Short Response and Budget Form

Student Peacemaking Fellowship Application
Short Response and Budget Form
Summer 2016
Application Deadline: February 15, 2016
E-mail your completed application to Chris Jeske
We strongly encourage you to meet with Chris
if you are interested in applying for a fellowship.
Type your project title here
Type your project subtitle here (optional)
Amount Requested:
$ #,###
Please do not include your name in the responses to these questions. Your
responses will be submitted anonymously to a review committee to ensure fair
judging of all fellowship applications.
1) Describe the goal of your proposed fellowship project. (300 word limit)
Specify how this project relates to and will advance your understanding of nonviolent peacemaking.
Type your response here.
2) Describe the content of your fellowship project by specifically addressing your responsibilities and the nature of
your work. (550 word limit)
Specify what nonviolent peacemaking skills you will develop and how this project is not simply acts of service, kindness, charity, or justice.
Type your response here.
3) Describe 2-3 potential risks, challenges, or obstacles you foresee that could affect your ability to successfully
complete your project and achieve your goals. (400 word limit)
For each, detail what you will do in advance to address this and how you will respond if the risk, challenge, or obstacle becomes a reality.
Type your response here.
4) Provide a logistical timeline of your project including start and end dates, locations visited (with durations), and
modes of transportation.
Indicate how finalized these arrangements are.
Type your response here.
5) Describe your living arrangements at each location your project will take place.
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Indicate how finalized these arrangements are.
Type your response here.
6) Provide contact information for individual(s) and/or organization(s) who will supervise you at each location.
If you do not have this information, indicate when you expect to be able to provide it.
Type your response here.
7) Describe how you identified this project, site, internship, research, delegation, etc. (200 word limit)
As it relates to your project, describe how you identified the sites you will visit, people you will interact with, and organizations you will work with.
Type your response here.
Describe your involvement with the Center for Peacemaking. (300 word limit)
At a minimum, describe three events you have attended and include the topic of the event, the date, and a brief reflection of what you learned from attending.
Type your response here.
(Complete budget questions on next page.)
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9) Complete the budget form for items that apply to your project.
Include a brief explanation for each line item.
Line Item
Application fees
RT Transportation (to and from internship)
Local transportation (at site of internship)
Research (internet, books, etc.)
10) Will you still be able to pursue this project if offered partial funding? (150 word limit)
Indicate other funding you have applied for or fundraising efforts you will undertake. (Esp. if your project cost exceeds the maximum $2,000 request amount).
Type your response here.
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