Testing Accommodations Policy

Testing Accommodation Policy
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at Marquette University will work with students with disabilities
to determine whether accommodations that modify the testing environment are necessary to ensure their
access to the academic setting. Some examples of possible testing accommodations might include the
alteration of the length of time that a student has to take a test, adjustments to the setting in which the test
is taken, and/or modifications to the test presentation. Testing accommodations can only be provided as
long as they do not fundamentally alter a learning objective of the course. Testing accommodations are
determined on course by course bases; therefore, in some special circumstances testing accommodations
might not be appropriate.
To qualify for Testing Accommodations at Marquette University;
1. The student must provide documentation of their disability to the Office of Disability Services;
2. The student must meet with an ODS representative and complete a Test Proctoring Request form each
semester they are seeking testing accommodations;
3. An ODS representative will review the student's documentation and course requirements to determine
appropriateness of request;
4. If request is granted, ODS representative will create an accommodation letter outlining the student's
testing accommodations;
5. Student will deliver the accommodation letter at least 1 week prior to the day of the exam and verbally
communicate their needs with their instructors;
a. Instructors may choose to arrange the accommodations themselves or ask the Office of
Disability Services to help arrange the identified accommodations, by following the Test
Proctoring Guidelines which will be included with the student's accommodation letter;
6. Students are responsible for alerting ODS if they do not feel their accommodations are meeting their
disability related needs.
The Office of Disability Services supports a student’s right to privacy, and information regarding testing
accommodations is considered confidential. Questions regarding Test Accommodations should be
directed to the Office of Disability Services.
I have read and understand the Testing Accommodation Policy outlined above and agree to comply.
Student Signature / Date
Printed Name / MUID
Office of Disability Services Representative / Date
Office of Disability Service Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201
Phone: 414-288-1645 Fax: 414-288-5799
ODS 07/2013