Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Documentation Form

The student named below has requested services from the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at
Marquette University. In order to determine this student's eligibility for reasonable and appropriate
accommodations, we ask that you provide us current and comprehensive information attesting to the
student's disability and documenting the functional impact of the disability. The information you
provide will be kept in the student's confidential file at ODS.
In addition to the requested information sought from this form, please attach copies of any test results
or evaluations conducted as part of your diagnostic process.
Name of Student: ______________________________________Birthdate:
1. Do you see this student on a regular basis? ____ Yes ____ No
When was your last contact with this student? ___________________________
2. What is your DSM-V diagnosis for this student?
3. Please check which of the skills listed below are substantially limited because of the student's
* Substantially limited is defined as a "significant restriction in the condition, manner, or duration in
which a major life activity is performed compared to most people."
1) Time management
2) Organizational skills (physical and/or cognitive)
3) Task persistence
4) Memory skills
5) Reading (fluency, comprehension)
6) Quantitative skills
7) Written expression
8) Employment/work skills
9) Self-esteem/social skills
10) Concentration
11) Other
Please list. ____________________________________________________________________
4. What methods or testing instruments did you use to arrive at your diagnosis?
Office of Disability Services Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201
Phone: 414-288-1645 Fax: 414-288-5799
ODS 07/2014
Structured or unstructured clinical interviews with the individual
Interviews with other individuals
Developmental history
Medical history
Neuropsychological / Psych-educational testing
Date(s) of testing? _______________ Copy of testing results attached? _____Yes ____ No
Standardized or non-standardized rating scales
Other (please specify) ___________________________________________________________
5. Do you consider this student's ADD/ ADHD to be a disability? _____ Yes _____ No
6. What medications have been prescribed for this student?
Medication / dosage:
Date first prescribed:
If this student is on medication for ADD/ADHD, what functional limitations does the student
encounter? __________________________________________________________________
7. What accommodations do you recommend for this student?
8. Is there anything else you would like us to know about this student?
Please sign, date and return to our office. Thank you for your assistance.
Signature of Treating Professional
Professional's Name (printed) and Title
License Number
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Office of Disability Services Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201
Phone: 414-288-1645 Fax: 414-288-5799
ODS 07/2014