Student Investigator Matching Funds Program 2013 Proposal for Funding Consideration Purpose: To engage dental students in mentored dental research. The Matching Funds Program (MFP) offers opportunities to participate in and contribute to faculty- or resident-initiated research. Student participants must have a clearly defined and contributing role in the project. Deadlines: Applications for the MFP can be submitted anytime during the academic year. Proposals must be delivered to Office 304D in the School of Dentistry. Review Process: Only complete submissions are reviewed. The Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies or the chair of the Research Committee of the School of Dentistry will evaluate the submitted proposal and decide whether it is acceptable or not. The decision is final. Up to five Awards will be funded annually. Expected Outcomes: It is expected that Award recipients will 1. Present their projects at the annual Research Day of the MU School of Dentistry. 2. Submit a project Abstract or a one-page Summary to the Assoc. Dean for Research & Graduate Studies at project completion. Restrictions: Applicants must be current members of the Student Research Group (SRG). Application Procedures The complete application includes three parts: 1. Cover Page 2. Budget 3. Faculty or resident research project outline Page 1 Submit the completed, original MFP request to the Assoc. Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, Office 304D, Dental School building. Keep a copy for your records. Electronic submissions are fine, too. They must be mailed to Student Investigator Matching Funds Program 2013 Cover Page The following items must be listed on the cover page of the application. 1) Title of Matching Funds Project: 2) Student Investigator: 3) Title of Leading Research Project: 4) Faculty / Mentor Name: 3) Estimated Project Duration: (typically one year) 4) Total Dollar Amount Requested: (see Budget Page for details) 5) Are Human Subjects / Animals involved? If so, the Student Investigator has to receive IRB Certification prior to the release of funds. 6) Faculty / Resident Project Outline Attached: Page 2 Endorsement: I certify that the statements made in the application are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge; that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims that I make, may be subject to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties; and that I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress and invention reports if a grant is awarded as a result of the application. Persons named in the application have agreed to participate as described. __________________________________ SIGNATURE OF STUDENT DATE _________________ __________________________________ SIGNATURE OF FACULTY MENTOR DATE _________________ Student Investigator Matching Funds Program 2013 Budget Form: Page 3 Guidelines: List all projected expenses. The total budget may not exceed $500. Provide brief justifications only for budget items greater than $100. Research subjects can be compensated for time and transportation. The Student Investigator may budget up to $250 for personal use. The Research Award can not be used to compensate staff or faculty. The Research Award does not support travel expenses. However, upon completion of the project the Student Investigator may apply for travel funds to attend the AADR or the meeting of the Midwest Research Group.