supervision of dissertations or other research projects at the appropriate level Supervising students to completion. Section A - Curriculum Design Please comment on the appropriateness and clarity of course learning outcomes (objectives) and the match between learning outcomes, content, teaching methods, learning resources and assessment. Section B – Administration of Teaching Please comment on the quality of the candidate’s administrative duties relating to teaching including the quality of information provided to students. 2 Section C – Assessment of Student Learning Please comment on the quality of assessment tasks such as examinations, assignments, projects etc. as relevant to this discipline. Section D – Innovations Please comment on the quality of any teaching innovations introduced by the candidate. Section E – Scholarship in Teaching Please comment on the overall quality of the subject matter taught as a reflection of the scholarship of the candidate. Section F – Further Comments 3 Signature: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date. Name and Title of Peer Reviewer (in Click here to enter text. typed format) Name and Address of Institution (in typed Click here to enter text. format) 4