Unit 14 – Adams, Brown, Hancock, Pike & Schuyler
Adams Office, 330 S. 36th Street
Quincy, IL 62301 (217)223-8380
University of Illinois Extension Unit 14 Extension Council
November 19, 2012 - Brown County Extension Office
Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Morris McClelland at 6 pm.
Present: Jim Rahe, Morris McClelland, Mike Cochran, Les Post, Molly Maxstadt,
Lil Keller, Kristin Huls, Chett Pease, Melinda Reed, Sandy Prather, Barbara Laffey,
Shelby Crow and Kent Hawley.
Welcome and Introductions: Extension Council members introduced themselves
to each other. Staff introduced themselves to council members.
Approval of Minutes from April Meeting: Kristin referred to the meeting minutes
provided in the meeting packets. Chett Pease moved to approve the minutes as
presented. Mike Cochran seconded. All Approved. Motion Passed.
Review and Approval of Financial Report:
Kristin handed out Financial statements for September and October. Chett
Pease moved to approve the Financial Reports. Les Post seconded. All
Approved. Motion Passed.
Update from Extension State Advisory Committee Member – Barbara Laffey.
Barbara (Former Extension Council Member) attended the ESAC meeting in the
fall. She had several points she wanted to report back to Unit 14 Council. She
noted the biggest takeaway from her was that according to Illinois 4-H’ers in
2012; 98% of graduating seniors go onto continuing education. She was also
surprised to learn that 4-H is available on all military bases and in many other
She noted the 100th Anniversary of Extension was approaching. She also
reported that plans were underway for Extension to reach across campus;
beyond the College of ACES. The next ESAC meeting is February 2013.
Educator Updates:
Shelby Crow updated the council on several programs including the Youth
Leadership Academy, Welcome to the Real World, the upcoming Western Illinois
Leadership Academy. Kristin also noted that Unit 14 Master Gardener training
will begin in January 2013 and updated the council on upcoming Horticulture
Adams County Extension (Main Office), 330 S. 36th Street, Quincy, IL 62301 Ph: (217) 223-8380
Brown County Extension, 111 W. Washington, Mt. Sterling, IL 62353 Ph: (217) 773-3013
Hancock County Extension, 550 N. Madison, Carthage, IL 62321 Ph: (217) 357-2150
Pike County Extension, 1301 E. Washington, Pittsfield, IL 62363 Ph: (217) 285-5543
Schuyler County Extension, 710 Maple Avenue, Rushville, IL 62681 Ph: (217) 322-3381
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
United States Department of Agriculture Local Extension Councils Cooperating
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
Unit 14 – Adams, Brown, Hancock, Pike & Schuyler
Adams Office, 330 S. 36th Street
Quincy, IL 62301 (217)223-8380
Lunch & Learns. She also noted that the new 4-H year was underway.
Civil Rights Compliance – Council Forms – Kristin passed around forms for council
members to update. We are required to collect information at each of our
Review of Unit 14 Plan of Work – Kristin and other Academic Staff from the unit
identified 6 areas of focus for the upcoming programming year. The 6 areas
Community Leadership & Organizational Development
Developing a Healthy Lifestyle
Growing and Accessing Adequate Food to Prevent Hunger
Positive Youth Development
Protecting and Appreciating our Environment
Workforce Preparation
4-H Premium Payments – Kristin explained the current system for 4-H premium
payments was that the units pay the 4-H’ers and wait for reimbursement from
the state. Kristin asked for the councils recommendation for the current year
premiums. Chett Pease moved to recommend to pay the premiums and wait for
reimbursement noting that if the state defaulted on the payment they would
revisit the policy for next year. Morris McClelland seconded. All Approved.
Motion Passed.
Reminder of Holiday Office Closures: November 22-23, 2012 and December 24,
2012 – January 1, 2013.
Future Meeting format & dates
a. Monday, February 25, 2013 – 6 pm in Mt. Sterling
b. Monday, April 22, 2012 – 6 pm in Mt. Sterling
Adjourn: Chett Pease moved to adjourn. Molly Maxstadt seconded. All
Approved. Motion Passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelby Crow
Adams County Extension (Main Office), 330 S. 36th Street, Quincy, IL 62301 Ph: (217) 223-8380
Brown County Extension, 111 W. Washington, Mt. Sterling, IL 62353 Ph: (217) 773-3013
Hancock County Extension, 550 N. Madison, Carthage, IL 62321 Ph: (217) 357-2150
Pike County Extension, 1301 E. Washington, Pittsfield, IL 62363 Ph: (217) 285-5543
Schuyler County Extension, 710 Maple Avenue, Rushville, IL 62681 Ph: (217) 322-3381
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
United States Department of Agriculture Local Extension Councils Cooperating
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.