Ithaca College Faculty Council December 4, 2012 A & E Center – VIP Lounge Present: B. Belyea, D. Birr, L. Black, J. Blumberg, J. Bonnetta, B. Bower, K. Breuer, W. Dann, S. Freedman, S. Grigoriev, M. Hall, C. Henderson, A. Kissiloff, S. Lahr, D. Lifton, S. Mauk, A. Monticello, B. Murday, S. Osterreich, T. Patrone, J. Pena-Shaff, J. Rosenthal, P. Rothbart, W. Schlesinger, S. Stansfield, T. Swensen, D. Tindall, D. Turkon Absent: C. McNamara, J. Stafford Excused: J. Harrington, S. Howard-Baptiste, E. Kelly, Guests: S. Erickson, E. Gonzalez (The Ithacan), M. Kelly, M. Trotti 1. Welcome and Announcements: P. Rothbart called the meeting to order and asked for any Open Session discussion. 2. Open Session: None 3. Approval of Minutes: November 13, 2012: D. Lifton moved to amend the meeting minutes with the addition of one sentence to the fifth section of page two: “Thus, Provost Kelly responded to the statement, indicating that she does not support Faculty Council’s recommendation for a 3% general merit pool increase and is not advocating for it at IEBC meetings.” The motion was seconded. After discussion, it was requested that the transcription of the original audio recording be revisited to determine the accuracy of the statement before inclusion in amended meetings minutes. 4. Chair’s Report: P. Rothbart opened the Chair’s Report with a request that any media present be identified. A reporter from The Ithacan was in attendance. P. Rothbart touched upon the recent survey that was sent to faculty and indicated that he would be reviewing the content of the anonymous survey results in Executive Session, at which time he would seek advice on next steps for the data. Given the upcoming Winter Break and the fact the next Faculty Council meeting will not be until late January, P. Rothbart expressed an interest in forging ahead with the process and would be emailing members over the break. 5. Provost’s Report Provost Kelly opened with a report on the Huron recommendations and process for review. Referring to a memo from President Rochon, Provost Kelly stated that all of these recommendations, comments, etc. will be sent to the IEBC which will utilize them as part of their spring planning and effectiveness review. Provost Kelly emphasized that to be an effective institution, planning and institutional assessment take place in the spring as opposed to focusing strictly on budget; the budget process will follow in the fall. In the spring, IEBC will review the recommendations made by Huron and will forward to the President which recommendations they believe should be implemented, what kind of time frame, what should not be implemented, and what should be slowed down. In reference to the IEBC elections to take place later in the evening, Provost Kelly emphasized that, while always important, the makeup of the IEBC this year is critical. Additionally, there will be two students and two non-exempt staff added to the IEBC so all constituencies are represented and can participate in that conversation. Regarding meetings with individual school faculty, Provost Kelly apologized for the recent unavoidable scheduling conflicts with regard to open faculty meetings with each of the Faculty Council Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2012 1 schools. The idea behind these meetings was to allow her and IC 20/20 Advisory Committee members the opportunity to listen to questions, concerns and issues the faculty might have about any particular IC 20/20 initiative, or other topics. These open sessions may conflict with the open sessions for the entire campus community for the Director of the Advising Center candidate visits. W. Schlesinger asked the Provost if it would be possible to make two or three seats available during search committee meetings so that interested faculty could attend. Because of the tight scheduling for candidates, Provost Kelly did not want to close the door on that idea if someone had a conflict because of a school meeting, but really wanted to participate, suggesting that Margie Arnold would be the person with whom to address this question. D. Turkon asked about the Huron group’s presentation and where teaching staff fit into this review process. Provost Kelly stated that nothing related to teaching, whether it is categorized as a faculty member, or not, would not come under Huron scrutiny. The only way in which academic units would be affected by a Huron recommendation would be in a manner which would affect the entire campus, using the example of something such as a billing process change, which would affect all departments. J. Rosenthal queried Provost Kelly about rumored changes in the phased retirement system, in terms of the load that faculty must teach, and what is defined as a full load. Provost Kelly said to the best of her knowledge there had been no changes. However, what is happening is that they are trying to make sure that IC is following its own policies. Legal Affairs had questions about whether or not faculty could be allowed, in phased retirement, to stack all of their teaching in one semester and not teach at all the following semester. Part of the concern is whether or not IC is treating all faculty who enter phased retirement equally. It was decided to allow this presuming the department dean and chair sign off on it. J. Rosenthal asked if there were any changes to benefits eligibility; to which Provost Kelly replied “no.” Further clarification was requested as to whether the percentage had changed, and Provost Kelly replied “not to her knowledge,” unless there was something from Human Resources related to legal requirements, and/or federal law changes. J. Rosenthal encouraged Provost Kelly to check on this. D. Lifton addressed Provost Kelly with these comments: “Dr. Kelly, I’m serving on Council as a one-semester replacement so this is my last opportunity to engage in this matter. Again, I have a very brief comment, and if you would like to react, I welcome that. And, the comment is this: The Middle States study highlighted process of Faculty Council’s budget inputs as an example of shared governance. In my view, when the administration rejects our salary recommendations year after year, it dilutes its commitment to shared governance. There is still time, Provost, to rescue this situation. Given Carl Sgrecci’s recent letter, I urge you to, number one, advocate for the top of his range, 3%. Number two, declare the 3% to be the general merit pool in keeping with Faculty Council’s recommendation. And, number three, that the IEBC take up extraordinary merit as a separate budget item. Targeting Sgrecci’s 3% general merit, allocates the funds to the broadest number of employees who have worked so hard these past years with very little compensation reward. Thank you.” Provost Kelly replied: “Duly noted.” D. Turkon shared with Provost Kelly that the Huron Group was unaware of the plans for the new Advising Center and the staffing; and questioned whether this had been put before them, and was it a part of their review. Provost Kelly responded stating that Huron is reviewing primarily non-academic offices, and is not reviewing anything that is not up and running. W. Schlesinger made a motion to move to Executive Session, suspending the agenda. Motion was seconded; 1 opposed; 0 abstentions. Faculty Council Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2012 2 6. ICC Transfer Policy: P. Rothbart opened the floor to questions about the APC proposal put forth for transfer credits. S. Erickson from APC was on hand to answer questions. There were several questions about the definition of “semester hours” and whether or not this is different from “credit hours.” Several members felt it was confusing and should be clarified. S. Erickson provided background on the proposal. When ICC brought the proposal to APC last spring, it rapidly became apparent that the transfer policy was going to be too much. There is a second part to this proposal, which is not available yet. The Registrar’s Office and Enrollment Management participated in the process. There was concern about locking out some transfer students, making it very unattractive for transfer students, as well as students coming in with AP credit, etc. The idea was to make this as flexible as possible, while meeting the integrity of what is intended through ICC, but at the same time making it flexible enough to not drive away transfer students. After further discussion, J. Rosenthal moved to accept the proposal, and with its acceptance, APC provide clarification of the meaning of semester hours. The motion was seconded. Further discussion and clarification was requested about Part II, which will cover AP credits, the process, and evaluation of artifacts for the e-portfolio process. Again the motion was put on the table. A friendly amendment was requested for clarity of the artifacts. Vote: Motion carried; 1 opposed; 1 abstention. 7. IEBC Elections for Spring 2013 Semester: There are two, one-semester positions to be filled for the IEBC. P. Rothbart explained the procedure which is to recommend up to four candidates to the President of the College. The President will select from the candidates. Three candidates had put forth their names, and P. Rothbart asked Council members if anyone present wished to include their name on the slate of candidates. S. Lahr requested his name be added to the list, which included Dr. Diane Long, Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, and James Pfrehm. During P. Rothbart’s presentation of candidate comments, S. Osterreich indicated a preference to have only tenured track and/or tenured faculty names put forth because they are more likely to speak freely. Council members discussed the merits of putting forth only names of tenured track and tenured faculty. D. Lifton requested it be noted for the historical record that there is now a different approach to this process as to how our best thoughts are presented. Motion to accept Steve Lahr, Beth Ellen Clark Joseph and Diane Long. Motion carried; 0 opposed; 1 abstention. A question about the confidentially of how IEBC votes was raised. After discussion, it was determined that topics of discussion that are made public may be reported to Faculty Council. In addition, IEBC members can request permission to report back on certain topics. 8. New Business: For the sake of full disclosure W. Schlesinger stated that he and S. Osterreich are on a committee that is discussion residential life. S. Osterreich indicated that it is more of a housing study, with a list of desires, not a committee that is making recommendations. It is chaired by Bonnie Prunty, and it reports to either Marisa Kelly or Carl Sgrecci. 8. Executive Session: P. Rothbart returned to Executive Session. Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm. Faculty Council Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2012 3