October 30, 2008

Student Affairs Sustainability Committee
Meeting Minutes / summary
Thursday, October 30, 2:00-3:00
Present Wendy Endress, Sharon Goodman, Natalie Pyrooz, Halli Winstead
Committee Participation
Although an email inquiry was sent out prior to scheduling this meeting requesting
people’s level of continued interest, the committee decided to should follow up with
phone calls to those who had accepted the meeting but were not in attendance. Sharon
and Wendy will make contacts.
Redefining Committee Goals
Due to the progression of the campus’ Sustainability Council and the formation of four
directed working groups focusing on: Clean Energy, Transportation, Food Systems, and
Waste Reduction, the committee discussed reconsidering its goals. The two most relevant
to focus on are:
3. Increase student involvement and participation in sustainability-based planning
within the division and on the greater campus
7. Create a mindful sustainable community through education and direct
The committee agreed it would be optimal for one representative from each working
group to serve on the committee, if possible. Its focus will shift towards communicating
between the working groups, and educating people in Student Affairs.
Additionally, the committee considered having representatives from Student Affairs
come to monthly meetings, both to pass our message of sustainability to their
departments, and to get feedback from them on their particular needs or challenges.
The committee discussed the potential to serve as consultants for people who want to host
an event, and incorporate sustainable practices into it (i.e. waste free events).
Sustainability Tips
Weekly sustainability tips will continue this year, and the committee discussed shaping
them into the form of a newsletter using MS Publisher templates. Rather than shift the
responsibility between committee members each month, the committee considered
having each of the four working groups come up with 8-10 tips that could be used,
throughout the year, and compiled into one document, and stored on the K Drive. Ideas
discussed included:
- doing monthly themes
- local foods for November / Thanksgiving
- waste reduction and consumption for December / holidays (i.e. shopping at the
Farmer’s Market and Duck the Malls to buy locally)
- energy in January
- including a few EJ tips
- first tip to be the Pesticide Load list on Natalie’s door
Natalie will compile the list for the first tips and send out on Monday.
Next Steps
The committee will need to decide how often to meet, but wants to connect with other
committee members first, and possibly invite new people (reps from working groups)
before establishing that. Also, we will need to revisit the revised charge with everyone