“Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION XVI September 10, 2014 I) Introduction & Welcome: (5 min) 1. Alex a. Roll Call: no absent members b. Minutes handed out II) Board (45) 1. Lynette a. Academic Council Meeting: Valeria from Business Club will come to discuss the possibility of a alumni email, for networking even after we graduate. b. Absence Policy: everyone check the constitute, there were alterations. People can not miss more then two meetings. Stressing the fact that we are all here as well. We are all leaders and we must all take part. c. Constitution: please read in general. d. Robert’s Rules: SG will be sending it out this week. All reps need to look at it and become familiar with using it. e. Casa delle Donne Update: will be a great opportunity for networking, and need a task force for it. Everyone interested in helping please email asap. Also we need people to assist in general for teaming up with the Guarini institute. Explanation of the entire event in general. We will have two guest speakers, Helen from RAI speaking about her personal professional experience. The purpose is it bring awareness to woman, community, and volunteering opportunities. SECRETARY will send an official email explaining the event. Lyly stressed the fact to please advertise for this event. 2. f. Photo: next week will be taking photos! Look your best! a. Leadership Training: last Friday and Saturday there was leadership training for all board of all clubs. Lulu There was also an official Plenary meeting where all the events were discussed that will occur in the next few months. b. Clubs collaboration: a main topic of this semester and of plenary meetings. They have discussed the clubs room in general and creating a solution that will assist in organizing it. rd September 10 1918 – Russian Civil War 1974– Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal 2002- Switzerland joins UN “Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead 3. Marta a. Welcome Party: general thanks for everyone who assisted today. It made a big difference and she was very thankful for the assistance. Especially Milena played a large role. Props to Milena!! Although we had an agreement to cooperate with them, they decided they were too busy to attend or assist at the last minute. Milena spoke with them professionally and in the end they assisted. In the end the welcome party was successful, however she feels that the event was underestimated. For example, it was booked for around 100 people, but there were way more people then that! And the food was gone within the first 15 mins. And people were disappointed and were looking also for activities to do in the mean time. Marta apologized for the misunderstanding with the budget and will ensure it does not happen again. b. Pep-rally: it is not possible to do a tail-gating opportunity. Events will only be discussed further by the task force. If you are in the task force, please contact Marta ASAP to plan specifics. c. Gala on Facebook: Marta created the event. Milena said that there is also another gala event on fb that she did not create. However, Helen from the registrar’s office made this page, and wrote the ticket price. The Board will speak with her and correct this issue. If anyone sees this event on Facebook or is asked about this please disregards it. The price of tickets is NOT set yet. And the board ill speak with Helen tomorrow to take the ticket price off yet. d. Purpose and importance of task forces and representatives: she does not work to act like a “boss” but she wants to make sure that reps understand that they need to volunteer and take charge on everyone’s own. She and Lynette would like to see more action rom reps on their own. Reps should seek out how they can assist their selves. We all need to use social media for events! FACEBOOK! 4. Anna a. Budget: an official budget was handed out. The fall and spring are divided on the excel sheet. Pilar gave everyone an extra 70 for the first meeting. Marta bought supplies for the welcome party with this extra 70 euros. Next time we will ensure that we all boat on this. We must put the budget on the website officially because it is in our constitution. We should discuss this because it may not be a good idea to put this budget on the website. However, there are two sides to this. If other clubs see how much we have to spend in comparison to them, it may create a few issues. However, we should remember we have nothing to hide. The official word now is that the budget that was handed out in the meeting will be posted on the website right now. Alexandria will put this on web updates- website-Facebook for sg. rd September 10 1918 – Russian Civil War 1974– Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal 2002- Switzerland joins UN “Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead 5. Alexandru from IPAZIA: Present of IPAZIA: update on casa delle donne- today Alexandru and Lynette had lunch with Oria and discussed the event. She looks forward to our event and spoke about the “Be free Campaign” which she will be speaking about during her speech of the event. IPAZIAS main focus and goals for this event are too show woman’s opportunities and challenges. It will be next Wednesday at 6pm till 8 there is appetitivo. G it III) Task Forces (2 min) V) General Assembly (10 min) VI) Open Session (Debates) a. Daria asked a question to Marta: why don’t we start assigning people to these events right now. – we will have a task force for every event and we will take care of this as we go along. b. Daria would like to make sure we are all aware of the events as they come and needs clarification as to how they are approved. – Lynette explained that student services will give the OK for all events. c. Professor Capo. Our Advisor suggests speaking about the flyers at the language center! This is a great way to practice the language for students and speak about the flyers. Lulu really agrees with this solution. The most important thing is word for mouth! Talk talk talk about events! VII) Closed Session (Voting) 1. Moving next weeks meeting to Wednesday at 830 instead of Tuesday since we have the Casa Delle Donne Event and it would be too difficult for everyone to attend both events in one eveningo: Lynette called for a vote, Mari Second the notion! Abstain:1 In Favor: 10 Against: 1 VIII) Adjournment rd September 10 1918 – Russian Civil War 1974– Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal 2002- Switzerland joins UN