Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION II September 11, 2012 I) Introduction: (4 minutes) 1. (2 min) a. Approval of minutes i. Voting on online minutes : motion to have names on minutes online. :second Favor: 3 Against: 4 Abstain: Not approved. 2. Minute Approval (2 min) APPROVED 3. Roll Call (1 min) II) Board (20 min) a. Welcome to our guests (3 min) i. : based on Act 0001 the new senators have been approved by the board, however you can still raise questions or objections if you have any. Karen is the only person running for representative freshman but we wanted to have her here to let her see how student government works. Please, introduce yourselves. ii. : This is the third semester in student government, I wanted to re apply because I had a great experience. iii. : I just graduated and this is my 1 semester at jcu. I got a chance to understand what student government was from the high school I attended in Georgia but I could not join it as an exchange student. This time I really want to get into the heart of university! iv. : I am a senior, major in international affairs and a minor in economics and I am planning to be part of student government. b. New advisor (3 min) i. Prof Ogle will no longer be our advisor because he is becoming the new head of department. He suggested Prof Driessen instead. Mery Merva emailed us, making it official. Senate will be able to meet him next week. c. Academic Meeting (3min) i. We had a meeting last Friday with some professors and dean Merva. We talked about our academic goals for this year. We talked about Communication major. Library reserve books. Apparently it is illegal to have more than 1 copy every 40 students .They understand some books are very expensive but all Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 they can say is that professors will make sure to pick not too expensive books. In the meanwhile we should double check the law. Or find a way around it. Another idea is that of using EBooks. We would like to increase the number of languages taught at our university. However, they said you need a certain quorum every many semester, an on going thing. Anyway if you are interested in helping us join the academic committee. They were really nice and they were looking forward to working to us. b. (5 min) a. Kick-off Tomorrow 8.45pm some of us did the shopping. We are getting hamburgers that school uses for thanksgiving that are really good. Money: Try to put on the Chinese lights. I have a Kick off schedule. During the kick-off. Grill: Davide and Yumi Take meet out of bags: Jerelyn and Lucrezia Veggies: Sandra, lily, Karen Plating and serving: fillip, valeria, Order of tables: we print out tickets that say: hot dogs, cheeseburgers, veggies. : last year it was very successful. Are you sure this time we will have enough food? : well, this time we have120 hamburgers, 120 hot dogs, lots of veggies, chips, soda.. : timing? : we can cook hamburgers. Medium. : the order table? : who is missing? : I have therapy at night. Can I skip the set up and come later? : yes. I do not want people to do nothing around. The veggies, the meat are going to be prepared before. So that has to do with the set up. Someone has to pick up the meet at 10am ! Filip and Lily will go. : new members, send Lucrezia the schedule so that we know when you have classes. b. Distribution of Kick-Off Schedule c. (2 min) Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 a. Gala: everything is going well. We are selling tickets and hopefully by next week we will have the invitations printed. Otherwise we will have to think a plan B. III) General Assembly (10 min) 1. Alexandria’s Email (2 min) a. She decided to resign. b. Romecoming organization (5 min) i. : She resigned. Someone else can join student government. What do we want to do with her position? : run a campaign. : there is no application for senators. : let’s just take a person from the list that applied. : this position is not just about being nominated, but elected by the student body. : Yes, it represents the entire school since it is a representative : Ok. Since she was voted in and now she is resigning the only solution is to leave that spot open until next year’s elections. Students wanted her, no one else can have her position. : I agree. : why cant we have elections now? : you can motion that to ask to the advisor. I mean, also do you realize how much work it takes to organize elections? : second umberto, to ask advisor. IV) Committees (15minutes) 1. Academic Affairs (5 minutes) a. : Started by Angelo in order to have a liason among students, professors and administration. Students that come to the forum give us feedback and we talk to faculty. We need people to be part of the committee especially those not afraid of public speaking. b. : i. First forum – Thursday Sept 20 ii. : We would like to hear students opinion on orientation week Feedback! “Welcome back forum.” 2. Electoral Commission (3-5 min) a. Representatives and VS 3. Community Service (3 minutes) : no leader. Clean up day. Anyone with a strong community sense that wants to keep it up becoming the leader? Or will just stick to clean up day. : we can collaborate with student service : do we really need it? Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 : yes, good advertising. : we could also collaborate with STAND. : this is not what we are talking about right now. : Sandra and Alina have good ideas, you should be on this committee make proposals and we can all vote on that. a. First Clean-Up - Sundays. 4. Social Events a. : Everything that has to do with social events. Publicizing, organizing the idea… a person that wants to have the school spirit. And sense of community. 5. ISLC 6. Constitutional Committee a. : We need a new constitution we cannot keep going against it. Of course student government has changed and I need someone that helps me updating the old constitution. ----- Lily: sign up sheet, please at least one. Remember you joined student government to start getting involved. V) Task Forces (2 minutes) VI) Legislation (4 minutes) 1. Act 009 : explaining what legislation acts are. Reading of Act 009. : who decides the election date? : electoral committee and advisor- Can anyone notice my mistakes? We did not sign it. Does anyone want to amend it? Will be written with the date. Motion to debate: : second. The board decision? : it makes the board legitimate. So that newspapers can say whatever they want. But they must be allowed to write what they want or it will be censorship. : Who decides time and place? : electoral committee. And it is already in the constitution. : what if they schedule it at an impossible time? : advisors are never bias! They are professors. They make sure the electoral committee is not trying to help someone and keeping someone outside. : motion to vote for it as it is now : Second In favor: 8 Opposed: Abstaining: 5 APPROVED. And next meeting you will see the signatures and it will be published. VI) Open Session (Debates) (10 min) Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." -President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001 VII) Closed Session (Voting) Vote on having a constitutional committee Favour- 11 Against Abstain: 1 Motion Approved Next meeting same time. Email from the committees leaders. For those that do not have any leader, you have to decide among yourselves. Event committee: meeting to discuss romecoming. : motion to adjourn the meeting. All second. IX) Adjournment