NYU Langone Medical Center Immune Monitoring Core Office of Collaborative Science Lab: Tisch 355 Ph: 212 263-8035 OCS.IMC@nyumc.org Multiplex Assay Consultation Form Date:________________ Name: ________________________ Email:________________________ Phone #:_______________________ Department: ___________________ PI: _________________________ Study #________________________ Chartfield #:____________________ Study Title: _________________________________________________________ Sample Type (plasma, serum, supernatants, etc) _______________ # Samples:_______________________________________________ Species (human, mouse,etc): ________________________________ Have you already collected your samples?______________________ Replicates greater than 2?____________________ Analytes: Instructions for multiplex assay consultation: 1. To plan a project, please complete the above information. 2. Consultation includes experimental design and creation of a budget. 3. Consultation fee is $60.00/hr