Year Name_________________________Club____________________________County________________ Score Card for Macoupin County 4-H Member Record Maximum Points I. PARTICIPATION IN THE LOCAL 4-H CLUB OR GROUP (10 points) A. Meetings attended: 80% or more meetings attended after enrolling 1 B. Elected offices (1 point for each different elected office held) 4 C. Committees (1 point for each different committee and 1 additional point for having chaired a committee) 5 II. 4-H PROJECT ENROLLMENT AND EXHIBITS (24 points) A. Project enrollment (1 point for each different project) 4 B. Project size (1 point per year for each project showing additional work done beyond suggested goals) 8 C. Advanced project work (1 point per year for each project showing enrollment in advanced units or additional units within each project) 8 D. Quality of project work-1. County exhibits (1 point for each year that at least one project received and AA@ rating at the county show) 3 2. State exhibit receiving an AA@ rating 1 III. PARTICIPATION IN 4-H PROGRAMS (29 points) A. Participation in 4-H programs on individual or club basis (1 point for each year of participation with a maximum of 2 points per program) 12 B. Participation in 4-H programs on county, regional, state and national levels 1. County (1 point for each year of participation with a maximum of 2 points per program) 8 2. Multi-county or regional (1 point for each year of participation) 2 3. State (1 point for each year of participation with a maximum of 2 points per program) 4 4. National programs 1 5. Written summaries (1 point for each program summary) 2 IV. 4-H LEADERSHIP (18 points) A. Junior or Teen leader responsibility (1 point for each different responsibility assumed) 6 B. County office held (2 points for each office) 4 D:\612944263.doc Member=s Score C. County committees (1 point for each different committee and 1 additional point for having chaired a committee) 4 D. Leadership Roles at county, multi-county, or regional events other than as officer or committee member listed in C above (1 point for each) 3 E. Leadership role at a state event 1 V. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES (15 points) A. Office held or committees chaired (1 point for each office or committee chaired) 3 B. Committees (1 point for each committee) 4 C. Assistance given in school, community, church, etc. (Other than being an officer or serving on a committee) 7 D. Recognition received 1 VI. APPEARANCES IN SUPPORT OF 4-H (2 points) A. Appearance before other groups or on radio or television 2 VII. HONORS AND RECOGNITION RECEIVED IN 4-H (2 points) A. County Project or Activity medal received TOTAL D:\612944263.doc 2 100