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Press Release
ESADE-HEC form Strategic Alliance
June 15, 2006, HEC School of Management
presided by the Honorary Chairpersons
Noëlle Lenoir,
President of the HEC Europe Institute, former French Minister of European affairs, and
His Excellency Francisco Villar y Ortiz de Urbina,
Ambassador of Spain
After more than 30 years of close and successful collaboration, ESADE and HEC enter a
new phase of innovative co-development.
ESADE and HEC, co-founders in 1989 of the CEMS* Network, continue in 2006 to support
the development of the CEMS both inside and outside of Europe. At the same time, they
have now committed themselves to increase synergies between their two faculties and to
further develop cooperation between programs.
A strategic alliance encompassing all dimensions of the activities of the two schools:
double-degree agreements for both MBA & and Master of Science of Management
joint faculty projects for teaching and research in key disciplines, such as strategy and
governance, management control, logistics, innovation, management of art and culture,
languages, human resource management, and finance and law.
joint faculty recruitment and development
joint programs abroad (Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean
Faculty interactivity will form the core of the alliance. Examples of already developed
activity which will produce greater synergies are:
the development of ten significant projects covering the breadth of all key management
The “Young Faculty Research Seminar,” to encourage the interaction of recently
recruited faculty members from both institutions. The second meeting of this group will
be held June 16.
The alliance also includes an important joint new initiative - the creation of the “ESADEHEC CEO-Board Forum,” an elite group of directors, CEOs and business experts from
ESADE and HEC faculty – orientated towards the exchange of corporate experiences, joint
research endeavors, and the formulation of educational proposals regarding Corporate
Governance and Social Responsibility.
Finally, the alliance will be unique through a separate collaboration agreement between
the two alumni associations, which when combined represent up to 50,000 graduates
Constitution Ceremony - June 15, 2006
Among the many distinguished guests, the Constitution Ceremony will be honored by the presence
 Mr. Pierre Antoine Gailly - Vice President Treasurer Paris Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Mr. Joan Manuel Soler - Chairman of ESADE Board of Trustees and Mr.
Miquel Valls – President Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
 M. Henri Proglio - President of the HEC Executive Board - CEO Véolia, co president of
Franco-Spanish Forum
 Mrs. Mercedes Erra, President of the HEC Alumni Association – General Director of
Havas - Chairman Euro RSCG Worldwide and Mrs. Patricia Estany, Vice President of
ESADE Alumni Association
 Dr Carlos Losada, General Director of ESADE and Dr Bernard Ramanantsoa, Dean of
HEC School of Management
 The Faculty, Staff and Corporate Partners of ESADE and HEC.
ESADE-HEC “CEO - Board Forum”:
Founding Members of ESADE-HEC “CEO-Board Forum”
Mrs. Marie-Ange Andrieux, BDO - Institut Français des Administrateurs
Mr. Joan Josep Brugera, President of Colonial
Mr. Bernard Castaing, former Vice President of Global Beauty Care of Procter & Gamble (UK) and Member of
the ESADE International Advisory Board
Mrs. Patricia Estany, Vice-President of ESADE Alumni Association and President of Consulnor Catalunya
Mr. Pierre Antoine Gailly, Vice President Treasurer of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Claude Jouven, French Social Investment Forum, Member of HEC International Advisory Board, Former
CEO of City Bank (France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Ireland)
Prof. Carlos Losada, Director General of ESADE, Board member, Gas Natural.
Mr. Xavier Pérez, Vice-President, ESADE Board of Trustees and President of Artisan Partners
Mr. Manuel Raventós, Vice President of Agbar and President of Raventós & Blanc ( not in attendance)
Mr. Josep Miquel Roca, Director General of Roca Corporación Empresarial (not in attendance)
Mr. Narcis Serra, former Vice President of the Spanish Government, former Mayor of Barcelona and
Chairman of Caixa Catalunya (not in attendance)
Mr. Joan Manuel Soler, President, ESADE Board of Trustees and President of Quadis
Mr. Miquel Valls, President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Fichet Industria, and Board
member of SABA, Gas Natural and Mutual Cyclops.
Faculty Leading Experts:
HEC Experts: Pr. Jean-Loup Ardoin, Pr. Xavier Castañer, Pr. Angelo Fanelli, Pr. Nicole Ferry, Pr. Valérie
Gauthier, Pr. Antoine Hyafil, Pr. Jean-Paul Larcon, Pr. Romain Laufer, Pr. Véronique Malleret, Pr. Bertrand
Moingeon, Mme Bérangère Pages- Director Corporate Affairs and Pr. Bernard Ramanantsoa.
ESADE Experts: Pr. David Arenas (not in attendance), Pr. Eugenia Bieto, Pr. Josep Bisbe, Pr. Angel
Castiñeira (not in attendance), Pr. Josep Lozano (not in attendance), Pr. Xavier Mendoza, Pr. Pedro Parada
(not in attendance), Pr. Marcel Planellas (not in attendance), Pr. Alfons Sauquet, and Pr. Miguel Trias.
HEC Rapporteurs: Guilhem Bascle and Camille Saussois-Madelon (HEC Doctoral candidates)
* 1989: Creation of the CEMS network instigated by HEC, ESADE, Luigi Bocconi, Universitat Zu Koln
The Community of European Management Schools and the CEMS Master were established to create a standard for
excellence in European management. 17 of Europe’s most highly regarded business schools together with some 47
corporate partners, endeavour to shape Europe’s management education through a common European curriculum. This
curriculum offers CEMS Master graduates both the academic excellence of their own schools and an innovative European
CEMS management expertise is now acquiring a global reach through the integration of associate academic members
from outside Europe (Mexico, Argentine, Brazil, Canada). Since the first CEMS degree was awarded in 1988, more than
3700 graduates of 47 different nationalities have now successfully taken their place in the European business community.
Press Contacts
HEC School of Management
Andreu Castellano
 +33 1 39 67 94 46
Director adjunto de Comunicación
tel.+34 93 495 20 99 / +34 679 430 768
tel.+33 1 39 67 94 23