Summary of Individual 4-H Achievement


Summary of Individual 4-H Achievement

Club _______________________ Year _________

Please tally up the results of the "My 4-H Achievements" forms and return to the Extension Office no later than September 29, 2006





1st Year PERFECT





Please note the following about your members on the above sheet:

New member

 Whether the member had perfect attendance

 Whether they achieved project Progress of service Standards or Outstanding Leadership

For ages 8-11

These members must have:

 Attended the number of meetings required as established by my club.

 Gave a talk or demonstration on one of their 4-H projects at a club meeting.

 Filled out their project plan paperwork and set goals for completing their projects.

Award: 2 out of 3 = Project Progress 3 out of 3 = Service Standards

For Ages 12-14

In addition to:

 Attended the number of meetings required as established by my club.

 Gave a talk or demonstration on one of their 4-H projects at a club meeting.

 Filled out their project plan paperwork and set goals for completing their projects.

Member must also:

 Did member hold a club office or serve on any club committees during the 4-H year?

 Did member participate in a community service project with their club?

Award: Member completed 4 out of 5=Progress Member completed 5 out of 5 = Standards

For ages 15-18

In addition to:

 Attended the number of meetings required as established by my club.

 Gave a talk or demonstration on one of their 4-H projects at a club meeting.

 Filled out their project plan paperwork and set goals for completing their projects.

 Did member hold a club office or serve on any club committees during the 4-H year?

 Did member participate in a community service project with their club?

Member must also:

 Did they represent 4-H or their club in any activities outside of club meetings?

 Did they provide leadership for a club activity or club committee?

 Do they participate in activities that allowed them to provide leadership at the county level or beyond?

Award: 6 out of 8=Progress 7 out of 8 = Standards 8 of 8 = Outstanding Leadership
