Move Up the PACE: [Parent and Child Enrichment] RCCI Project Coastal Bend College Kingsville, Texas Just west of the Gulf of Mexico, in an area called the Wild Horse Desert by early settlers, Kingsville’s historic King Ranch was established in 1853 by Captain Richard King. It remains a working ranch today. The Kingsville Convention and Visitors Bureau says, “Whether you've come to hunt, fish, explore nature or history, or just enjoy a quieter pace, join us - ” Lobby Multipurpose Room Evolution of PACE Parent and Child Enrichment •Co-hosted community focus forums with KlebergKenedy County Cooperative Extension •Identified major issues in community/county1) adult literacy; 2) early childhood education; 3) lack of marketable skills •Brought together community partners with expertise in solutions/overcoming barriers •Developed conceptual framework •Built program specifics •Secured funding PACE Parent and Child Enrichment Purpose & Goals: Empower Kingsville/Kleberg Target Audience: County Families Kingsville Housing • Literacy/GED • Job skills/life skills • Child Enrichment • Job Search Authority Families PACE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Role of PACE Project Partners Coastal Bend College Kleberg County Adult Kleberg-Kenedy Cooperative Extension Literacy Council Smart Planet Children’s Worksource : The Center Source of Opportunity Kingsville Housing Alice ISD Adult Authority Education Center PACE Timeline 1. April 11-September 12, 2005 – Implement first round with participants from selected KHA resident families. 2. September-October, 2005 – Gather assessment data 3. September-December, 2005 – Expand referral process to all KHA family service recipients. 4. October, 2005 – Evaluation of first round outcomes. 5. October-December, 2005 – Use evaluation results to make changes if necessary. 6. January-May, 2006 – Implement second round, produce written project model. 7.Throughout – Secure additional funding. PACE Assessments & Outcomes Round One Job Skills/Life Skills 1. Pre and post-test results showed 9% increase in knowledge. 2. Largest gains in questions related to workplace honesty and co-worker relations. 3 High degree of success in stressing role of “attitude” in job performance. 4. Less success in understanding significance of attendance. 5. Added parenting component for round two based on recommendation from child enrichment partner. PACE Assessments & Outcomes Round One GED Prep/Literacy Component 1. *TABE Locator Test at beginning to measure reading math and language skills. Results indicated most were at Adult Literacy level in all areas (1.9-5.9 grade equivalent). 2. PLATO learning system used for GED prep and literacy to add a non stressful computer-based experience. PLATO contains 335 modules and the “group” mastered from 5% to 34% of the modules. 3. Ninety percent completed first round of 40 GED prep/literacy hours with 100% increasing content mastery to some degree. One had serious attendance issues and was withdrawn. PACE Assessments & Outcomes Round One Child Enrichment Component 5 years and under 1. Communication gaps with state-required documentation. 2. Nutrition-based need identified 3. Activities Included: letter, color, shape, and number recognition and connection; music and movement; rhyming and syllables 4. Identified vocal skills as area of most advancement. Funding Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grants Brookshire Foundation Kleberg County Adult Literacy Council United Way of the Coastal Bend Southern RCCI Competitive Grants Program Coastal Bend Community Foundation $ 2,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,200 $10,000 $ 9,000 Incentives Coastal Bend Family 4-H Schlumberger Athena-Kingsville Women’s Club Chili’s and other local restaurants Interested individuals PACE Round Two – In Progress 1. Referral process refined to include newspaper announcements, meetings with potential participants. 2. KHA facilitated early completion of Smart Planet Children’s Center documentation at KHA center. 3. Transportation arrangements. 4. Changes in orientation format/PLATO included. 5. Round one participants can continue. 6. *TABE Assessment indicates that of 17 participants, 5 at ABE in all areas, 5 at literacy level in all areas, 7 results varied. Move Up the PACE RCCI Project Coastal Bend College Kingsville, Texas