April 3rd, 2012
I) Introduction
1.Minute Approval
2. Roll Call
3. Guest
a. The Sheet
i. A representative from the sheet was present and asked
Student Government if they would fund two extra issues The Sheet planned on
doing for Student Government during this week. It was discussed that there were
two proposals: one in which SG would give 56 euro or 28 euro to the club. Based on
the sheet statistics, many members were willing to subsidize some of the costs and
the vote below will display the results of how many funds we chose to give.
b. Business Club
i. Business Club was not able to be present and since we were
unable to discuss their proposal last week it was important to debate and vote on it.
Alessandro explained the elevator pitch proposal, Business Club wanted Student
Government to promote, put up flyers, and be in charge of selling during our Gala
Ticket Event Sales. Most members did not feel that the logistical and student labor
that we were asked of was necessary to promote the Elevator Pitch. Many members
were willing to compromise that promoting it at our tables was extremely
important however even though the Business Club has six members it was not
Student Government’s responsibility to do the work behind it. Especially in the time
of commitment Student Government has to the ISLC and Spring Fling. The motion
finally came to a halt to leave the discussion up to a vote.
II) Board
The first issue of debate was the frequent absences one Student Government
member had. The members had come to several conclusions. Several members felt
the lack of communication the SG member had via email was inappropriate and
inconsiderate. Others felt that the ongoing absences and the record we had of it
were efficient enough to prove that the member did not commit to the organization.
Besides that other members felt that it was not mature to juggle to many
responsibilities and fall behind on one because you cannot make the decision to put
your priorities in order. Lastly, members felt that since so many other people apply
for SG positions and do not get in, it is unfair to them, to witness members who do
not pull their weight and therefore realize that they may have done a better job if
given the opportunity. Those who defended the member’s case used the fact that the
member has many responsibilities that force him to not be able to be present all the
times for Student Government. Other members found this excuse to be invalid since
many members balance their other obligations with SG tasks. It was motioned to
end the debate and move to vote, the results are below.
The next issue was the discussion over the tasks that must be completed
before the ISLC. Executive members discussed that there will be consequences for
every member of SG including executive board members if their tasks are not
completed by Thursday. The same will apply for the Spring Fling event. All members
must show active participation in setting up the events and their presence.
The budget report was discussed, the Treasurer announced that this
semester we have been very good at managing our budget because of the great
subsidy we overtook with the Gala last semester (costing us around 14,000 Euros
with only a bit being supported by ticket sales). Our budget is at 3,004 euro, 129
euro was spent on a Club’s Apertivo, 50 on the SG dinner, and 467 on the JCU Spring
Semester Kick-Off. We need to vote if we will need the 1,500 euro donation we
received from the Board of Trustees or should we push for the donation to remain in
the account for next semester.
The next topic for debate was the bus issue. Since the situation was a board
decision, the board basically explains that they cannot fund a bus for the soccer
game because Student Services would not approve it. Any further problems will be
taken on solely by the Board of Student Government.
III) Senate
The doctor initiative is brought up once again and a Student Government
member is interested in taking the issue on. Some members disagree, that this issue
should be solely handled by the administration because it is one of their specific jobs
as the caretakers of the university. Some other members disagree, since the
administration has avoided addressing the issue, we must take it on since Students,
those whose voices we are representing want the issue resolved.
ACT 003 is debated on, it basically puts into writing that we will have
everything published on our University Website. Meaning that there will even be
formal reports of our meeting done. Many members disagree because the structure
of the Act is not actually sturdy. The fact that the task would be passed from
member to member could create problems. The other issue is if one member is in
charge of this the role would be under secretary. Many people agree that secretary
already does this with minute briefs, publishing acts, events report, etc. It would be
adding a role that is already done informally online. ACT 003 will be voted on,
please check results below.
IV) Committees
1. Academic Affairs
The AA committee is busy focused on the set up of the Q&A. Aim is for
spreading the word and letting classes know about the event. All members must be
present at the event.
2. Visiting Student (3-5 minutes)
The goal for the VS committee is to come up with strategies in
convincing the VS to attend the Spring Fling. Our target goal is 20 students
ate the least that are not DS.
3. ISLC (5 minutes)
a. Motion to not discuss since it has already been brought up and task
lists distributed
4. Social Events
no update
5. Spring Fling
Student Government Spring Fling committee motioned to reduce the price of
SG members from 25 to 15 euro. The reasoning behind this is because since
members did not have to do any manual labor or logistical configuration for the
Gala, members paid full price. Therefore, with the Spring Fling, the committee has
done all of the logistical work and the SG as a whole will be taking 3 days to set up
the event. This includes extensive manual labor and commitment to the task. It was
motioned to vote immediately on:
Should SG members pay 15 euro based on the reasoning in the above
For: 12
Against: 0
Abstain: 1
6. Community Service
Post-update and report will be done
V) Task Forces
1. Rate My Professor Proposal by Lily
2. Mascot Proposal
3. Representation Proposal
Only proposal to bring the most debate, it would be 3 different
options of how to spread out Senate members. The main concerns were that there
could a) not be enough people running b)separating students based on national
characteristics is incorrect and unfair (those who deserve it should be elected as
Senate members) c) the per class quota system needs to be edited. Members agreed
that continuity is a key to having a strong Student Government however a hierarchy
is not what we want to create. Debate is closed through motion.
VI) Open Session (Debates)
Who Rocks
A member brought up that leaving the kitchen in a mess was wrong and the
staff is upset we did not clean up the kitchen immediately.
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
To go forth with the mascot Vote Proposal: MOTION PASSES
For: 11
Against: 1
Abstain: 1
Should we re-initiate the doctor task force? MOTION PASSES
For: 10
Against: 1
Abstain: 2
Should the SG Senate member be expelled from Student Government or
remain an active member within Student government? MEMBER IS NO LONGER
To Remain: 2
To Expel: 9
Abstain: 2
Rate My Professor Proposal, should we have 2-3 members to be at the tables to offer
cards to be filled out and put online: MOTION PASSES
For: 7
Against: 3
Abstain: 3
Should Student Government be in charge of the money management and logistical
aspects for the Elevator Pitch proposal: MOTION FAILS
For: 0
Against: 12
Abstain: 1
Will SG promote the event at the SG Spring Fling Ticket Table Sales with a flyer?
For: 6
Against: 6
President Breaks Tie with 1 FOR
To donate to the Sheet
56 Euro: 4
28 Euro: 4
Nothing: 0
Abstain: 4
Motion to Suspend Vote:
All in favor for 56 EURO: MOTION FAILS
For: 3
Against: 6
Abstain: 3
All in favor for 28 Euro: MOTION PASSES
For: 7
Against: 0
Abstain: 5
(Questions that arose from this vote: Will we have to fund papers in the
future? Members want it clear that before a member suggests a publication to
publish something for us, we are all aware of it and vote on it prior to this kind of
For: 3
Against: 4
Abstain: 6
Note: Minutes were subject to editing so that privacy of Student Government
members and guests was protected. As well as shortening of text to provide a basic
summary of events for the JCU Community.