11 February 2015 – Gengras Student Union 345 – 1:00 PM
Jessica Abbott, Judy Denny, Gina Signorello, Ellen Levasseur, Bonny Stoecklin, Barbara
Dessureau, Sue Landolina, Connie Yoczik, Catherine Rose, Ben Ide, Bevin Rainwater,
Lorelle Wilson, Randi Ashton-Pritting, Valerie Gilleran, Carla Fuller, Holly Stevenson,
Melanee Van Haelen, Bonny Taylor, Cindy Oppenheimer, Marsha Gaulin, Cheryl
I. Presentation about IT Help Desk
Sebby Sorrentino led the presentation; he has worked at the University of
Hartford for 32 years at University and is now a part of Ellucian. ITS is
currently in a transition mode and has implemented a new help
desk/ticketing system. The old contact methods (, x5999)
are still getting routed to the central help desk. However,
still goes directly to MTS. The process for ordering that type of equipment
hasn't changed. Any type of ‘problem’ should be directed to the Help Desk. A
call about an issue generates a ticket, and that ticket then goes to
appropriate group not a specific person. There are three groups: User
Services, Application Services, and Network Services. There is a paper trail on
every ticket, and once the issue has been resolved the customer will get a link
to a survey. With the SNOW system (Service NOW ticketing system) currently
in place, there isn't a way to modify the amount of emails sent after
submitting a ticket. IT is working on creating the ability for an individual to log
on and create/track their tickets. Calling is quickest way to get someone if
equipment in a classroom isn't working and this is considered a priority issue.
If you need prompt/immediate service, you should call instead of
Upcoming changes/developments:
 ITS will have a name change
 Website will be updated
 Banner revitalization project
 Governance Committee
 New process for ordering computers - aimed towards eliminating IDTs and
using purchase orders instead
 ITS Open Forum meeting
 Recruiting still underway for a CIO
 Developing a system of questions to be asked depending on the nature of
the issue reported (Ex. Info needed with a Blackboard issue, how to
differentiate issues with self-service banner vs. ‘full’ banner)
 Single sign-on for major applications such as self-service, banner,
Blackboard, etc.
Concerns/questions raised:
 For Banner resets you have to give last 4 digits of SSN - concerns about
privacy with giving out this information
 Will ITS be able to provide Mac support? Sebby responded that they do
have some employees that are good Mac resources for issues
 Disposal of old computers procedure/policy should be publicized better
 EmpCenter does not show remaining encumbrance totals that a student
We will have Sebby and/or Cindy come back to a future meeting to discuss
more new developments or have topic specific discussions on items such as
II. Discussion/Approval of Minutes of the December 10 meeting (January meeting
canceled): The minutes were approved as presented by Valerie Gilleran,
seconded by Randi Ashton-Pritting.
III. University Committee Reports
Budget Advisory Team: Randi Ashton-Pritting reported that there were 2
presentations at the last BAT meeting. One was done by Norm Young on the status of
Facilities. An outside contractor, Sightlines, measures us against peer institutions. Their
findings revealed that our energy management is greatly improved, consumption is
down, and that they are doing a great job on an aging campus where 60% of the
buildings are 20- 25 years old.
The second presentation was done by HRD on staff compensation. Three town
hall meetings were held to discuss findings from the staff salary market analysis. The
University’s position is that salaries must be fair, equitable, and livable. HRD will be
initiating a full-scale review of all staff job descriptions within the next several months.
The University wants to make sure our salaries meet market.
The overall application count is up due to the Common Application. There are
concerns with retention - specifically with undergraduate students. Helping with
retention is part of everyone's job and everyone should talk to tour groups on campus
when you see them!
Due to running short on time to conduct the meeting, other University
Committee Reports & all Staff Association Reports were tabled until the March
IV. New Business
The Nominating Committee members are Sue Fitzgerald (Chairperson), Jessica
Abbott, and Catherine Rose. The voting ballot will be sent out to the
membership in early March.
Minutes compiled by:
Jessica Abbott
Vice Chair