How to Make a Motion Youth 1: I move that (who you want to do something) ____________________________________ (what you want to do) _____________________________________________________ (when you want to do it____________________________________________________ (where you want to do it ___________________________________________________ (add other details, if needed) ________________________________________________ Youth 2 (someone who agrees with the motion): I second the motion. Discussion follows. Examples: Example 1 I move that (who) the Helping Hands 4-H Club (what) volunteer to plant flowers (where) in front of the community building (when) in April and that club members take care of the garden throughout the growing season. After the motion is seconded, it may be discussed. Example 2 I move that (who) the Green Clovers 4-H Club (what) tour the local ice cream store (when) on June 1. After the motion is seconded, it may be discussed and/or amended. Example of an amendment: I move that we amend the motion to include that after the tour all club members, leaders and guests will receive a small ice cream cone paid for with money from the club treasury. The amendment needs to be seconded and then the group may discuss the amendment. University of Illinois • U.S. Department of Agriculture • Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.