Updated February 2016
Natural Resources Rules and Regulations
1. In order to exhibit in Natural Resources, 4-H members must be enrolled in:
Exploring Your Environment 1 – Ecosystems Services Pub. 08410 or
Exploring Your Environment 2 – Earth’s Capacity Pub. 08411
Natural Resources I – Step Into Nature Pub. MH0101 or
Natural Resources II – Explore the Natural Word Pub. MH0102 or
Natural Resources III – Blaze the Trail Pub. MH0103
Sportsfishing I – Take the Bait Pub. BU-07598 or
Sportsfishing II – Reel in the Fun Pub. BU – 07599 or
Sportsfishing III – Cast Into the Future Pub. 07600
Wildlife I – Wildlife Manual, Level A Pub. 4-H 903P or
Wildlife II - Wildlife Manual, Level B Pub. 4-H 904P
Outdoor Adventures I – Hiking Trails Pub. BU-08043 or
Outdoor Adventures II – Camping Adventures Pub. BU-08044 or
Outdoor Adventures III – Backpacking Expeditions Pub. BU-08045
2. See General Projects Guidelines
3. NO Live animals and reptiles are permitted in these displays.
4. County may submit five (5) entries to state fair.
Class 01- Natural Resources I
Exhibit any item or display developed from the project book, Step Into Nature.
Class 02- Natural Resources II
Exhibit any item or display developed from the project book, Explore the Natural
Class 03- Natural Resources III
Exhibit any item or display developed from the project book, Blaze the Trail.
Class 04- Outdoor Adventure I (Camping)
Exhibit a display illustrating an activity completed in the project manual.
Class 05- Outdoor Adventure II (Camping)
Exhibit a display illustrating an activity completed in the project manual.
Class 06- Outdoor Adventure III (Camping)
Exhibit a display illustrating an activity completed in the project manual.
Class 07- Sportsfishing I
Exhibit a product or display made to complete the activities in the Take the Bait
project manual. This could include, but is not limited to, displays on: different
types of fishing tackle, identifying different baits and their uses (no actual bait,
please) or identifying the anatomy of a fish. For safety reasons, lures must be
placed in a hard plastic case.
Updated February 2016
Class 08- Sportsfishing II
Exhibit a product or display made to complete the activities in the Reel in the Fun
project manual. This could include, but is not limited to, displays on: different
types of knots or rigs and their use; a collection of fishing lures labeled with their
use; or information on preparing and cooking fish (not recipes). For safety
reasons, lures must be placed in a hard plastic case.
Class 09- Sportsfishing III
Exhibit a product or display made to complete the activities in the Cast into the
Future project manual. This could include, but is not limited to, displays on:
making artificial flies and lures, researching effects of water temperature,
sportsfishing careers, or identifying insects that fish eat. For safety reasons,
lures must be placed in a hard plastic case.
Class 10- Wildlife A
Exhibit any activity developed from the project book. (Ex. Identify different
wildlife habitats.) Within the exhibit, explain the importance of and concept
behind the exhibit.
Class 11- Wildlife B
Exhibit any activity developed from the project manual. (Ex. Create a display of
the life history of an animal.) Within the exhibit, explain the importance of
knowing the information shared.
Class 12 – Natural Resources/Sportsfishing/Wildlife Innovation
(Open to youth who were at least 13 years old on September 1 of the current 4-H
year and are enrolled in any Natural Resources, Sportsfishing or Wildlife project.)
Demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have gained through the project you
have studied. Your exhibit should not fit in the other exhibit options for this
project. This could be related to, but not limited to habitat construction,
maintenance, water quality, fish biology, or involvement with citizen science
efforts. The exhibit may include, but is not limited to, original works, objects,
demonstrations, digital presentations, programs, websites, games, apps,
performances, or posters which you have made. Choose whatever method best
shows what you have learned. You must furnish any equipment you need for
your exhibit. Internet service will not be provided for the exhibit. All exhibits must
include something visual, such as a printed copy of a digital presentation, which
will remain on display during the exhibition. Electronic equipment will only be
used during your personal judging time and will not remain on display during the
entire exhibit period.
Updated February 2016
Class 13- Exploring Your Environment I – (Not eligible for state fair)
Prepare a display or poster that illustrates an activity from the project manual.
The display should demonstrate an understanding of natural and/or manmade
environments, how humans affect the environment, or how the environment
affects our lives. Include your project manual that documents activity
recordkeeping, your answers to activity questions, and details the exhibitor’s
thoughts and ideas.
Class 14- Exploring Your Environment 2 – (Not eligible for state fair)
Prepare a display or poster that illustrates an activity from the project manual.
The display should demonstrate an understanding of one of the following:
stewardship of natural resources, investigating greenhouse effects on living
organisms, methods of reducing or managing waste in your home or community,
or calculating your ecological footprint. Include your project manual that
documents activity recordkeeping, your answers to activity questions, and details
the exhibitor’s thoughts and ideas.
Class 15 – Career Connection
Career Connection is not eligible for State Fair selection
4-H members age 10-18 may choose to participate in the Career Connections
class for an additional exhibit opportunity. 4-H’ers will exhibit a completed
Career Connection form for your age group (available at Extension office or
online). Form should be completed based upon information gathered about a
related career and an interview with someone in that specific career field. Form
should be placed in a page protector or report cover. Additional materials or
information may be added. 4-H’er must make an additional exhibit in the project
category to participate in the Career Connection exhibit class.