David Cole - development of MC generators


e-A Event Generator

Some profound thoughts

• Yes, we need one. ( when?


• No, nothing suitable currently exists.

• Yes, writing and maintaining one will require substantial effort.

• No, we can’t ask theorist(s) to sacrifice their career simply to provide us one.

 And even if we did ask they w(sh)ould say no.

• Writing/assembling an e-A event generator will require experimental/theory partnership.

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Goals (What do we need it for?)

• Acceptance/efficiency corrections for physics.

• Detailed detector design/performance studies.

• High-level detector design (?), rate estimates

• Physics studies of not-so-obvious final states

 e.g. forward b jet  B (?)  semi-leptonic e.

• Test-bed for evaluating experimental sensitivity to different theoretical input.

• “Codifying” a self-consistent reference version of saturation, final-state interactions, diffraction, …

• Tool for developing intuition re: e-p/eA physics

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Physics (what goes in -- ideally)

• Full e-parton physics, including IS/FS radiation

 How to not reinvent the wheel?

 i.e. can we easily splice w/ existing e-p generators?

• Implemented with Nuclear PDFs ?

 Obvious next step, but is it really the right approach?

 Issues:

– b dependence of PDFs

– Shadowing/saturation  scattering off multiple nucleons, so coupled with description of nuclear fragmentation

 Target rest frame/dipole picture might be better for describing/implementing low-x interactions

 But then still need not-low-x: EMC, anti-shadowing

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Physics (what goes in -- ideally) (2)

• pQCD final state: parton shower + fragmentation

• Outgoing parton interaction w/ nucleus

 Tricky: separating coherent higher-twist corrections from incoherent FSI.

 Hadron cascade for hadronization inside nucleus

 Nuclear modification of hadronization

• Diffraction (hard + soft)

 What is best physical picture and can we easily combine with non-diffractive EG – or separate?

• Nucleon fragmentation, nuclear cascade

 Simulate nuclear fragment distributions? How?

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Physics -- Comments

• The combination of physics listed above would result in most sophisticated event generator ever.

 Daunting challenge given that much of that physics has never been implemented in an event generator.

 And some of it is not completely (!) understood.

 And even what we do understand evolves with time.

• But, we’re planning on building an entirely new facility where e-A is critical part of the program.

 If we can’t take the time to put our best understanding of the relevant physics into an event generator then …

 Yes, but consider RHIC …

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What exists, is maintained, is relevant?

• CASCADE (Jung) – low-x e-p, p-p (maintained)?

• RAPGAP (Jung) – Inclusive, diffractive DIS (p)

 With EM radiative processes

• LEPTO (Ingleman et al ) – Inclusive, diffractive DIS.

 Is it still maintained? (web page updated 2004)

• DPMJET (III) (Engel, Ranft) – Does e-A, intra-nuclear cascade, evaporation, fission

 Uses LEPTO as start for e-A, CASCADE instead?

 Good starting point but no specific low-x treatment

 Nuclear PDFs? – probably not.

• DPMJET is only viable e-A option as far as I know.

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Long-term Considerations

• We’re considering a physics program that will likely be still running 20 years from now.

 Lots of time for improving & evolving event generator.

 But many of existing event generators are already 10-

20 years old. And look it …

 How many students can read Fortran any more?

• We should look towards the future:

 Pythia 8 written in C++ (almost ready for prime time)

 Herwig++

 Presumably others will follow.

• With some strategic thinking/planning we could take advantage of this revolution.

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Low-x physics: larger considerations

• RHIC and LHC also need a low-x event generator.

 (semi) hard scattering processes at low x in p/d-A

– With BFKL decorrelation, Cronin, forward shadowing

 Inclusive particle production, multiplicity, …

• Would be extremely helpful to have a “complete” and self-consistent saturation-based generator.

 Would force us to collect, assimilate, make consistent everything we know about low-x physics in one place.

• Not an EIC Collaboration issue per se but would provide valuable foundation for an e-A generator that incorporates saturation.

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How to proceed?

One possible strategy

• Adopt DPMJET as temporary solution

• Decide that EIC collab. is going to catalyze the creation of new e-A generator.

• Set up working group/task force/??? to:

 Talk to experienced event generator authors

 Get ideas from low-x gurus

 Organize a workshop to get experts together

 Solicit participation from non-EIC interests @ RHIC, LHC

 Define the scope of event generator, basic approach

 Start working.

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• We will need an event generator for e-A that includes the most important physics.

• Such a generator doesn’t exist.

• Experience at RHIC indicates that we cannot count on spontaneous generation of one.

• So, we have to be proactive and make it happen.

 It’s too big a job for 1 or 2 people.

 We need a joint effort of experimentalists & theorists

 It should be well thought out and well organized

 It should use modern computing tools, libraries.

• While the above is going on use DPMJET

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