Livingston County

Livingston County Award Application
If you are applying for an award in more than one area, you must complete an application for each area.
Please print legibly or type. Return the completed application to your 4-H Leader!
1. Project Area in which you are applying for an award (see bottom of this sheet for listing)
Number of years in this Project Area _______________
2. Did you give a talk or demonstration this year? yes / no
3. Was the talk or demonstration in this project area? yes / no
4. What was the talk or demonstration title ______________________________________________________
5. Write a paragraph about your project in this area. Please include details; tell how you chose the project and
all of the steps you went through to complete the project. Also include what you exhibited at the Fair if you
exhibited. (Please attach additional sheets if necessary)
6. Write a paragraph on what you learned from this project and how this helps you in other areas of your life.
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
7. Were you involved in a community service project this year through your club? yes / no
If yes, what did you do? __________________________________________________________________
8. Have you ever held an office in your club? yes / no
9. Office Held
Office Held
10. Did you exhibit at your club’s tour, mini-fair or The Livingston Co. 4-H Fair? yes / no
11. How many club meetings did you attend this year? ______
12. How many club meetings were there this year? ______
13. List any county, regional or state level 4-H activities in which you participated. Ex. Leadership
Convention, EDGE Conference, Club Congress.
14. List three school and community activities in which you participate.
You must have all three signatures or the application will not be judged
Member Signature ________________________________________________date_____________
Parent Signature _________________________________________________date_____________
4-H Leader Signature _____________________________________________date______________
Project Areas
Achievement- 4-H Career Focus Achievement - includes all 4-H project work during the member's 4-H career
4-H Year Focus Achievement - includes all 4-H project work during the past 4-H program year (Sept 1 - Aug 31)
Animal Sciences- Beef, Cat, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse & Pony, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, Small Pets, Swine and Veterinary Science
Community Involvement & Global Awareness - Intercultural and Citizenship
Environment & Natural Resources - Camping & Outdoor Living, Conservation, Entomology, Forestry, Geology and Natural Resources
Food, Nutrition & Health - All Food & Nutrition Projects and Health
Home & Family - Child Development, Intergenerational, Family Relations, Clothing, Consumer Education, and Home Furnishings
Mechanics & Technology - Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer, Electricity, Safety, Small Engines, Tractors and Woodworking
Personal Development - Communication, Leadership, Photography, Recreation, Visual Arts and Theatre Arts
Plants & Soil - Crops & Soil, Horticulture (includes flowers & vegetables) and Plant & Soil Science
Revised 7/01