UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD STAFF ASSOCIATION MEETING MINUTES April 9, 2014 – Gengras Student Union 345– 1:00 PM Present: Jessica Abbott, Anne Marie Cirullo, Alexandra Coury, Evelyne Haldimann, Anita Marchant, Cheryl MacMath, Catherine Rose, Bonnie Taylor, Connie Yoczik. Before addressing the planned agenda, the Chair led the group present in a discussion over a written suggestion received from a member who had not been present at the March meeting, in which there was a request for a change of the verbiage in one paragraph of the March minutes. Members present at this (April) at-large meeting agreed the minutes should stand as written, since they were a reflection of the actual discussion that occurred at that meeting. Discussion/Approval of Minutes of the March 12 2014: Jessica Abbott moved approval and Bonnie Taylor seconded. The minutes were approved as presented. I. University Committee Reports Budget Advisory Team: No report Wellness Committee – HRD (Evelyne Haldimann for Lindsay McKeegan)): the proposed CSA has now had 12 members officially enrolled, with a few more promised, so it will definitely take place this summer. The deadline for enrollment is Friday, 11 April. Wellness exercise classes continue to be well enrolled, as does the Weight Watchers class. Benefits Task Force (Evelyne Haldimann for Chris DuPuis): The Benefits Task Force Committee is continuing discussion of the potential impact that the Healthcare Benefits Act might have on the University, should it be left in the position of providing healthcare to employees when other companies used by their spouses or family members drop healthcare. This meeting was used to review the discussion of the previous meeting and further enlarge upon the wide range of options that need to be considered. Health care represents the single biggest line item for the University. 1 Sustainability Committee: No report. II. Staff Association Reports Web Advisory Committee: No report. Faculty Senate : No report. Treasurer (Jessica Abbott): There has been no change in the balance since the previous meeting: $2,303.56. Membership Director Report (Anne Marie Cirullo): A new member has brought the total Staff Association membership to 157. Chair – Annual Report (Evelyne Haldimann): The Chair presented an annual report of the preceding year’s activities: Total membership has increased by one to one hundred fifty seven. While most employees received no raises, there were merit increases for those whose annual salary is under $40,000. Foundation for the Future implementations are continuing. ePAFs have begun to be phased in. An implementation team which included members from HRD, Budget, Payroll and ITS has so far held focus group meetings, followed by pilot groups, and then by training and full implementation for part-time hourly paid employees. The process will pursue a gradual inclusion of staff members. The Staff Association has a regular spot to fill on the quarterly UH 101 all-day meeting which is held to introduce new employees to the University and its opportunities. A representative is needed to take on the responsibility of describing the Staff Association and extending an invitation to join. The Chair will continue to fill in if no one volunteers. A quarterly meeting of the E-Board with Senior Administrators was reported at the October meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to 2 bring issues and/or questions on behalf of the University’s staff to the attention of Senior Administrators. The E Board met with President Harrison, Provost Vasquez, Vice President for Finance Jayawickrema, and Human Resource Development Chair Belanger. Issues discussed concerned insufficiencies in the University’s hierarchy reporting structure, rewards for staff members’ performance growth, the new EmPower website which lists training opportunities, and clarification of the job posting procedures and government mandates that aim to ensure fairness as well as a diverse workforce. The Thanksgiving Luncheon, held at the 1877 Club Restaurant, more than met its contracted goal of 100 attendees, and was deemed a big success. A total of 140 pounds of canned and packaged food was collected to be donated to Hands on Hartford. IV. WELFund Presentation: (Alexandra [Alex] Coury, Program Manager, Women’s Education and Leadership Fund, has provided the following synopsis of her presentation at the Staff Association meeting.) The Women’s Education and Leadership Fund (WELFund) was established as a legacy program of Hartford College for Women. All programming is aimed at… Enhancing the education of women Empowering women to lead Enriching the university community and beyond The following are some of the programs being sponsored by WELFund: Student Leadership Programming o WELCorps Leaders Program (four year programming that requires application- last year had 151 applications for 25 spots) 3 o WELFund Campus Wide Programming (events and outings open to all students) atives/default.aspx Next upcoming event: April 15 at 5:30 PM: LinkedIn Seminar : An informational program about what is quickly becoming the number one way in which employers are searching for new employees, rather than through paper resumes. Joseph Catrino will be the speaker, discussing such ideas as how to include key words to attract the notice of potential employers. The event is free for students, $10 for faculty, staff and alumni. Professional headshots will be taken and emailed to participants the following week. Female Faculty and Staff Leadership Programming o Laura Johnson Initiative for Women Leaders (Applications are now open. Priority deadline is Friday, May 30. Program will start October 2014 and go through May 2015) .aspx o Women’s Wednesdays (Brown bag lunchtime meetings open to all female staff and faculty, to hear and discuss matters of interest). Next session is April 16 on the art of self-promotion (email if interested in attending) Support for Student and Faculty/Staff Projects o Some of the projects recently funded include the Summer Bridge program, co- sponsored by Hillyer’s Dean Goldenberg, for entering U of H first year students, Mad about Science STEM Camp as a portion of Summer Place, the CETA Ambassadors Program, and Women and Art in Afria. For more 4 information about funded projects visit here… ault.aspx Scholarship Programs o Dorothy Goodwin Scholars Program (students work intensely on research projects of their choice with stipend support and a faculty/staff mentor) win/default.aspx Conference Scholarships (WELFund provides opportunities for students to attend leadership conferences through a scholarship program). Recent scholarships have been given to women to attend the Bay Path College Women’s Leadership Conference and the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders V. Old Business Fund Raising Committee: Sue Landolina has volunteered to head a Fund Raising Committee and will be assisted by Evelyne Haldimann. Any others who are interested in joining to help in the effort are encouraged to do so. Volunteers should contact any of the E-Board members. VI. New Business: Spring Fling: The University’s annual Spring Fling will start on 10 April at noon. Only those with an identifying wrist band will be able to get to the residential side of campus and they should also be prepared to show a University of Hartford ID. The entrance at the traffic light on Bloomfield Avenue will be the only entrance open through the weekend. Students will be held responsible for their guests and should not be separated from them. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anita Marchant Secretary 5