Reframing Aging: Older People as Community Assets Rhoda Meador, Director

Reframing Aging: Older People as Community Assets
Rhoda Meador, Director
Ithaca College Gerontology Institute Distinguished Speaker
November 3, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Emerson Suites, Phillip Hall
We are currently in the midst of a “longevity revolution” in which people born after 1950 can expect to
live 20 or 30 years longer than their grandparents or great-grandparents. This trend is often framed in
alarmist terms, resulting in concerns about the increasing burden that older people will place on our
health care and social support systems. Another, more positive, perspective is one that reframes the
contributions of older adults as a valuable resource that can be leveraged to have an immensely
transformative and positive impact on our communities. When engaged and mobilized effectively, this
group can use their collective experiences and talents as tremendous forces for good. The presentation
will highlight examples of contributions this group is making in areas such as public education, youth
mentoring, environmental stewardship, family support, and the arts.