please click here to see the full list of Equality Fund projects 2015/16

Project title
Project summary
Animated Video
Series on LGBT
A short, informative and engaging
animated video series – shared online -
on LGBT topics such as Trans*,
Asexuality, HIV Stigma, Non-binary
Identities, and How to React to Someone
Coming Out to You.
Clubs and Societies
Dean of
Equality Champions
An awards programme to encourage
Trinity clubs and societies to be more
open to diversity in their membership,
ethos and events, letting all students and
staff participate fully in university life.
Will comprise Gold, Silver and Bronze
medal awards with small cash prizes and
digital emblems, and merit badges for
others. Hoped to be an annual event.
Éigse Tuar Ceatha –
Oifig na
Bilingual event celebrating diversity of
Trinity Rainbow
Gaeilge, Staff
sexual orientation and gender identity in
LGBT Network
the cultures of Ireland, and
(nascent), An
intersectionality in Trinity. This is the first
of a series of events which will develop a
Gaelach, QSoc
Trinity LGBT Staff Network.
Event will comprise a welcome reception
featuring two keynote speakers, Senator
David Norris and Irish-language author
Mícheál Ó Conghaile, followed by an
LGBT-inclusive céilí (or “géilí”).
Me Too
Using theatre to break through
oppression and promote good mental
health by acting out anonymouslysubmitted stories from the student
population – to make the audience sit up
and think “me too”, or open their eyes to
a new story. The Monologues will run for
three nights during Mental Health Week
Pluralism: Inclusion
Celebrating principles of plurality and
tolerance around religious belief;
of Diverse Beliefs on
providing a platform for dialogue
between people of different beliefs;
celebrating the UN World Interfaith
Harmony Week for the first time – by a
photobooth initiative in the Arts Block
leading to a giant collage of photos of
participants each holding a placard
expressing their views (with hashtags).
Short booklet to be produced afterwards
with contributions from key figures
Releasing Potential:
Prof Robbie
Raising awareness of the educational
Opening up Higher
Gilligan, School
potential, achievement and challenges of
Education for Young
of Social Work
young people in care and care-
People in Care (and
and Social
experienced adults, by workshops
Adults who Grew Up Policy
leading to an interactive event between
in Care)
young people in care and key influencers
in Trinity, as well as a publicity campaign
aimed at the general public. This project
will promote Trinity as a potential
academic destination for care leavers
and link to College Awareness Week.
Scholars at Risk
Dr Roja Fazaeli
Speaker Series: The
and an
Risk network. This series will raise
Work and
awareness of attacks on scholars and
Experiences of
student, both
academic freedom, featuring 4 female
Women Scholars at
scholars who have been at risk. The
Department of
event will help scholars re-establish their
Near and
professional relationships, and introduce
Middle Eastern
the Trinity community to inspiring and
courageous individuals.
Support for
Trinity is a member of the Scholars at
Supporting students recovering from
Students Recovering Union and
addiction as they reconstruct their lives
from Addiction
in a student culture which often runs
counter to their needs; encouraging
recovering students to engage
productively in university life; by 12
weeks of group meetings facilitated by
an external addiction counsellor.
Trinity Accessible
Prof Edurne
Developing an accessible (online) archive
Research Archive
Garcia Iriarte,
of disability research conducted at
School of
Trinity, and developing a sustainable
Social Work
maintenance strategy of the archive.
and Social
Initiatives include short videos, ISL
interpretation and easy-to-read
Trinity Privilege
A range of staff and students gather in
Stocker, Trinity
Front Square – instructions (relating to a
wide range of equality topics) are read
out to either step back or step forward
depending on a condition, e.g. “If you
grew up with more than 50 books in your
house, take a step forward”. Event to be
filmed and widely publicised. Highprofile participants to be invited and
national media outlets engaged.
Video Showcase of
Dr Joseph
Students of the Trinity Centre for People
Inclusive Learning at
Roche, School
with Intellectual Disabilities working
Trinity College
of Education
together to produce a high-quality video
showcasing their experience of studying
science and technology at Trinity (a new
module on the Certificate in
Contemporary Living). The video will be
informative for prospective students
with intellectual disability, will promote
the inclusive nature of University life and
will give a public voice to a group of
students rarely heard.
Visiting Dinner with
Trinity Vincent
de Paul Society
The VDP Visiting Dinner is a social
evening for the elderly population of
South Inner City Dublin. It is a chance to
bridge the gap between the generations
and engage with Trinity’s local
community. It comprises a meal in the
Dining Hall with entertainment and gifts
for guests.
Women Returners:
WiSER and
This project seeks to combat the
Back to your Future
challenges and marginalisation that staff
and students can face when returning to
(NB: Project
the workplace or study after an
organiser advised to
extended break. It will comprise an
open the initiative
awareness-raising event as well as two
to ALL returners)
practical workshops for returners in the
Trinity community, possibly leading to a
Returners Network. It is hoped to build
on this project in future years.
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