Minutes January 30

“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
January 30th, 2013
I) Introduction: (3 min)
1. Lily (1 min)
a. Welcome to our Guest
My name is Anya, it is my first semester at jcu. I am
here to talk about the environmental club. We
have formed the board, I will be the vp. I know you
do clean up this why I am here. Thank you for having me here.
2. Lucrezia (2 min)
a. Roll Call
b. Minutes approval
II) Board (20 min)
(3 min)
a. Meeting with Giummarra.
- First we talked about a storage room.
Give him the specific of what we need.
- Prices of food in the cafeteria
He explained: he can meet with us. Primo, secondo, dessert: 7,50. They do
not want to work with cash. They want to use card, so if you have a meal
plan you would pay the same.
: discriminatory?
: they are an external authority. School should not be accountable but at the
same time they work together.
- Doctor
They did send an email
- Business Office
Incorporated with the Finance. And it is not true you can only take money
out once a month. They will send us an email.
: We need to solve our problem of lack of communication.
(1 min)
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
a. Year Budget report
Every club was request to submit a budget report. I do not know why, I
made an excel spread-sheet and sent it to them. I did not include the kick off
because we paid them today. It is anyway only a formality. She wants to see,
but she cannot decide on anything. The finance office wants to see what we
do with our money.
(3 min)
a. Kick Off Report
I do not have the official written report but I can say it was a great event.
Good job everyone!
(5 min)
a. Academic Affairs meeting
We had a meeting today. We are voting on a day for a next forum and the
topics will be the increase in tuition.
: I do not know where we are going with that. Everyone will say we want to
pay less. This is just going to look like…useless.
: We are not saying we want to pay less, we want to make sure the school
follows the right procedures of small increases and give to us the reasons.
Even Dean Merva agreed that this last increase in tuition was very high. This
also correlates with the transparency.
: It could be because of the Italian crisis. I agree on the transparency, but I do
not see JCU as an evil school that wants to only take our money.
: Yeah, but please do not forget that we a non profit university so we do not
pay IMU.
: we already have a task force on this. Is there any other topic we can use?
: Do you have any other ideas?
: maybe we can change topic. Students satisfaction!? Compare our university
now and the past semesters and maybe also talk on the justified or not
increase of tuition.
: we are just paying scholarships given away to students with a very low
grade in the maturità.
: We received an email that says we will pay more next semester for the new
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
apartments. FORWARD THE EMAIL.
: Utilities, school has 2 campuses and the mac lab.. I do not know how much
the increase is for next year but furthering the amount of the apartment for
VS is a long term recovery for school so it could be a valuable reason. DS and
VS will both benefit.
: If the VS are staying in the housing they will definit benefit for the tuition,
maybe should just increase the rent fee.
: Do we have a good topic for a forum next week? If no one else has
something to propose we will vote at the end.
: Shall we also add the scholarship issue?
: it is altogether.
(6 min)
a. Charity Concert Wednesday Feb 6 VOTE
b. SG new picture
Next meeting.
c. Italian Elections Day Proposal VOTE
III) Task Forces (15 min)
1. Senior Calendar (Lily + Umberto)
I have a draft, I will show it to you when it is complete.
2. Fall Break (Lily+ Alessandro + Umberto)
We met with Dean Merva, she would check the calendar with the housing
3. Registration Online (Lily + Francisco)
They said that here in Italy is a little bit different, but they will look for something
else. But if housing is longer we will be paying more. Also professor would have to
grade very near Xmas and the registrar will post grades later. She will propose it,
but she was very skeptical.
4. LSAT Testing (Filip + Alessandro)
5. Portfolio Workshop (Alina+ Yumi + Alessandro)
6. Meal Plan (Lily + Alina + Filip + Umberto + Francisco)
7. Raise in JCU tuition (Lorenzo + Alina)
8. Transparency
IV) ISLC Committee (3 min)
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
1. Update
We have a new school coming, Nigeria. I am talking with AUR.
Dean Merva emailed me and said also Egypt could come!
Jennifer Plake will help us making the reservation for housing for new students
V) General Assembly (15 min)
Thanks again. The environmental will be called: GRASS ROOTS.
All of us are DS and we will be here for the next few years. We did not join any other
club because we want to focus on this. We already have 20 possible members. We
had some unofficial meetings.
We want to do camping and hiking, movie on the environmental, yoga, meditation,
have a garden in the Guarini, grow organic food. I will be the VP whenever we start
the club. I would like to talk to you about the clean ups. We would be very glad to
cooperate with you.
: It would be their right to let them have it. But I believe the first one together so that
we can show them how it works. Also, since you are not an official club you also
: How can I contact you?
: facebook page!
: we can vote on a collaboration and then meet with your events coordinator and
choose a date together.
: Advisor?
: not yet..
: professor Lopez
a. Act 002
It was passed last semester.
: it is illegal. It does not have a secondary sponsor.
: We discussed this in September.
: but it was voted on it.
: We can re vote for that
: Ok, I will sponsor it.
b. Legislation Proposal
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
I kind of wrote a very short act. I am still not very sure on how to do
it. READ IT.
Advertising task force. MICAYLA. Lily, Lucrezia,
Under marketing, Danette.
: they send a lot to students abroad
: I like this idea. I do not support too much commercial
: Money not well spent. We pay more, scholarship given away easy…
c. Bulletin boards
A huge poster. Maybe Student Services if they want to purchase it.
: I would rather have a huge tv with the calendar. Even Roma 3 has one. (A
smart board)
: Even a normal poster and make lines. It could be a good suggestion and low
: We can talk to Gloria.
: I will talk to Pilar and get back to you next meeting.
d. Italian Night Proposal
A vs asked me where to go to meet Italians. Organizing some events to bring
Italians to spend time with the Americans.
: Gala and Spring Fling
: I see them all around the campus. They should just talk to them.
: maybe something to help them to break the ice.
: During clubs meeting, Pilar told us that Student Services and Faculty want
to create a huge club to promote Roman Culture.
: How about an aperitivo?
: if you work with orientation, you read this paper that explains the
importance of us projecting on new students.
: Italian Table
: None of them are Italian students.
: JCU has a lot of events and so it is up to you to attend those.
VI) Open Session (Debates)
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
: Can our students studying abroad vote?
: yes. We can send them an email. We will figure that out.
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
1. VOTE on the forum
a. Next Thursday, lunch time, providing pizza.
i. Favor: 10
Against: 1
Abstain: 2
b. Topic- Tuition the starting topic
i. Favor: 8
Against: Abstain: 5
2. Italian Elections Day Proposal
a. Organizing
i. Favor: 5
ii. Against: 5
iii. Abstain: 2
: motion to revote.
: I will break the tie. I think that it is not fair USA. But we can have a
sign up sheet for those who want to do it.
b. Charity Concert Wednesday Feb 6
moving to Tuesday 8:45 the meeting.
Favor: 2
Against: 5
Abstain: 6
3. GRASS ROOT collaboration
Organizing the first clean up:
a. Favor: 10
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.
“Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need
to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”
~ Aristotle.
Against: 1
Abstain: 2
It passes.
VIII) Adjournment 22:00
Jan 30, 1847 = Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco.
Jan 30, 1933 =Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Jan 30, 1972 = Bloody Sunday: British Paratroopers kill fourteen unarmed civil rights/anti
internment marchers in Northern Ireland.