ASSESSSMENT CRITERIA FOR ENGLISH M.A. EXAMINATIONS STUDENT NAME: _______________________ EXAM YEAR AND TERM:_________________ OVERALL EXAM EVALUATION:_________________ For each assessment criterion, the DGS should enter a rating of exceeds/meets/does not meet in the right column. This sheet should be filled out, one for each examinee, at the meetings for the spring and summer exams, in consultation with the exam committees. Assessment Criteria Exceeds Meets Does Not Meet These exams are These exams are These exams do not characterized by characterized by an demonstrate an superior quality of adequate to competent adequate quality of thought, scholarship, quality of thought, thought, scholarship, and writing skills. scholarship, and and writing skills. writing skills. These exams These exams These exams demonstrate: demonstrate: demonstrate: Response to Question -consistent and full -consistent or -no consistent responses to the exam somewhat consistent responses to the exam questions responses to the exam questions questions Knowledge of -in-depth scholarly -adequate to -inadequate scholarly literature and literary engagement with the competent scholarly engagement with terms material under engagement with the material under discussion material under discussion discussion -no factual errors -several factual errors -few factual errors -strong grasp of -inadequate grasp of common literary terms -adequate to competent literary terms grasp of literary terms Argument Use of Theory Sentence-level Writing Skills -clear thesis -competent or -no thesis somewhat clear thesis -clearly organized -disorganized reasoning -organized or reasoning somewhat organized - evidence provided for reasoning -evidence not provided all interpretive for interpretive assertions -evidence provided for assertions some or most interpretive assertions -sophisticated use of -adequate to competent -poor or no use of theoretical knowledge use of theoretical theoretical knowledge to elucidate meanings knowledge to elucidate to elucidate meanings in literary meanings in literary in literary interpretation interpretation interpretation -sentences are clearly -some or most -few sentences are and precisely written sentences are clearly clearly and precisely and precisely written written Ratings