Did you know that flushing your unused medications down the... means that our waters and marine life are put at...

Did you know that flushing your unused medications down the toilet
means that our waters and marine life are put at risk?
Instead of flushing, or throwing your out-dated or unused meds into the
landfill, take them to the Group Health Pharmacy. Even if you are not
a Group Health member, you can put medications in the secure
receptacle in front of the Pharmacy so that they can be disposed of in
the most environmentally responsible way.
Group Health Pharmacy
700 Lilly Road N.E.
Olympia, WA98506
Pharmacy Hours:
7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Medications: prescription and over the counter
Medication samples
Veterinary medications
Medicated ointments/lotions
Liquid medication in glass or leak-proof containers