Treasurer's Book

NOTE: Clubs must turn in their treasurer book with their FEIN
number printed in the book in order to re-enroll next year.
Treasurers: The individual club treasurer should fill out the Treasurer’s Record Book
completely, accurately and neatly. These are to be turned in to the Leader in August. They
are judged and ribbons are awarded.
Tips for Keeping the Treasurer’s Record Book
1. Keep an accurate record of all club transactions in the Treasurer’s Record Book.
2. Duties of the Treasurer are listed on the inside cover of the Treasurer’s Record Book.
3. Complete the club inventory.
4. Keep accurate records of club finances in the Treasurer’s Record Book. Add extra pages
as needed.
5. Complete the Balance Sheet on the back of the Treasurer’s Record Book.
6. Work with your Leader in learning how to write a check properly.
7. Work with your Leader in learning how to complete deposit tickets properly.
Front cover complete
Inventory section complete (to be filled out if the club has any
inventory items; please note this on the form is this does not apply
to your club).
Record of Club Finances complete (totals must be shown even if
club has a zero ($0.00) balance.
Balance shown on p. 4 equals balance shown at bottom of p. 3
Checking and savings accounts complete, if applicable (please
note on form if this does not apply to your club).
Treasurer’s signature
Leader’s signature
Member’s signature (other than treasurer)
Parent’s signature
Is this book legible?
A = 8 – 10
Revised 8/05