Hamilton County 4-H County Sponsored Awards Application Please check the one(s) you are applying for: ———— Citizenship Washington Focus $400 Scholarship (age 15 by May 1) ———— Discover Chicago Trip $50 Scholarship (5th & 6th grades) (awarded after attending Discover Chicago Trip for 1st time only) ———— JLC - Jr. High Leadership Conference $50 Scholarship (7th & 8th grade – 2 will be awarded and 2 alternates) ———— Illini Summer Academies $ 50 Scholarship (age 14 by June 1; 2 will be awarded and 2 alternates) _____ Youth Leadership Retreat $ 50 Scholarship (Awarded after attending for the 1st time only) ———— Outstanding Jr. High Member ($25 – 1 will be awarded) ———— Outstanding First Year Member (all members completing records will be recognized) ———— Camper Scholarship $25 (awarded after attending camp) Name ________________________________________________ Club ________________________________________________ Main areas of project interest: Leadership experience (list offices held, committees, workshops, etc.) Coral Page 1 Hamilton County 4-H County Sponsored Awards Application Coral Page 2 What have you accomplished in your 4-H career that you feel qualifies you to win this award? How would you share what you gained from your 4-H experience in this area? COUNTY SPONSORED AWARDS APPLICATION I have personally prepared this application and certify that it accurately reflects my 4-H work. Signature of 4-H member I have reviewed this application and believe it to be correct. Signature of Leader If my child is awarded any scholarship, I agree to help him/her fulfill any obligations. Signature of Parent *FOR ALL APPLICATIONS ATTACH A SHEET LISTING 4-H ACTIVITIES, PROJECTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS FOR YOUR 4-H CAREER.