C IRB Clinical Trial Protocol form











Using lay language, please provide a brief summary (no more than 200 words) of the research project, covering the overall study purpose and design. b.

Describe any past experimental and/or clinical findings leading to the formulation of your study. For research involving investigational drugs or devices, describe the previously conducted animal and human studies, including risk and benefits reported in the literature.


List your research objectives (specific aims and hypotheses of the study).


For clinical studies: describe the study design (e.g., single/double blind, parallel, crossover, control, experimental, observational, etc.). If the study is investigator-initiated, a timeline for individual subject recruitment, follow-up, and analysis for the study is required. If subjects will be given placebo, please justify placebo use. If this is a multi-center trial and SIUE is not participating in all arms/parts of the study, please specify which part(s) of the study SIUE will not be involved in.

Also, indicate if the subjects will be randomized. (Including a study design table or a flowchart is helpful, but not required.)


Describe the characteristics of the subject population(s), such as age range , gender , ethnic background and health status . Provide the anticipated number (it should match the number provided in Section E of the IRB Application) . If there is more than one subject population being studied, each should be separately described.

If the research only involves coded private information or biological specimens , provide the number of subjects from whom the data or specimens were obtained . b.

Explain the rationale for the use of special classes such as fetuses , pregnant women, children, prisoners, or others who are likely to be vulnerable , such as those with diminished capacity to understand their role in the research . Indicate if employees or students will be specifically targeted as a research population . Indicate whether the study population will include subjects whose major language is not English.


If women of child-bearing age , minorities , or children are EXCLUDED , provide justification.


Describe how you will have access to the study population (e.g .

, school principal recruiting students, physician recruiting his/her patients, recruiting from general population) .


Describe plans for how potential subjects will be recruited . Please note that any solicitation for study participants including news releases or public service announcements asking for volunteers in/on newspapers , e-mail , telephone scripts , world wide web , radio, television , posters , etc . must be submitted to the IRB for review and approval prior to recruiting subjects.


List the inclusion criteria for subjects (if multiple groups, please describe for all) . b.

List the exclusion criteria for subjects (if multiple groups , please describe for all) .


Describe the role of the subject and research procedures that will be followed . Identify all procedures (interviews , observation , tests, follow-ups, etc .

) that will be carried out with each group of subjects . Identify the sources of research material obtained from individually identifiable living human subjects (e .


, specimens , records, data) .

Provide enough detail to clarify that the material or data will be obtained specifically through an interaction with subjects and/or indicate that the specimens , records , or data are already in existence. b.

For clinical studies, differentiate between procedures that involve standard/routine clinical care and those that will be performed specifically for this research project. It would be helpful to include a table of events for studies with numerous subject interactions or procedures with a timeline .


If there is a possibility that research participants will require follow-up visits at an external facility, please describe study procedures being conducted at that site. For example, if a subject is released from the hospital and will reside in a skilled nursing facility , describe what will take place at that site .


Describe the parameters or outcomes to be measured and how and when these measurements will be made . Include a table of measurements if available.


Describe how data analysis will be performed (statistical tests , methods for evaluating data) and indicate the smallest group/unit for which separate reporting will occur .

For studies involving a questionnaire, if data and reliability information are available, please describe or provide references .

10) BENEFITS: a.

Describe potential benefits to subjects. If no direct benefit is anticipated, this should be stated. Neither payment for participation nor medical exams/monitoring of subjects is considered a benefit. b.

Describe the potential benefits to society that might result from the research findings .


There is no research that can be considered totally risk free (e.g ., a potential risk of breach of confidentiality) .

Therefore , when describing the risk , the lowest level of risk i s " no more than minimal risk .

" ( Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.) a.

Describe any physical, psychological, social, legal or other risks . For clinical studies, describe any likely adverse effects of the drugs , biologics , placebos and washout periods , devices, or procedures that subjects may experience while in the study. b.

Assess the likelihood and seriousness of study-related risks. Describe why the risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefit(s) to subjects and in relation to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result (i.e


, risk/benefit analysis) . Discuss any risk of irreversible consequences .


Describe the procedures for protecting against or minimizing any potential risks , including risks to confidentiality . If appropriate, describe the steps you will take should a research participant become upset or distressed as a result of the study. Discuss community agencies or counseling services that participants can access if assistance is needed and describe the procedure for making referrals.

For clinical studies , discuss provisions for ensuring necessary medical or professional intervention in the event of adverse effects to the subjects .

For drug or device studies, please provide a description of the precautions and special monitoring to be done during the investigational use of the drug/device . List possible side effects that can be expected based on prior experience with the drug/device under investigation . d.

If appropriate, describe the provisions for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of subjects (e.g

., a Data Safety Monitoring Board or monitoring plan). See guidelines for Data Safety Monitoring at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/not98-


. If data safety monitoring is required, describe the required element. For industry sponsored studies, reference the part of the protocol where this is discussed (especially the description of how often the data will be reviewed and by whom) or ask the sponsor to provide this information .


Describe the incentives (i.e


, inducements) being offered to subjects for their time during participation in the research study . If monetary compensation is offered , indicate how much the subjects will be paid and describe the terms of payment (i.e., prorated or paid in full).

Indicate the amount per visit, if applicable. It is IRB policy that provisions should be made for providing partial payment to subjects who withdraw before the completion of the research. b.

Describe who will cover the study-related costs .

If subjects will not be responsible for any study-related costs, this should be stated . If the project is not receiving external financial support, describe how the costs of the research will be covered .

Insurance may not cover research-related costs that are not part of standard of care. If the sponsor will not cover research-related costs, describe the costs that are the subject's responsibility as a consequence of participating in the research . If subjects do not have insurance , indicate who will cover study related costs (i.e


, many sponsors indicate they will cover costs not paid by the insurer, but it isn't clear what they will cover if there is no insurance) .


When the research involves an investigational drug or device , research participants cannot be charged for the drug or device without prior written consent from the Food and

Drug Administration (FDA). If the FDA has approved such a charge for the product, please attach documentation as an appendix to this protocol.


Describe any alternative treatments and procedures that might be advantageous to the subjects should they choose not to participate in the study . If no such alternatives exist, please state that the alternative is nonparticipation . For some studies, such as record reviews, a description of alternatives would not be applicable.

The alternative is nonparticipation.

For clinical studies, include the alternative of standard therapy and provide a brief description. This MUST be included in the SlUE protocol.


Describe how anonymity or confidentiality will be maintained . a.

Describe measures employed to protect the identity of the subjects , their responses, and any data that you obtain from private records (e .

g .

, identifiers will be stripped so data cannot be linked to subjects, or code numbers will be used, etc .

) . If data will be coded, specify the procedures for coding the data so that confidentiality of individual subjects is protected. If you will keep a master list linking study codes to subject identifiers, explain why this is necessary, how and where you will secure the master list, and how long it will be kept.


Indicate who will have access to the study data or specimens (such as [named] sponsor ,

FDA, IRB, co-investigators, etc .

) and whether they have access to identifiers or only coded information. Describe the disposition of the data once the study has been completed. c.

If samples or data will be provided from an outside source , indicate whether you will have access to the identity of the subjects and if so , how identifiable information is protected. d.

If you will be audio/video taping or photographing subjects , provide a rationale for taping/photographing. Describe confidentiality procedures including the final disposition of the tapes/photos (destruction, archiving, etc.) and a reasonable timeline by which this disposition will occur. e.

If data will be collected via e-mail or the Internet , how will confidentiality be affected?

Please describe how the data will be protected during electronic transmission . Will the

Internet protocol address and/or e-mail address be removed from the data?


Provide a comprehensive description of the planned method of obtaining informed consent from subjects . If you are requesting a waiver of written consent or an alteration of consent , provide in writing a justification as to why you are requesting a waiver and also answer questions a- e, below . a.

In general, indicate who will obtain consent (as related to duty #2 in Application section

" A.") For example , the PI , or all members of the research team , or consent will not be obtained by SlUE investigators because subjects will be accrued at another site, etc . b.

Depending on the level of risk and the complexity of the study , the IRB may require that only experienced members of the research team obtain consent. c.

Describe how risks, benefits, and alternatives will be discussed with the subject (consent document will be provided in person, consent document will be sent in the mail and discussed later, verbal consent obtained during telephone interview, etc .

). List all consent and assent documents that will be used for this study (adult consent, parental consent, child assent, healthy volunteer, screening consent, sub-study consent , etc .

) . Label them on the first page of the consent document (toward the top of the first page or in the footer with the version date, etc.) .


Indicate when the discussion will occur . How much time will subjects have to decide to participate? Will there be a delayed decision making process? This is preferred unless the research is low risk or the subject's medical condition would preclude a delay . How much time will be given to the consent process? This will depend on the complexity of the study and the type of study population .


Indicate where the discussion will take place.

It should be a quiet environment conducive to thoughtful decision making and where privacy can be protected. f.

Respond to the following (if applicable):

If the study involves children:


Will they be asked to give assent? If not, please justify . "Assent" means a child's affirmative agreement to participate in research . Mere failure to object should not, absent affirmative agreement, be construed as assent.


If they are asked to give assent and do not wish to participate , will they still be accrued in the study? If yes , please justify .


How will the child ' s ability to give assent be assessed? Consider the age and maturity of the children as well as their physical or mental condition (e .

g., healthy versus ill) .


For studies that require a discussion with the study participant about reproductive risks, the protocol and consent form should indicate that this discussion shall take place separately from the parents .


If children will turn 18 during the course of the study , indicate that they will be asked to consent as an adult for continued participation .


See the requirements for permission by parents or guardians and for assent by children: In some studies, depending on the level of risk, consent may be required from both parents . The protocol and signature section of the consent document must reflect this.

If the study may involve or will involve adults who have some level of cognitive impairment:


Describe the level of impairment


Explain how competency will be assessed (formal examination, mini mental state exam, etc.) .


Will there be ongoing assessment of competency throughout the study to assure that the subject is able to continue participation and fulfill the study obligations?

If the study involves future research with Protected Health Information (i.e


, subjects have consented to storage of data or samples for future use) :


HIPAA regulations may apply for future, unspecified research. Please see the guidance information, below.


Researchers will seek a subsequent authorization from subjects or request a waiver of HIPAA authorization from the IRB when the new research protocol is submitted.

If the study targets your (or a member of your research team's) employees or students , indicate how voluntary consent will be obtained (i.e

., address the issue of coercion) .

If your study population includes subjects whose major language is not English, please discuss how consent will be obtained (translators , translated consent document , etc .

). In most cases , a translated written consent document or short form will be necessary .

If the study involves deception , (i.e

., withholding of information from study participants) :


Explain whether subjects will be provided with full disclosure of the deception and if so, when this will occur .


Describe how subjects will be informed .
