Human Research Protocol #: ORSP #: Sponsor Tracking #: Institutional Review Board Protocol Summary Form Directions: Complete the form. Contact with any questions or if you would like feedback on a draft of your protocol prior to IRB review. Type of Review being sought: Exempt Expedited Full Review Principal Investigator (PI): Department: Phone: E-mail: Project Title: PI Certification By submitting this document, I agree to accept primary responsibility for the conduct of this project as approved by the IRB. The project cannot begin until I receive documentation of IRB final approval. Principal Investigator Name Date FOR STUDENTS, a Marquette faculty member must supervise your project. By agreeing to serve as faculty supervisor for this project the Marquette faculty member listed below agrees to review the research plan before submission and provide ongoing supervision and guidance for the project to ensure compliance with human subject research guidelines. Faculty Supervisor Name Faculty Supervisor Department Submission Instructions: Email this completed form and any supporting documents including consent forms, information sheets, surveys, interview questions, etc. as attachments to with the following subject line: New Study Submission for [first and last name of PI] In the body of e-mail, include the title of the study and an itemized list of attachments. The email address of the sender must be the Principal Investigator’s Marquette email. If the PI is a student, the faculty advisor must be cc’d. Once submitted, the IRB will e-mail back a response of receipt. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of submission within 3-5 days of submission, please contact the IRB by phone (288-7570) or email ( to verify receipt. 1 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 ***Please note that in order to choose any of the check boxes on this form, you must double click the box and select "Checked" as the Default Value*** Section A: RESEARCH PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS 1. This is a: Research Proposal Thesis/Dissertation Class Project (list Dept. & Course #): Other (specify): 2. Grant or Contract Funded: Yes Funding is Pending No Sponsor/Source of funding: If external funding, have you registered your project with Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)? Yes No If Yes, Please list your ORSP Reference #:_________________ If your project is grant funded, submit a copy of the funding/grant proposal and list the AGENCY GRANT NUMBER:__________________________ If the project title listed on page 1 of this application is different from your grant title, list the grant title:_____________________ If the funding agency requires an official IRB approval letter or form, list the program area, contact person, title and complete mailing address: 3. Does the investigator or key personnel have a potential financial conflict of interest in this study that should be disclosed? Yes No If Yes, Please explain: 4. PI Status: Undergraduate Graduate Faculty/Administrator Other (specify): 5. Provide the names, titles and affiliations of all investigators (include yourself, co-PIs, other investigators, and students). Please use an attachment if more space is required. OHRP interprets an “investigator” to be any individual who is involved in conducting human subjects research studies. Such involvement includes: obtaining information about living individuals by intervening or interacting with them for research purposes; obtaining identifiable private information about living individuals for research purposes; obtaining the voluntary informed consent of individuals to be subjects in research; and Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 2 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 studying, interpreting, or analyzing identifiable private information or data for research purposes. Note that any collaborative work with another institution will require the submission of that institution's IRB approval letter. Name Institution Status Project Role (Faculty, Grad., Undergrad., etc.) (Co-PI, Key or NonKey Personnel, Consultant, etc.) Contact e-mail Tutorial* (Attached or On File w/ MU ORC) *Please note that Training Certificates are required for all human subject investigators. Certificates can be obtained by visiting and completing the IRB Tutorial Designed by the National Institute of Health. Copies of Training Certificates are to be forwarded to the Office of Research Compliance. 6. Do you wish to have this project considered for Exempted Review? Yes No (See Submission Requirements on ORC web site for definition and list of categories) If Yes, identify the Exemption category number you believe covers your project: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 6 Category 5 Explain your basis for this level of review here: 7. Do you wish to have this project considered for Expedited Review? Yes No (See Submission Requirements on ORC web site for definition and list of categories) If Yes, identify the Expedited Review category number you believe covers your project: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 Category 7 Explain your basis for this level of review here: 8. Inclusive dates of Project: (Project may not start prior to approval) From: IRB Approval Date To: 9. How long is the active involvement of participants in the study? (e.g. six half-hour sessions over six months): 10. Research Location: Where will the research be performed (if not on campus, please provide the full address; if online, please indicate online)? Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 3 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 Note: If the research will be conducted in a school or institution other than Marquette University, include a letter, on letterhead stationery, of permission from that institution and/or its IRB. This letter must be received by the ORC prior to IRB approval. 11. What do you intend to do with the data collected? Publish paper Other (please describe): Present at conferences/meetings Section B: SUBJECT RECRUITMENT 12. Indicate which of the following specially protected groups will be specifically targeted as research participants in this study (Check all that apply): Pregnant Women/Fetuses None of These Children (minors under 18) Prisoners 13. Indicate which of the following potentially vulnerable populations will be specifically targeted as research participants in this study (Check all that apply): College Students* Physically Disabled Institutional Residents Terminally Ill Cognitively Impaired None of These *If using Marquette students, please consult HRP Policy 98.102 Participation of Students and Employees in Research ( 14. Will both genders have an equal opportunity to participate as subjects in this research project? Yes No If No, explain your answer: 15. Will subjects of different racial and ethnic consideration have an equal opportunity to participate in this research project? Yes No If No, explain your answer: 16. How many subjects will be recruited into your research project as justified by the hypothesis and study procedures? a) Total number of subjects required to complete your study: _____ How was this number determined? If a power analysis or other method was used, please include this in your response: b) Total number of subjects to be recruited (to account for drop out, etc.): _____ c) Explain the reason for difference between (a) and (b) above (e.g. past studies have shown that there is a 50% drop out rate for students, the study is longitudinal and a drop out rate of 30% is anticipated): Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 4 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 Please Note: If at a later time it becomes apparent that you need to increase your sample size, you will need to submit an IRB Protocol Amendment Form, including your justification for additional subjects. 17. What is the age range of subjects (please provide a specific range)? 18. What is the source of the subject list? 19. Who will contact the subjects (name and affiliation)? 20. How will subjects be contacted? (Check all that apply) Advertisements* Letters* Telephone Lists Student Pool Direct person-to-person solicitation Other (please specify): Notices* Random Telephone Dialing E-mail* University News Briefs* * A copy must be submitted for IRB approval. For letters, notices, advertisements, and others, submit verbatim copies. 21. Data collection methods: (Check all that apply and provide copies of all tools) Questionnaire or Survey1 Archival Data2 Instruction/Curriculum Testing/Evaluation Observation4 Intervention Focus Groups Other (please describe): Interview Video Recording3 Audio Recording3 1 If conducting an online survey, consult the University’s Online Survey Policy ( 2 If using archival data, describe in the Narrative section (question 48) whether data are de-identified. 3 If you select video and/or audio recording, please provide further explanation in the Narrative section (question 48) regarding confidentiality of the recording(s). 4 If you select observation, please provide further explanation in the Narrative section (question 48) regarding who you plan to observe, where you plan to observe (public or private location), and the type of data you will be collecting. NOTE: If data collection tools are provided in a language other than English, provide both the English and non-English versions. 22. If deception or experimental manipulation is used, please explain why it is necessary (as opposed to convenient) for this study. Include plans for how and when subjects will be debriefed and attach a copy of your debriefing sheet, if applicable: 23. Does any part of this activity have the potential for coercion of the subject (for example, a student being recruited by a teacher who controls his or her grade may feel coerced)? Yes No 24. If Yes, explain and describe the proposed safeguards: Note: If you are planning to recruit Marquette employees or students, consult the HRP Policy regarding Participation of Students and Employees in Research Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 5 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 ( Section C: CONSENT OF RESEARCH SUBJECT 25. What type of consent will be used? You must attach a clean copy that will receive the IRB approval stamp. Consult the ORC website for the consent form instructions and required template. Written Consent Waiver Oral Consent Information Sheet Guardian Permission & Adult Assent Online Consent Parent Permission & Child Assent Other (please describe): 26. If you are requesting a waiver of informed consent, address each of the following: a) The research involves no more than minimal risk to the subjects; b) The waiver will not adversely affect the rights and welfare of the subjects; c) The research could not practicably be carried out without the waiver; and d) Whenever appropriate, subjects will be provided with additional pertinent information after participation. Considering the above requirements for a waiver of informed consent, please describe how your research qualifies for this waiver: 27. Do you intend to use an informed consent document in a language other than English? Yes No If Yes, provide both the English and non-English versions. 28. If you are using an oral consent, describe the rationale, how it will be documented, and include a copy of the oral presentation; it must include all information required of written informed consents: Section D: CONFIDENTIALITY 29. Where specifically will consent forms be kept (building location, room #, please include full address if off campus) AND who will have access? 30. How will research subjects be identified in the research data (by name, code, number, etc.)? 31. At any time during your research will a direct link exist between collected data and research subjects? (i.e. participants' data can be directly linked to their name). For example, data collection sheet has a location for participant’s name to be recorded. Yes No At any time during your research will an indirect link exist between collected data and research subjects? (i.e. participants' data can be indirectly linked to their name.) For example, data collection sheet has a location for subject number to be recorded. In addition, a spreadsheet exists that links that subject number to a participant’s name. Many multi-session and longitudinal studies use indirect links. Yes No Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 6 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 If either of the two above questions are answered “yes,” please describe the provisions for security of any links: 32. When data results are reported/disseminated: Will identifiers be used (for example: participant’s name will be published in article)? Yes No Will it be presented in aggregate form (For example: Group characteristics only=Yes, Individual Quotations=No)? Yes No 33. Will research data (raw data) be available to anyone other than the IRB, sponsor and study personnel? Yes No If Yes, who will this data be shared with, describe how the data will be safeguarded, and be sure to include this information in the consent form (if applicable): 34. Describe how research records, data, electronic data, (including deidentified data) etc. will be stored (i.e. locked file cabinet, password protected computer file, etc.) AND for how long (research records must be maintained a minimum of 3 years; if kept indefinitely, please state this and indicate it on the consent form): 35. Describe how the research records, data, electronic data, (including deidentified data) etc. will be destroyed (i.e. shred paper documents, delete electronic files, etc.), AND address whether they may be used for future research purposes (If records will be used in the future, please indicate this on the consent form): 36. Could any part of this activity result in the potential identification of child/adult/older adult abuse? Yes No If Yes, is the mandatory report of child/adult abuse outlined in your consent? Yes No 37. Could any part of this activity result in the potential identification of communicable diseases or criminal activities? Yes No Section E: BENEFITS AND RISKS TO RESEARCH SUBJECTS 38. Are the direct and indirect benefits to the research subjects for involvement in this project described in their informed consent form? Yes No 39. Describe the possible direct benefits to the subjects. If there are no direct benefits, please state this. Also, describe the possible benefits to society: Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 7 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 40. Will any electrical or mechanical systems that require direct human contact be used (does not include use of computers for data keeping and surveys)? Yes No If Yes, attach a copy of the manufacturer's electrical/mechanical safety specification information for each instrument/device. If the device is custom made, attach detailed description/information on design and safety with respect to human subjects application. ***Also include the most recent safety inspection information documented on either the Marquette University Electrical Safety Testing Documentation form or an equivalent electrical safety testing documentation form. NOTE: Electrical and mechanical safety inspections must be performed and documented on an annual basis. Documentation of the most recent safety inspection must be submitted with the initial protocol, as well as with any subsequent 3-year renewals. 41. Are the nature and degree of potential risks to research subjects described in the consent? Risks can be physical, psychological, economic, social, legal, etc. Yes No 42. Describe the risks to participants and the precautions that will be taken to minimize those risks (these risks should also appear on the consent form). If no risks identified, explain why: Section F: COMPENSATION FOR RESEARCH SUBJECTS 43. Will research subjects be compensated or rewarded? Yes* No If Yes, describe the amount of compensation, how and when it will be disbursed, and in what form: * If subjects are recruited from MU classes, indicate whether students are receiving course credit (regular or extra credit) and, if so, what alternatives are offered to those students who do not wish to participate in the research. Section G: NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION For the following questions, try to use non-technical language that provides a first time reader (from any discipline) with a clear understanding of the research, and avoid abbreviations. Do not "paste" text from the grant proposal, and do not refer to the grant proposal page numbers or include literature citations. Information given should provide the first-time reader with a clear understanding of the proposed research. Focus your answers on the involvement and treatment of human subjects. PROPOSED RESEARCH RATIONALE 44. Describe why you are conducting the study and identify the research question(s) being asked: SUBJECTS TO BE INCLUDED 45. Describe any inclusion and/or exclusion criteria: RECRUITMENT AND OBTAINING INFORMED CONSENT Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 8 Marquette University, IRB Protocol Summary Form Revised 09/13/2013 46. Describe your recruitment process in a step-by-step manner: 47. Describe your informed consent process in a step-by-step manner: SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED 48. Describe the methodology to be used and describe in a step-by-step manner the involvement and treatment of human participants in the research, through to the very end of participation. Identify all data to be collected: Marquette University’s Office of Research Compliance - 560 N. 16th Street, Room 102 Phone: 414-288-7570, Fax: 414-288-6281, Web:, Email: 9