Kate J Bowers

Kate J Bowers
Address: Flat 3, 50 Pear Tree Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1V 3SB
Date of Birth: 22nd July 1972
Telephone (home): 0207 336 6121
Telephone (work): 0207 324 3028
Email address: k.bowers@ucl.ac.uk
Employment Experience
Feb 2004Senior Lecturer at the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, School of Public Policy,
University College London.
Sept 1999-Jan 2004
Research Fellow at the Environmental Criminology Research Unit (ECRU), Department
of Civic Design, University of Liverpool.
Sept 1996-Sept 1999
Research Student at the Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool. I
undertook a wide variety of paid project work whilst undertaking my Doctorate.
Nov 1994-Sept 1996
Research Assistant at the Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool.
Successful Grant Applications
October 2004
Home Office/ GOEM: Mapping the Future: A Field Test of
Prospective Hotspotting. Total funding £97,560. Named grant
holder and Supervisor
April 2004
Central Saint Mary’s College: Evaluation of the Crime Free
Chair. Total funding £13,500. Principal Investigator and
Jan 2004
British Academy International Activities Network grant:
Predicting patterns of Criminal Activity.
Total funding £27,500 (£13,500 from the British Academy and the
remainder levered in from the project partners the Netherlands
Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and
Temple University). Named grant holder
April 2003
Merseyside Police: A survey of the impact of a new style of
policing on police officers. Total funding £8004. Named grant
March 2003
Children and Young People’s Unit: National Evaluation of On
Track Phase 2 (community profiling strand). In association with
the National Centre for Social Research, Matrix MHA consultants
and the Policy Research Bureau. Total funding £196,919. Principal
Jan 2003
Merseyside Police Authority: Evaluation of Business Crime Direct.
Total funding £20,000. Named grant holder
June 2002
Merseyside Police: Evaluation of Operation Bream (53 bus route).
Total funding £14,918. Principal investigator and supervisor
Jan 2002
ESRC Ph.D studentship, Collaborative CASE award joint funded
by the Home Office: Measuring ' fear of crime'; conceptual issues,
correlates and reduction strategies. Principal supervisor.
Sept 2001
Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions
(DTLR): Evaluation of the New Deals for Communities initiative,
crime domain Total Funding £500,000. I was involved in writing
the bid for this grant.
July 2001
Merseyside Police Authority: Evaluating the effectiveness of alleygates. Total funding £25,122. Named grant holder
October 2000
Home Office Targeted Policing Initiative: Research and
Evaluation of a neighbourhood Policing Strategy. Total funding
£100,000. Named grant holder and supervisor.
April 2000
Home Office Innovative Research Challenge Fund: An
Investigation into Isomorphic Re-victimisation. Total funding
£40,956. Named grant holder.
June 1999
Home Office Burglary Reduction Initiative: Evaluation of the
Northern Projects. Total funding £1.08 million. I was centrally
involved in writing this bid, and successfully applying for a further
£66,497 in September 2000.
May 1996
Single Regeneration Budget Round 3: New Solutions, Further
Actions for the Safer Merseyside Partnership. Total funding £5.5
million over 7 years to be spent throughout Merseyside. I was
centrally involved in writing this bid and my work was recognised
by the Chair of Merseyside Police Authority.
Grant Applications under submission and preparation
Better Lighting and Burglary (with Shane Johnson and Peter
Boyce). Total to be request circa £82,000
NDC Masterplanning Unit: The Criminal Career of Coventry’s
New Deal for Communities area (with Shane Johnson). Total
requested circa £230,000
CrimeStoppers: Reaching the Right People (with Shane Johnson).
Total requested circa £143,000
ESRC: Towards the unification of three theories of Criminology
(with Shane Johnson). Total to be requested circa £45,000.
Teaching and Supervision Experience
2004In my current position, I have a central involvement in running and
developing the MSc in Crime Science, the Diploma in Crime Prevention and Community
Safety and the Certificates in Crime Detections and Crime Prevention. This involves
designing, writing and delivering lectures across a number of different modules,
organising guest lectures, designing and gaining approval for new modules and designing
and marking the assessed work on various modules.
2004Secondary PhD Supervisor: The Perception and Reality of Antisocial Behaviour in Bexley: Towards problem measurement and reduction.
I shared the responsibility for running the Evaluation Research for
Professional Practice module for undergraduates taking the BA in Criminal Justice in the
Department of Sociology. This involved designing, writing and delivering lectures and
assessing student presentations.
Co-supervisor of an ESRC Case Studentship on the fear of crime
I shared the responsibility of running the Sociological Research
module for second year undergraduates in the Department of Sociology. This involved
teaching statistics and more general quantitative methods, supervising computer
practicals and designing and marking project work.
2000- 2001
I was the joint manager of two projects which employed students
from the Department of Civic Design. These were an evaluation of the work of a local
partnership and a project investigating the Crime and Disorder Auditing Process. There
were four different students working on these projects, all of whom I supervised.
Assessor of oral presentations made by undergraduates and
postgraduates in the Department of Civic Design.
Feb -March 1998
Tutor for faculty level training in Computer Resources for Social
Scientists as part of the research training programme for postgraduates. This involved
assisting students in learning about packages such as Word and the Internet.
Oct 1996- Feb 1997 Course lecturer for Quantitative data analysis, statistics and
computing for the Masters degree in Research Methods in the Department of Sociology. I
taught students to conduct statistical analysis both by manual calculation and through the
use of computer packages. I also set and marked the project work connected with the
Research Publications
Refereed Articles
Bowers, K.J., & Johnson, S.D. (in press). A Test of the Boost explanation of Near Repeats, Western
Criminology Review.
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D., & Pease, K. (in press). (Re)Victimisation risk, housing type and area: a
study of interactions Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (in press). Closing off Opportunities for Crime: An
Evaluation of Alleygating. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S. and Pease, K. (2004) Prospective Hotspotting: The Future of Crime Mapping?
British Journal of Criminology 44 (5), 641-658.
Bowers, K. J. & Johnson, S. D. (2005) Domestic burglary repeats and space-time clusters: the dimensions of risk.
The European Journal of Criminology, 2(1), 67-92.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., Jordan, P., Mallender, J., Davidson, N., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2004).
Estimating crime reduction outcomes: How many crimes were prevented? Evaluation, The International
Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 10(3), 327-348.
Newton, A., Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K. (2004) On the Buses, an Evaluation of Safer Travel Initiative.
Submitted to Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management 27(3), 302-319
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D. & Hirschfield, A. (2004). The measurement of crime prevention intensity
and its impact on levels of crime. British Journal of Criminology, 44(3), 1-22.
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. & Johnson, S. (2004). Inter-relationships between Perceptions of Safety,
Anti-social Behaviour and Security Measures in Disadvantaged Areas. Security Journal, 17(1), 9-19
Johnson, S.D., & Bowers, K.J. (2004) The burglary as a clue to the future: the beginnings of prospective
hot-spotting, The European Journal of Criminology, 1(2), 237-255
Johnson, S.D., & Bowers, K.J. (2004). The stability of space-time clusters of burglary. British Journal of
Criminology, 44(1), 55-65
Bowers, K.J. and Johnson, S. (2003). Reducing Burglary Initiative: the role of publicity in crime
prevention, Home Office Research Series 272, London: Home Office.
Johnson, S. and Bowers, K. (2003). Reducing Burglary Initiative: the role of publicity in crime
prevention, Home Office Research Findings 213, London: Home Office.
Johnson, S.D., & Bowers, K.J. (2003). Opportunity is in the eye of the beholder: The role of publicity in
crime prevention. Criminology and Public Policy. 2(3), 201-228.
Bowers, K.J. & Johnson, S.D. (2003). Measuring the Geographical Displacement of Crime, Journal of
Quantitative Criminology. 19(3), 275-301.
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2003). Pushing Back the Boundaries: New
Techniques for Assessing the Impact of Burglary Schemes. Home Office On-line Report 24/03, London:
Home Office.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2003). Pushing Back the Boundaries: New Techniques
for Assessing the Impact of Burglary Schemes. Home Office On-line Report-Summary 24/03, London:
Home Office.
Douglass, J., Bowers, K., Young, C. and Clare, L. (2003) 'Business Crime Direct': Reducing Business
Crime using a Call Centre, Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 5(2), 25-37.
Bowers, K.J., Jennings, J. and Hirschfield, A. (2002) The Crime and Disorder Audit Process: A PostMortem on the First Round. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 4(3), 1932.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2002). Introduction to the Environmental
Criminology and Crime Analysis (ECCA) special edition. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An
International Journal, 4(1), 7-10.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., Young, C.A., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2001). Uncovering the True Picture:
Evaluating Crime Reduction Initiatives using Disaggregate Crime Data. Crime Prevention and Community
Safety: An International Journal, 3(4), 7-24.
Bowers, K. J. (2001): Small Business Crime: the Evaluation of a Crime Prevention Initiative, Crime
Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 3(1),.23-42
Bowers, K. J. and Hirschfield, A. (1999): Exploring Links Between Crime and Disadvantage in North
West England: an Analysis Using Geographical Information Systems, International Journal of
Geographical Information Science, 13(2), 159-184.
Bowers, K.J., Hirschfield, A. and Johnson, S.D. (1998) Victimisation Revisited: A Case Study of NonResidential Repeat Burglary on Merseyside. British Journal of Criminology, 38(3), 429-452.
Hirschfield A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1998): The Geography of Crime and Disadvantage: An English
Case Study. The Japanese Journal Crime and Delinquency (Hanzai to Hiko), 3,.77-106.
Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1997): The Development of a Social, Demographic and Land Use
Profiler for Areas of High Crime, British Journal of Criminology, 37(1), 103-120.
Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Bowers, K. J. (1997): The Effect of Social Cohesion on Levels of Recorded
Crime in Disadvantaged Areas, Urban Studies, 34(8), 1275-1295.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J. and Hirschfield, A.F.G. (1997): New Insights into the Spatial and Temporal
Distribution of Repeat Victimisation, British Journal of Criminology, 37(2), 224-241.
Hirschfield, A.F.G., Bowers, K.J. and Brown, P.J.B (1995): Exploring Relations Between Crime and
Disadvantage on Merseyside, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 3 (3), 93-112.
Refereed articles submitted, under revision or in preparation
Johnson, S.D, Bowers, K.J., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (submitted). The Impact of Situational Crime
Prevention on Residents: A Case Study of Alley-gating. Submitted to The International Review of
Townsley, M., Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., & Pease, K. (in prep). Perceptions of policing amongst
police officers. To be submitted to Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and
Edited Book
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (Eds) (2001) Mapping and Analysing Crime Data: Lessons from
Research and Practice. Taylor and Francis: London.
Special Edition of Journal
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., & Hirschfield, A.F.G. (2002). Environmental Criminology and Crime
Analysis (ECCA) special edition. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal
(Guest Eds), 4(1).
Book Chapters
Farrell, G., Bowers, K., & Johnson, S.D. (2004). Cost-benefit analysis for crime science: making costbenefit analysis useful through a portfolio of outcomes. In M. Smith and N. Tilley (eds.) Launching Crime
Science. London: Willan.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K. and Pease, K. (2004). Predicting the Future or Summarising the Past? Crime
Mapping as Anticipation. In M. Smith and N. Tilley (eds.) Launching Crime Science. London: Willan.
Johnson, S.D. and Bowers, K. (in press) Using Publicity for Preventive Purposes, in Nick Tilley (editor)
Handbook of Crime Prevention: Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Willan
Douglass, J., Bowers, K., Young, C. and Clare, L. (2003) 'Business Crime Direct': Reducing Business
Crime using a Call Centre. Crime at Work Series Number 3. Perpetuity Press.
Young, C., Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K., and Johnson, S (2002). Evaluating situational crime prevention:
the Merseyside 'alleygating' schemes. In D. Kidner and G. Higgs (eds) Socio-Economic Applications of
Geographic Information Science, Innovations in GIS 9. Taylor and Francis
Hirschfield, A.F.G., Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K. (2001). Review of Major Policy Developments and
evidence: Crime Domain. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (2001) Introduction in Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (eds) Mapping and
Analysing Crime Data: Lessons from Research and Practice. Taylor and Francis.
Bowers, K., Newton, M. and Nutter, R. (2001) A GIS-linked Database for Monitoring Repeat Domestic
Burglary in Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (eds) Mapping and Analysing Crime Data: Lessons from
Research and Practice. Taylor and Francis
Hirschfield, A.F.G., Yarwood, D. and Bowers, K.(2001) Spatial Targeting and GIS: The Development of
New Approaches for Use in Evaluating Community Safety Initiatives in M. Madden and G. Clarke, (eds)
Regional Science in Business, Springer-Verlag.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (2000) Targeting Resources for Crime Prevention, in Ballintyne, S.,
Pease, K. and McLaren, V. (eds) Key Issues in Crime Prevention, Crime Reduction and Community
Safety., IPPR: London
Bowers, K and Hirschfield, A. (1998) High Risk, Low Risk: The Use of Data in the Identification of
Potential Targets of Commercial Crime Offenders, in Gill, M (Ed) Crime at Work: Increasing the Risk for
Offenders (Volume ii), Perpetuity Press.
Hirschfield A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1998): Monitoring, Measuring and Mapping Community Safety in
A.Marlow and J.Pitt (eds) Planning Safer Communities, Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing, p.189-212.
Conference Proceedings
Bowers, K and Hirschfield, A. (1998) The Seasonal, Temporal and Spatio-temporal Analysis of NonResidential Crime, Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime
Analysis, pp. 6-22, Master en Estudis Policials, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona
Hirschfield, A.F.G., Yarwood, D. and Bowers, K. (1997): Crime Pattern Analysis, Spatial Targeting and
GIS: The Development of New Approaches for use in Evaluating Community Safety Initiatives. Crime and
Health Data Analysis Using GIS: Workshop Proceedings, SCGISA, Sheffield.
Other Articles
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D., Hirschfield, A.F.G, & Young, C.A. (2003). Investigating the Crime
Reduction Claims of NDC Partnerships. New Deal for Communities National Evaluation Research Report
3. Sheffield Hallam University.
Bowers, K and Newton, M. (1999) Safety for Small Business: A Strategy to Tackle Repeat Burglaries in
High Crime Neighbourhoods, Digest, pp.25-27, Home Office Crime Prevention College
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K., Pease, K. and Grundy, M.(1999) How well prepared are Police Forces and
Local Authorities for the Crime and Disorder Act? Police Review, 8th January 1999.
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K., Pease, K. and Grundy, M. (1998): Counting on Crime, Results from a
National Survey of Local Authorities and Police Forces Municipal Journal, 4th December 1998, pp. 18-19
Hirschfield, A., Brown, P. and Bowers, K.J. (1996) Neighbourhood Composition and Crime ‘Hotspots’:
Preliminary Results from the Merseyside Crime and Disadvantage Study, Focus on Police Research and
Development, 7,London: Home Office Police Research Group, pp. 38-41.
Hirschfield, A., Brown, P. and Bowers, K.J. (1995) Disadvantaged Areas and Crime ‘Hot Spots’:
Applications of STAC in North West England, STAC News, Illinois Criminal Justice Information
Authority: Chicago, pp.3-4
Working Papers
Bowers, K., Brown, P. and Hirschfield, A. (1997) The Development of a Non-Residential Classification
of Areas: Its Application to Crime Analysis, URPERRL Working Paper 55, Department of Civic Design,
University of Liverpool.
Bowers, K, Hirschfield, A. and Brown, P. (1996) A Program to Produce Social, Demographic and Landuse Profiles for Areas of High Crime, Civic Design Software Note 7, University of Liverpool
Brown, P.J.B., Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1996): Exploring Relationships between Crime
and Disadvantage on Merseyside: Crime Hotspots and Geodemographic Analysis, URPERRL Working
Paper 52, Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Brown, P. (1996); A Program for the
Identification of Repeat Victimisation, Civic Design Software Note 8, University of Liverpool
Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1995a): Crime and Disadvantage in North West England: The Role
of Spatial Segregation, Severity of Deprivation and Neighbourhood Location, URPERRL Working Paper
48, Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool.
Hirschfield, A.F.G. and Bowers, K.J. (1995b): The Effect of Social Cohesion on Levels of Recorded
Crime in Disadvantaged Areas, URPERRL Working Paper 53, Department of Civic Design, University of
Hirschfield, A.F.G., Bowers, K.J. and Brown, P.J.B (1995): Exploring Relations Between Crime and
Disadvantage on Merseyside: Some Preliminary Findings, URPERRL Working Paper 49, Department of
Civic Design, University of Liverpool
Selected Final Reports
Douglass, J., Bowers, K., Young, C. and Clare, L. (2003) Business Crime Direct; Evaluation of the
Home Office (Targeted Policing) Funded Initiative. Final report to the Home Office.
Northern Consortium (2002) Home Office Reducing Burglary Initiative: Final Report for the North East,
North West and Merseyside Regions to the Home Office.
Newton, A., Johnson, S and Bowers, K. (2002) On the buses: An Evaluation of a Safer Travel Initiative.
Final report to Merseytravel and Merseyside Police
Robson, B., Deas, I., Mazzei, M., Whyte, D., Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. & Johnson, S. (2002)
Developing new approaches to the measurement of deprivation. A report to the Association of London
Johnson, S. and Bowers, K. (2002) Targeting the girl next door? Examining the phenomenon of spacetime clusters of burglary. Final Report on the Innovative Challenge Fund Grant to the Home Office.
Bowers, K., Hirschfield, A., Lloyd, E., Swatridge, L. and Moore, A. (2000) Monitoring and Evaluation
Report Number 3: Assessment of Scheme Impact. Final report to the Huyton Regeneration Partnership.
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K., Marsden, J., Brown, P. and Farnworth, N. (1998) Greater Manchester
County Fire Service Research Study. Final report to Greater Manchester County Fire Service
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K., and Yarwood, D. (1998) Levels of Crime Surrounding Prisons. Final report
to the Home Office.
Research Presentations and Invited Talks
Bowers, K. and Johnson, S. (11/04) Quantifying the Sustainability of Crime Prevention Measures.
Presentation to the American Society of Criminology Conference, Nashville, USA
Johnson, S. and Bowers,K. (11/04) Theory led crime mapping: towards unification. Presentation to the
American Society of Criminology Conference, Nashville, USA
Bowers, K. and Johnson, S. (09/04) Mapping the future or Summarising the past: the effectiveness of
prospective crime mapping. Presentation to the European Society of Criminology Conference, Amsterdam,
Johnson, S. and Bowers, K. (09/04) Quantifying the Sustainability of Crime Prevention Measures.
Presentation to the European Society of Criminology Conference, Amsterdam, Holland
Johnson, S.D. and Bowers, K. (07/04) A test of the boost explanation of near repeats. Presentation to the
12th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis, Wellington, New Zealand
Johnson, S.D. and Bowers, K. (06/04). Mathematical Modelling of Criminality in the Urban
Environment. EU-supported project NETIAM workshop. June, Florence, Italy.
Newton, A., Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K.J. (04/04). On the Buses: An Evaluation of a Safer Travel
Initiative. The seventh Annual International Crime Mapping Research Conference, Boston, USA.
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D. and Hirschfield, A.F.G. (03/04). Evaluating Situational Crime Prevention:
A Case-study of Alley-gating. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., and Pease, K. (03/04). Prospective Mapping: One Future of Crime
Mapping? Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, USA.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., and Pease, K. (03/04). Repeat Victimisation and the Communicability of
Risk. Invited Presentation to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. Albany, USA.
Bowers, K.J. and Johnson, S.D. (03/04). The Role of Publicity in Crime Prevention. Invited
presentation to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. Albany, USA.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., and Pease, K. (03/04). Recent hotspot research and its practical
implications. Home Office Dissemination Event, March, London.
Bowers, K.J., and Johnson, S.D. (03/04). Publicity and Burglary Reduction. Home Office Dissemination
Event, March , London.
Bowers, K.J., and Johnson, S.D. (01/04). Publicity and Burglary Reduction. Home Office Dissemination
Event, York.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., and Pease, K. (01/04). Recent hotspot research and its practical
implications. Home Office Dissemination Event, York.
Bowers, K.J., and Johnson, S.D. (12/03). Publicity and Burglary Reduction. Home Office Dissemination
Event , Old Trafford Manchester.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., and Pease, K. (12/03). Recent hotspot research and its practical
implications. Home Office Dissemination Event, Old Trafford Manchester.
Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K.J. (11/03). Could publicising phantom crime prevention activity reduce
crime? Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, Denver, USA.
Bowers, K.J., Johnson, S.D., and Pease, K. (11/03). Prospective Hotspots: Some Preliminary Findings.
Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, Denver, USA.
Pease, K., Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K.J. (10/03). Crime and the Crystal Ball. Keynote address at the
Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology conference, Sydney, Australia.
Bowers, K.J., and Johnson, S.D. (09/03). The geographical movement of a crime: A
consequence of crime prevention? Invited paper presented at the Association for Geographic Information
Conference 2003.
Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K.J. (08/03). Isomorphic Revictimisation: The Dimensions of Risk. To be
presented at the European Society of Criminology Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Bowers, K.J., and Johnson, S.D. (08/03). An Evaluation of the effectiveness of Alley-gates. To be
presented at the European Society of Criminology Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Newton, A.D., Johnson, S.D. and Bowers, K. (08/03) ‘On the Buses’. An Evaluation of A Safer Travel
Initiative. Presented at the European Society of Criminology Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Hirschfield, A. Bowers, K. J., and Johnson, S. (07/03) Alleygating. Presented to the 11th International
Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis, Cincinnati, USA
Johnson, S.D., and Bowers, K.J. (05/03). The use of statistics in Criminological Enquiry. Invited paper to
the Royal Statistical Society. London.
Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J, Townsley, M. & Pease, K.. (14/11/02): New Directions in Repeat
Victimisation Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, Chicago, USA.
Johnson, S.D., & Bowers, K.J. (5/09/02): Measuring the Displacement of Crime. Paper presented at the
European Society of Criminology Conference, Toledo, Spain.
Bowers, K.J., & Johnson, S.D. (5/09/02): The role of publicity in crime prevention. Paper presented at the
European Society of Criminology Conference, Toledo, Spain.
Bowers, K.J., & Johnson, S.D. (18/07/02): Identifying repeat victimization and policy implications of
research. Invited paper presented at the British Society of Criminology Conference, Keele, UK.
Townsley, M., Johnson, S.D., Bowers, K.J., & Pease, K. (18/07/02): New directions in repeat
victimization research. Invited paper presented at the British Society of Criminology Conference, Keele,
Johnson, S.D., & Bowers, K.J. (11/11/01): An investigation into virtual revictimisation. Paper presented at the
American Society of Criminology conference, Atlanta, USA.
Johnson, S., Bowers, K., Hirschfield, A. and Young, C. (18/06/01): Findings from a BRI project: and
evaluation of the Liverpool SDP. Presented to the 10th International Seminar on Environmental
Criminology and Crime Analysis, Liverpool, England.
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (8/05/01): ‘The Design, Content and use of Crime and Disorder Audits: A
Reflection on Recent Experiences in Britain.’. Invited presentation to the Merseyside Crime and Disorder
Auditing Group.
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (17/10/00): ‘The Design, Content and use of Crime and Disorder Audits:
A Reflection on Recent Experiences in Britain.’ Presented to the American Society of Criminology Annual
Meeting, San Francisco
Young, C. Bowers, K. Johnson, S. and Hirschfield, A. (6/7/00): ‘Monitoring Changes in Crime Rates
and Identifying Buffer and Comparison Areas.’ Presented to the British Society of Criminology
Conference, Scarman Centre, University of Leicester
Johnson, S. and Bowers, K. (21/6/00): ‘An Investigation into Repeat Crimes Against the Person.’
Presented to the 9th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis, Perth,
Western Australia.
Bowers, K. and Johnson, S. (31/5/00): ‘Home Office Burglary Reduction Initiative: Crime Data
Analysis.’ Invited presentation to NACRO and Crime Concern, Government Office for the North West,
Bowers, K. and Johnson, S. (29/3/00) ‘Using Geographic Information in Crime Analysis’ Invited
presentation to French Urban Risk Management MSc students, Department of Civic Design, University of
Hirschfield, A., Yarwood, D. and Bowers, K. (6/9/99): ‘Identifying Crime Hotspots: an Evaluation of
Alternative Approaches using GIS.’ Presented to the 11th European Colloquium on Quantitative and
Theoretical Geography, Castle College, Durham.
Brown, P., Merrall, S., Bowers, K. and Marsden, J. (14/7/99): ‘Community Safety Project Targeting: the
use of Geodemographics and GIS in the Identification of Priority Areas for Action.’ Presented at the British
Society of Criminology Conference, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
Johnson S., Bowers, K. and Hirschfield,A. (14/7/99): ‘Repeat Crimes: A New Analysis.’ Presented at the
British Society of Criminology Conference, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
Johnson, S. and Bowers, K. (4/6/99): ‘The Identification and Analysis of Repeat Crimes on Merseyside.’
Presented to representatives of the National Council for Crime Prevention in Sweden.
Bowers, K. (30/4/99): ‘The Risk of Repeat Burglary at Commercial Premises’. Invited presentation to the
Ex Police In Industry and Commerce (EPIC) Annual General Meeting, Bournemouth, Dorset.
Bowers, K. and Johnson, S.D. (25/3/99): ‘Using Police Data in Crime Analysis’. Presented to the Crime
Analyst Supervisors of Merseyside Police.
Bowers, K. (17/3/99): ‘The Image of Merseyside, the Perception of Crime and Inward Investment.’
Presented to the Department of Civic Design Research Forum, University of Liverpool.
Bowers, K and Johnson, S.D. (24/2/99): ‘Using Police Data in Crime Analysis’. Presented to the Crime
Analysts of Merseyside Police
Bowers, K. (11/12/98): ‘Mapping Business Crime: A Case Study for Merseyside, England.’ Presented at
Mapping Out Crime; The Second Annual Crime Mapping Research Conference, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Bowers, K. (26/11/98): ‘A Small Business Crime Prevention Advisory Service.’ Presented to members of
the Safer Merseyside Partnership, the SME Security Group and Merseyside Police, Merseyside Police
Authority, Liverpool.
Bowers, K. (19/10/98): ‘The Safer Merseyside Partnership Small Business Strategy.’ Presented to the
Speke Garston Business Leaders Group, Mersey House, Speke.
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (23/6/98) ‘The Seasonal and Temporal Analysis of Non-Residential
Crime.’ Presented to the 7th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis,
Barcelona, Spain.
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield A. (19/5/98): ‘Improving the Safety of Merseyside’s Small Businesses.’
Workshop at a Business in the Community Conference; ‘ Merseyside- A Safe Place to do Business?’
Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (9/12/97): ‘Identifying, Analysing and Mapping Repeat Burglary Targets.’
Presented to the Greater Manchester Police and Henry Fielding Seminar Series 4, on Burglary- Prevention,
Detection and Victim Support
Bowers, K. (1/12/97): ’The Safer Merseyside Partnership Small Business Strategy.’ Presented to Wirral
Community Safety Executive, Wallasey Town Hall
Bowers, K. (13/11/97): ‘The Safer Merseyside Partnership Small Business Strategy.’ Presented to the St
Helens Community Safety Executive, St Helens Town Hall.
Bowers, K. (18/9/97): ‘Commercial Victimisation.’ Invited presentation to Loughborough University
Security Research Group, Loughborough.
Burrows, J. and Bowers, K. (16/9/97): ‘Crime and Small Business’ Workshop at ‘What Works in Crime
Prevention?’ organised by the Home Office Crime Prevention College, Queens Hotel, Leeds
Bowers, K., Brown, P. and Hirschfield, A. (10/9/97): ‘The Development of a Non-Residential
Classification of Areas: Its Application to Crime Analysis.’ Presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the
Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section, Falmouth, Cornwall.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (5/9/97): ‘Crime Pattern Analysis, Spatial Targeting and GIS: Evaluating
the Safer Merseyside Partnership Initiative.’ Presented to the Seminar on the Mapping and Analysis of
Geographically-referenced Crime Data, University of Liverpool
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. and Brown, P. (16/7/97): ‘Neighbourhood Location, Social Cohesion and
Disadvantage in Urban Areas: A Merseyside Case Study.’ Presented to the British Criminology
Conference, Queens University, Belfast.
Bowers and Harding, S. (8/7/97): ‘How can the British Crime Survey and Other Data be Used to Inform
Crime Prevention?’ Workshop at A Force to be Reckoned with.. How British Crime Survey Analysis Can
Work for You. McAlpine Stadium, Huddersfield
Bowers, K. (23/6/97): ‘Repeat Victimisation Against Commercial Premises: A Case Study for Merseyside,
England.’ Presented at the 6th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis,
Oslo, Norway.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (17/6/97): ‘New Insights into Repeat Victimisation.’ Presented to the
Home Office Seminar Series, Home Office, London
Bowers, K. and Hirschfield, A. (10/6/97): ‘Crime Against Business: Experiences on Merseyside.’
Presented at the Designing Out Crime for Business Seminar, the Henry Fielding Centre, University of
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. and Yarwood, D. (22/5/97): ‘Crime Pattern Analysis, Spatial Targeting and
the Evaluation of Community Safety Initiatives; A GIS Approach.’ Presented to the Health and Crime
Workshop, Sheffield.
Hirschfield, A., Brown, P. and Bowers, K. (21/11/96): ‘New Perspectives on Relationships Between
Crime, Neighbourhood Location, Social Cohesion and Disadvantage in Urban Areas.’ Presented to the 48th
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois.
Brown, P., Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (8/96): ‘Establishing Links between Crime and Disadvantage
on Merseyside: Patterns, Processes and Policing Responses.’ Presented at the 36th European Congress of
the Regional Science Association, Zurich, Switzerland
Hirschfield, A and Bowers, K. (2/7/96) ‘The Geography of Crime and Disadvantage: An English Case
Study.’ Presented at the 5th International Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis,
Tokyo, Japan.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (11/95): ‘Crime and Disadvantage in North West England: the Role of
Spatial Segregation, Severity of Deprivation and Neighbourhood Location.’ Presented to the 47th Annual
Conference of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, Mass. USA.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (11/95): ‘Exploring Links between Crime and Disadvantage in North
West England: an Analysis Using Geographical Information Systems.’ Presented to the 47th Annual
Conference of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, Mass. USA.
Brown, P., Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (9/95): ‘Crime and the Spatial Concentration of Disadvantage
on Merseyside: Relationships between the Location of Victim, Offence and Offender on Merseyside.’
Presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International: British and
Irish Section.
Brown, P., Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (8/95): ‘Exploring Relationships Between Crime and
Disadvantage on Merseyside: Crime Hotspots and Geodemographic Analysis.’ Presented at the 35th
European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Odense, Denmark.
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. and Brown, P. (7/95): ‘Exploring Relationships Between Crime and
Disadvantage on Merseyside.’ Presented to the 47th Annual Conference of the American Society of
Criminology, Robinson College, Cambridge.
Hirschfield, A. and Bowers, K. (20/7/95): ‘Crime Patterning and the Concentration of Disadvantage on
Merseyside.’ Presented at the British Criminology Conference, University of Loughborough.
Hirschfield, A., Bowers, K. and Brown, P. (2/2/95): ‘Crime and Disadvantage on Merseyside: An
Analysis Using Crime Statistics, Census Data and Geographical Information Systems.’ Presented to
Manchester Census Group Seminar Series.
Education and Qualifications
1996- 1999
Ph.D in Criminology, Department of Civic Design, University of
(Thesis title: Crime Against Non-Residential Properties: Patterns of
Victimisation, Impact upon Urban Areas and Crime Prevention Strategies)
MA in Psychology, University of Liverpool.
(Final mark awarded: 69%)
Bsc (Hons) in Natural Science, University of Durham
(Class 2, Division 1, included units in Psychology, Philosophy and
Five 'A' Levels, West Kirby Grammar School for Girls
(Mathematics (A), Chemistry (B),General Studies (A), Physics(B)
Further Mathematics (B))
Research Interests
Repeat victimisation of individuals and households; evaluation studies; crime
displacement and diffusion of benefit; virtual or near repeat victimisations (where victims
have got common characteristics); business crime; quantitative methods in criminology;
deprivation and crime; crime mapping in space and time; crime and disorder auditing;
role of publicity in crime prevention.
 Detailed knowledge of quantitative data analysis and statistics;
 Extensive experience in using statistical computer packages, especially SPSS for windows;
 Extensive use of Geographical Information Systems for analysing the spatial distribution of
crime and fire and their relationships with other characteristics (such as census data, land use
and other demographic information);
 Familiarity with and development of crime pattern analysis tools;
 Use of computer programming software (especially Fortran);
 Experience in the assimilation and cross-referencing of large quantities of data from various
 Extensive experience of the production and implementation of surveys and questionnaires;
 Experience in conducting in-depth face-to-face interviews and the analysis of resulting
 Involvement in the production of web pages;
 Familiarity with the Census of Population;
 Use of many other computer packages and platforms such as Microsoft Office, Web
navigation software, unix and email software;
 Field work experience of collecting primary information from different organisations for
evaluation purposes.
External Consultancy Activities
In my current position, I undertake a number of different forms of consultancy work.
These include:
 Helping to design and run the short courses offered by the Jill Dando Institute of
Crime Science. These include a five day intensive course for Crime Analysts and
one day Master Classes for policy makers. The five day course was held for
Police Personnel in New Zealand in June 2004 and for a general audience in
November 2004. The one day Master Class ran in October 2004.
 Facilitating workshops for crime prevention partnerships in Belfast, Northern
 Consultation on Home Office funded projects. Currently these include input into
the Police Standards Unit Good Practice Guide on Mapping and the evaluation of
GIS based information sharing systems project
I have (with colleagues) undertaken a number of pieces of consultancy with various other
agencies including:
 Advice to Crime and Disorder Partnerships in Lancashire on the production of
Crime and Disorder Audits and Strategies (commissioned by Lancaster Local
 A report to the Association of London Government (ALG) on potentially useful
indicators for the Index of Local Deprivation.
 The derivation of relevant control/comparison areas for the evaluation of Drug
Testing in the Criminal Justice System (commissioned by MHA consultants)
 The estimation of under-reporting and recording in Knowsley, for the Knowsley
Crime and Disorder Audit (commissioned by Knowsley Local Authority)
 Scoping work for the evaluation of the Small Retailers in Deprived Areas
Initiative (commissioned by the Home Office)
 Identification of comparison areas and measuring geographical displacement for
Crime Reduction evaluations (commissioned by the Home Office on behalf of
Other Relevant Information
 I have recently been appointed as the external examiner on the BSc in Criminology
and Social Policy at Loughborough University.
 I am on the American Society of Criminology organising committee for the meeting in
Toronto, 2005.
 I have refereed for the Home Office Policing and Reducing Crime Unit Series, the
International Journal of Crime Prevention and Community Safety, The International
Review of Victimology, The Town Planning Review and the Security Journal.
 The Environment Criminology Research Unit was host to the 10th International
Seminar on Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis. This was for invited
delegates and speakers including some of the most eminent criminologists in the
world. I was a key member of the conference organising committee for this event and
was involved in many of the organisational aspects such as the conference program
(academic and social) and attracting funding for the event.
 I am eligible for membership of the BPS
 I assisted the Barnet Education Business Partnership in an event to encourage girls of
age 14-15 to pursue careers in science and technology. I spoke to the girls about my
own career and how a scientific background had assisted in my development.
 I am a member of the European Society of Criminology
1. Professor Gloria Laycock,
Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science,
3rd Floor, 1 Old Street,
University College London,
Tele: 0207 324 3000
2. Dr Alex Hirschfield,
Department of Civic Design,
Gordon Stephenson Building,
74 Bedford Street South,
University of Liverpool,
L69 7ZQ
Tele: 0151 794 3110
Fax: 0151 794 3125
3. Prof Ken Pease OBE
19 Withypool Drive,