University of Hartford Academic Programs Template Instructions The Academic Programs Review Task Force has been charged by the President and Provost to evaluate all of the University’s academic programs. The charge is to emphasize those programs, services, and initiatives that optimize the following factors: University-wide impact or importance; clearly demonstrated demand and/or opportunity; and greater benefit than cost. Further, decision-making will reflect our strategic directions, demonstrate the shared values of our diverse community, and be guided by our mission: As a private university with a public purpose, we engage students in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in, and contribute to, a pluralistic, complex world. To assist with this process, department chairs/program directors will be provided with admission, enrollment, personnel, and income/costs information. In addition, the Task Force asks that the chair/program director or his/her designee contextualize and supplement this information by submitting a report addressing the five criteria below (template attached, Form A in separate document). A comprehensive evaluation of each program will be conducted based on these criteria and their corresponding weights. Program directors have some discretion in what information they include and what they focus on in their reports, as long as they respond to each item within each of the criteria. To allow for a reasonable workload, reports should be no more than five single-spaced pages (not including Form A), using 12-point font and one-inch margins. Please submit a PDF of the report electronically to and to the appropriate Dean’s Office by April 27th. Be sure to use the program’s name (e.g., BS in Astronomy) as the file name. The dean will be asked to provide commentary on the reports from his/her perspective and submit that commentary to the Task Force by May 11th. 1. IMPORTANCE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD (WEIGHT: 14%) a. Describe how the program relates to the University’s mission and reputation. b. Describe when the program was created and any changes in the program over time (e.g., changing from part-time program to full-time program, changes in curriculum). c. Describe the most important goals of the program. d. List the key functions of the program (e.g., serving majors/minors, providing general education). 2. EXTERNAL/INTERNAL DEMAND (WEIGHT: 24%) We anticipate that the following information will be provided to the program by Institutional Research: # deposits for the last six years, # majors for the last six years, # double majors for 2010-11, # minors for 2010-11, and student credit hours generated in the program by majors and non-majors for 2010-11. a. List the other programs this program serves and in what capacity (use Form A). b. List the other programs this program is dependent upon and in what capacity (use Form A). c. Describe any programs which provide similar curricula. d. Review the information provided by Institutional Research and indicated on Form A, and provide any commentary or supplemental information that would be helpful, to demonstrate the external and/or internal demand for the program (e.g., employment demand, competition with programs at other universities). 3. QUALITY (WEIGHT: 24%) We anticipate that the following information will be provided to the program by Institutional Research: first year to sophomore year retention rate (Fall 2010 to Fall 2011), full-time equivalent of full-time faculty for 2010-11, and number of courses taught by full- and parttime faculty for 2010-11. a. Describe the quality of the curriculum. Potential indicators are accreditation status and outcome of the last site visit, appropriateness of the curriculum based on disciplinary benchmarks, distinctiveness in the field, assessment data collected to demonstrate learning outcomes and how those data are used to shape the curriculum, employer satisfaction, and alumni satisfaction, as appropriate. b. Describe the quality of the full-time and part-time faculty. Be sure to discuss teaching, scholarship, and service, as appropriate. Potential indicators are percentage of the faculty with terminal degrees or equivalent professional experience, faculty achievements in teaching (e.g., awards, use of best practices in teaching), scholarship (e.g., publications, shows, performances), and service. Focus on the last six years. c. Describe the accomplishments of the students. Potential items to discuss are awards, presentations, publications, shows, performances, employment, and further education, as appropriate. Focus on the last six years. 4. INCOME/COSTS (WEIGHT: 24%) We anticipate that the following information will be provided to the program by Institutional Research: income (e.g., tuition, fees, grants, donations, clinic income, tickets) and costs associated with the program (e.g., personnel, operating budget). a. Review the information provided by Institutional Research, and provide any commentary or supplemental information that would be helpful, to demonstrate the income/costs of the program. b. Describe what the program has done over the past five years to maximize the effective use of resources. 5. OPPORTUNITY/BARRIER ANALYSIS (WEIGHT: 14%) a. What opportunities exist for enhancing the quality of the program or creating new programs given the existing resources (e.g., restructuring, re-organizing, partnering with other programs, distance learning)? b. Describe one to three initiatives the program could accomplish if additional resources were made available. If more than one initiative is provided, prioritize the list. Be specific as to what additional resources would be needed and the costs associated with those resources. c. What is preventing the program from realizing the opportunities and initiatives described above? Consider such issues as space, technology, equipment, and personnel. d. Describe some ideas for the program to generate additional revenue. Academic Programs Template Program Name ________________________________________________ 1. IMPORTANCE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD (WEIGHT: 14%) a. b. c. d. 2. EXTERNAL/INTERNAL DEMAND (WEIGHT: 24%) a. May include narrative beyond Form A b. May include narrative beyond Form A c. d. 3. QUALITY (WEIGHT: 24%) a. b. c. 4. INCOME/COSTS (WEIGHT: 24%) a. b. 5. OPPORTUNITY/BARRIER ANALYSIS (WEIGHT: 14%) a. b. c. d.