HISTORY OF SERA PRESENTED BY GERALD A. DOEKSEN HISTORY OF SERA FORMED BY SRDC IN JUNE 1990 STARTED AS RURAL HEALTH TASK FORCE MET IN STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI HELD SPRING AND FALL MEETING ORGINIAL MEMBERS Jeff Alwand, VPI Gerald Doeksen, OSU Frank Farmer, U of AR Doris Denkens, Auburn Barbara Garland, NC State Belinda Howard, Alcorn State Gladys Lyles, Tuskegee U William McIntosh, TA&M Michael Miller, U of FL Richard Reinheimer, U of GA Doss Brodna, SRDC Bonnie Teater, SRDC Jacqueline Tisdale, SRDC Products of Task Force 1990 - 1993 Wrote and Published Guidebook – Creating Partnerships in Health Care: A Local Initiative. SRDC Publication No. 156. March 1992 Published document of State Health Initiatives – Rural Health Care State Programs: Long-term Care, Physician Recruitment and Retention, Rural Emergency Medical Services, Migrant Farm Workers. SRDC Publication No. 159, June 1992 Products of Task Force 1990 – 1993 (Continued) Sponsored a Symposium at 1992 Southern Rural Sociology and Southern Agricultural Economics Annual Meetings. Organized a Region-wide Conference “Developing Partnerships for Rural Health” Conference in November 1993. (100 participants which formed state teams.) Products of Task Force 1990 – 1993 (Continued) Proposed to convert to SERA (Southern Regional Extension and Research Activity) Became a SERA-TF5 in 1993 Continued to meet in Spring and Fall SERA-TF5 Members Sara Bagby – SC Mark Purschwize Clemson Kim Alexander - Clemson Joyce Richardson – Clemson Brenda Thames – Clemson Frank Framer – U of AR Glen Hetzel – VPI&SU Ann Peisher – U of GA Bobby Tyson – U of GA Linda Patterson – MS State Gerald Doeksen, OSU Barbara Garland – NC State Michael Schulman – NC State Main Projects Resource Directory – Sara Bagby – South Carolina Position Paper for Administrators – Martha Johnson Curriculum Committee – Linda Patterson – Barbara Garland 1994-1998 Continued to have Spring and Fall Meetings Continued to Work on Above Projects Became a SERA-IEG (Information Exchange Group) Brought in top notch rural health professionals – Example: Barbara Garland hosted a meeting in NC and had Bruce Behringer speak at conference. – Always shared programs. 1994-1998 (Continued) Rural Health resource Directory got up and Running Position Paper – led to creation of a National Extension Health Task Force named “Healthy Communities – Healthy People.” Curriculum Committee – Evolved to the Creation of the Southern Extension Health Institute 1994-1998 (Continued) Conducted a Conference in Biloxi, MS November 1997. the Conference Title “Building rural Health Partnerships” was well attended. Obtained a $25,000 grant from Kellogg to Award Small State Specific Grants to Partners for Conducting Project in Their States. 1999 Activities Included Finalizing Institute Curriculum and Planning First Institute Southern Extension Health Institute October 2000 in Canton, MS. 2000 -- 2004 Conducted Four Health Institutes