CARROLL COUNTY 4-H FEDERATION Officer Candidate Application Name of Nominee ___________________________________ Club _____________________________ Address of Nominee ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ I would like to be a candidate for the following office(s): [rank in order of preference] _____ President _____ Treasurer _____ Vice President _____ Reporter _____ Secretary _____ Co-Recreation Number of years in 4-H _____ Number of years as a Federation delegate _____ Number of 4-H Federation meetings attended during the last year you were a delegate _____ 4-H Club leadership roles (offices and committees): County 4-H Federation leadership roles (offices and committees): List any leadership responsibilities other than 4-H: Candidate comments: (Contributions you feel you can make, challenges facing the 4-H Federation, future direction of Federation, etc.) What kinds of things/activities would you like to see Federation do for next year? What do you feel is the most important quality of being a Federation officer? Why? I understand, if elected, I will attend and participate in all required meetings to fulfill my responsibilities of my elected office. I understand the responsibilities of each respective office and will do my part to fulfill those responsibilities. _____________________________________ (Signature) Return to the Carroll Co. Extension Office, 807D South Clay St., Mt. Carroll, IL 61053 DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL PAGES!!