Portfolio DQE Evaluation Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________ PASS FAIL C R1 R2 C R1 R2 1. 2. 3. Annual Evaluations a. Includes copies of all annual self-evaluation letters b. Includes copies of all COPS Program evaluation letters c. Includes copies of all completed “Professor Evaluation of Student” forms Practice of Counseling Psychology a. Includes the cover essay addressing the appropriate content (see Program handbook) b. Includes a statement of the student’s theoretical orientation, following the most recent guidelines of the APPIC AAPI c. Includes all supervisor evaluations d. Includes documentation of all hours and related clinical hours (i.e., a cumulative log of ALL experiences, reflecting combined COUN /internship + COPS experiences): confirmation that hours are in keeping with the requirement of Direct Service hours between 20% and 35% of the total hours for each semester, and totals of at least 450 face-to-face hours and 150 supervision (received) hours e. Includes clinical writing samples (at least two examples of each of the following: case presentations, treatment plans, progress notes, psychological reports) f. Includes documentation of completion of at least 8 integrated psychological reports g. Includes verification of successful completion of Internship Readiness Exam (effective for students entering Fall 2011 and later) h. Includes any other materials that support competencies in this area Collaborative Research Project a. Includes a signed copy of the CRP Research Learning Agreement b. Includes the Research Report—be sure to include level and sections of authorship c. Includes a signed copy of the CRP Research 4. 5. 6. Learning agreement—Final Progress Report Conference Presentation a. Includes advisor’s written prior approval of appropriateness of conference b. Includes acceptance letter from conference or page from conference program listing presentation and presenters c. Includes copy of poster/paper Journal Article a. Includes written memo from student’s advisor attesting that MS is publishable b. Includes written acknowledgement of receipt of MS from journal editor c. Includes a copy of MS or reprint of published article CICLR a. Includes CICLR Proposal document and signature form b. Includes CICLR Defense Document and signature form Student’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________________ (R1) Review’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________________ (R2) Review’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________________ (C) Department Chair’s Signature: ______________________ Date: _______________________