DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY URGENT REQUEST FOR ENROLLMENT IN A CLOSED/FULL COURSE **READ THIS STATEMENT CAREFULLY/COMPLETE BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM. If you have any questions about this request, contact your academic advisor. The consent to register for a course/section that is full may be granted if you have a compelling reason. Simply wanting to take a course one semester, when it can easily be taken later, or preferring a certain instructor or particular time, is not sufficient. You must show, for example, that without a certain course at this point in your degree program your graduation may be delayed, or that personal reasons of health or employment make special consent necessary. Your reasons, of course, must be backed up by appropriate documentation. For example, if you are appealing for special admission on the grounds of employment schedule, a written statement signed by a verifiable authority must be submitted along with this request. When you understand the conditions for making this request, take the following steps: (1) Complete BOTH sides of this form carefully. (2) Consult your academic advisor to see if s/he can offer you a solution to your scheduling problem which you haven’t considered. (3) Submit the form to the central office of the department for which you are seeking special admission. Note: It is your responsibility to contact the department about the final action on your request. NAME: ______________________________________ YOUR COLLEGE: _________________ M.U. ID NO: _________ YEAR: (circle one) (Fr.) (So.) (Jr.) *(Sr.)* E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________ PHONE NUMBER: __________ MAJOR: ____________ TODAY’S DATE: ___ ADVISOR: _____ SEMESTER COURSE WILL BE TAKEN (fall, spring, summer): ___________________________________________ #1 Course/Section number for which you seek enrollment: _________ #2 Alternate Course/Section number: COMMENT SECTION Below state the reason you need admission to this course (If necessary, attach additional documentation). __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved Denied Modified ___ Dept. Signature: Date: FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Course Section Permission # Expiration Date COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY) (List upcoming semester course schedule on the charts below) COURSE SUBJECT COURSE NUMBER CREDIT HOURS SECTION NUMBER SEMESTER TIME SCHEDULE (Fill in course subject name in each box & indicate any work hours, etc.) HOUR 8:00 AM 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 PM 6:00 7:00 8:00 MON TUES WED THURS FRI Employer or Intern: If basing your urgent request on your work schedule or other commitment (e.g. employer) please list work schedule, contact name, and telephone number. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ List all philosophy courses taken both at Marquette and elsewhere: ____________________________________ Are you a transfer student? Yes No