June Minutes

June 13th, 2012, Gengras Student Union – Room 345 – 1:00 pm
Barbara Dessureau, Ben Ide, Holly Stevenson, Kathleen Hayden, Evelyne Haldimann, Carla
Fuller, Karen DeGrace, Cheryl MacMath, Jillian Holt, Bonny Barsi, Nancy Clubb, and Lynn
MINUTES: Kathleen Hayden moved that the May meeting minutes be accepted and Holly Stevenson
seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted.
Evelyne was not at the May meeting but reported that most of the time was spent going
over the Foundations of the Future materials.
Kathe Snow was unable to be present but submitted the following report:
Healthy Cook Book – in an effort to go green, the recipes have been put in PDF format on
the Wellness website; http://www.hartford.edu/hrd/wellness/healthy recipes.aspx
Pure Wellness – every month webinars are on campus to help participants complete the
webinar requirement. The second quarter is coming to an end on June 30th and all
participates are required to have completed the following by June 30 th:
Biometric Health Screening
Health Risk Assessment
Register for a workshop
If anyone has any questions regarding requirements they can contact Kathe Snow or Jamie
Harlow in HRD.
Cardio Circuit Training – this program was a huge success and ended on Tuesday, June 5.
Dates are being confirmed for the fall and will be announced once everything is finalized.
The fourth Weight Watchers series is in progress (began on May 18 th) and the group has
lost a total of over 50 pounds so far! For future weight watchers note if you attend a
certain number of meetings you will be reimbursed one half of the fee.
We will have a smoking cessation program during July and August at which time patches
and gum will be available at reduced rates.
Look for healthy eating over the summer and look forward to a Hawk Walk in the fall.
DeLois was defending her dissertation and not able to be at the May meeting so there is
no report.
SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE – Sally Henowitz has stepped down and the Executive Board will look
for a replacement for her. The topic is on their agenda for June 20th.
FOUNDATIONS OF THE FUTURE: Both committees are working toward meeting the July 15
committee report deadline.
WEB ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Barbara Dessureau reports, this month’s meeting was replaced with a
training meeting for the new Broken Links and Misspellings software on the Cascade
management System. If you missed the June one, Craig has scheduled another one for
July 11 at 11am in Computer Center 114.
FACULTY SENATE – Ben Ide reported that the senate drafted a letter of support for those employees
who were moved from the second to the third shift. The fact that the senate would take
this on is admirable, but some wondered why such actions were not taken when clerical
staff brought insurance tier concerns to the senate. Some members did say that they
felt that faculty members were concerned with working together; bridging the gap
between faculty members and staff.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – Kathleen Hayden has been trying to contact Barbara Steinberger
to have her send out a mass email but has not been successful. She will send an email to
Evelyne who will try getting it on Barbara’s calendar.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR’S REPORT – A couple of new hires have joined us, but we lost one member and
another retired so our numbers are the same.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Nothing new to report. The balance remains at $3,088.56.
1. If anyone knows of training on campus, please send a notice to EmPower. Lynn
Thibodeau is working with HRD to get all training under one umbrella.
2. There was a brief discussion about the Thanksgiving lunch; should we ask
administration to pay a portion? Should the Association fund the entire fee? Nothing
was decided. We will look to get information to staff in August or early September.
3. Non-exempt membership on the Executive Board was discussed. The general feeling
was that we would like to keep Eric on the board as an ex-officio, non-voting member;
who, if approached, would refer the member to the appropriate exempt or non-exempt
executive board member. Evelyne will check with the nominating committee to see who
was next in line for the position and will offer the position to that person. If there
was no one else, we will ask for volunteers to carry out the reminder of the term.
NEW BUSINESS –summer meetings – do we want or need to meet during July and August? We will send
out a survey to the membership and defer to the majority.
Respectfully submitted by
Lynn Galvin, Vice Chair (formatted by Nancy Fields, Secretary)