October 16, 2015 Ford-Iroquois 4-H Newsletter Calendar of Events October 17 State 4-H air rifle and .22 rifle contest November 7-8 Live It Up conference at NIU 9 Ag Career Night at Ford-Iroquois Farm Bureau 21 4-H Foundation Auction at St. Paul’s Woodworth December 24 office closed for the holidays until January 4, 2016 January 2016 6 enrollment forms due 30 Danville Dashers hockey game February 13-14 NEW State Livestock Conference in Decatur 27-28 4-H Junior Leadership Conference in Champaign Ag Career Night Come join local agribusiness men and women and college representatives at our 4th annual Ag Career Night. It will be held November 9 at the Ford-Iroquois Farm Bureau. From 5-6pm you can visit with representatives from colleges across Illinois. 6-7:30pm local agribusiness members will present and answer any questions. Afterwards you can spend more time talking with college representatives. This opportunity is for students wishing to learn more about careers in agriculture. Federation Federation is for 4-H club members who are in high school and are interested in doing county-wide activities with members from other clubs. Meetings are monthly and we will plan community service as well as fun activities. All interested members in Iroquois County there will be a meeting Oct. 25th here at the Extension office (time TBA). Jen will be setting a date next month to meet with interested Ford County members. 4-H Foundation Auction The Ford-Iroquois 4-H Foundation Auction will be Saturday, November 21, 2015 at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Woodworth. It will begin with a meal and silent auction at 4 p.m. and live auction to follow at 5 p.m. Money raised from this event is used to cover member program fees for all members in both counties. It is also used to provide scholarships for members attending 4-H events such as camp or Junior Leadership Conference. We have many wonderful items for the auction already, but donations are still being accepted at the office. Please consider asking a business in your community to help support the local youth by making a donation. Thank you! Shooting Sports Good luck to our 3 rifle competitors: Josie P., Scott M., and David D. at the State 4-H Rifle shoot Oct. 17th at the Central Illinois Precision Shooters (CIPS) indoor facility in Bloomington. Congratulations to Jessica J. for finishing in 7th place overall at the State 4-H Archery contest Oct. 3 at Bunker Hill! She’s practiced hard and it paid off, way to go Jessica! New year of shooting sports has begun! All past members should have received their re-enrollment papers in the mail if they did not attend the start-up meeting Oct. 3. You must turn these in to the Extension office before you can participate in a shooting event. If anyone interested in joining the FordIroquois Sharpshooters please contact Jen at the Extension office for more information. Live It Up! Unit 2 (Boone, DeKalb & Ogle Counties) is once again offering their teen conference LIVE It Up! It will be held on November 6 & 7 at the Northern Illinois University Holmes Student Center in DeKalb, IL and the Center for Agriculture in Sycamore, IL. This conference is open to all youth ages 13 -18. For more information go to: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/bdo/ Be your own researcher and earn $500 The Illinois Soybean Association and DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred are offering $500 Clover Challenge Grants to 4-H members who wish to challenge themselves in project areas that connect them with soybean, corn, or small grain industries. This is not limited to only 4-H members enrolled in crops – it also includes 4-H members involved in foods & nutrition projects. Research may relate to but is not limited to production practices, processing, crop and/or crop-byproduct utilization (nutrition related exploration). For example, 4-H members experimenting with using soybean flour to increase the protein content of baked goods. The Illinois Soybean Association will provide five $500 grants for youth interested in a topic related to soybeans; while Pioneer Hi-Bred will provide five $500 grants for youth interested in exploration of corn or small grains. Research may relate to but is not limited to production practices, processing, crop and/or crop-byproduct utilization (nutrition related exploration). In both grant opportunities, 4-H members, ages 15-18, are challenged to research a topic over the course of the 4-H program year and design at least two different delivery methods to share their findings. Youth should select delivery methods that best showcase their findings which may include, but are not limited to an educational presentation, video, flyer, or brochure. Successful applicants will select a mentor to work with during their study. The deadline for application submission is February 16, 2016 and projects must be completed by August 31, 2016. More information is available for the Clover Challenge Grant opportunity at the Illinois 4-H Foundation website: http://4hfoundation.illinois.edu/grants/clover If you have questions, please contact Pat McGlaughlin, Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development, State 4-H Office, patm@illinois.edu Road Trip!!! Join the Illinois delegation for 2016 Citizenship Washington Focus! We are ecstatic that Illinois will be offering a trip to Washington, D.C. for the 2016 Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) program! Numbers permitting, this will be our third year in a row sending a delegation of 14-18 year olds to this tremendous event focusing on the federal legislative process and the impact youth voices can make. Illinois will be travelling Saturday July 9 through Saturday, July 19, 2016. We travel by bus to Washington, D.C., stopping at Gettysburg on the way. Delegates and chaperones stay at the National 4H Center during the week. Citizenship Washington Focus includes workshops, group discussions and work, tours of memorials and museums throughout the D.C. area, and more. Illinois 4-H’ers must be 1418 years of age by May 1, 2016 in order to attend. An informational brochure for the 2016 trip is currently available on the Illinois 4-H CWF website. Through the generosity of the Illinois 4-H Foundation, we are able to offer this week’s full program, transportation, Illinois CWF shirt, insurance and more for approximately $1,000. Members are responsible for the trip to/from bus pick-up location(s), meals on the road, and 1-2 meals during the week. Some counties offer partial fee scholarships to 4-Hers – check with your local Extension office for more information regarding financial assistance. On-line registration will open in mid-October via the Illinois 4-H CWF website: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/state4h/events/citizenshipwashington.cfm A deposit of $250 will be due at the time of initial registration. Registration will close December 1, 2015 OR when registration is full, whichever occurs first. Other payments of $350 will be due January 15 and May 15. At least one female chaperone will also be needed for the trip. If you are interested, check out the information on the website and indicate your interest on the registration site by December 1. ‘Livestock on Ice’ NEW for 2016 If you enjoy learning more about the Illinois livestock industry, have dreams of being a veterinarian, or just love exhibiting livestock, you will want to save the date for this NEW CONFERENCE which is focused entirely on livestock! Tentatively, mark your calendars for February 13 & 14 in Decatur. More details will be available soon! In the meantime… here are a few of the workshops we think you’ll enjoy: "In the Cooler" Step into the cooler and discover the world of meat science! During this session participants will glove up and truly get a hands on experience revolving around meat production. You will explore a variety of different meat cuts, along with what animal they originate from. In a freezing cool finale, you will put their knowledge to the test in a competition against their peers. "Sledding through Shots and Sutures" Glove up and come explore the exciting world of wounds, medicine, sutures and dissection! In this session we will go bananas as we learn more about simple surgical procedures in livestock! "Layer Up" Layer up and take your role as a hog farmer. Biosecurity is at the utmost importance, but get ready to go hog wild! It is time to boot up and go to the breeding barn! "How to Keep your Cool" How to keep your cool is a jam packed session about the proper way to promote the livestock industry on social media sites and to the general public. You will leave knowing how to answer the questions of families walking through the barn at the fair or local news reporters. Learn the appropriate ways to use social media to promote not only the industry as a whole, but also your individual farm. "Brain Freeze" A fast and furious Livestock Quiz Bowl will keep everyone thinking on their feet! For Leaders Fall meeting –Thank you to all leaders who attended the fall meeting. Auction – Please keep working to solicit donations from businesses in your community. Foundation is working had to make this evening a success but we need help from everyone. Recognition items – As you go through your member recognition items (certificates, pins, etc) please let us know of any errors you come across. Please understand that there is a lot of prep that goes into these awards and we may make mistakes. Thanks! Jen Odle & Larry Haigh 4-H Program Coordinators Jamie Boas 4-H Youth Development Educator DISCLAIMER: You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in supporting FordIroquois Counties 4-H Youth Development and have shared your email address. This is another way to keep you informed of opportunities to help the youth and families we serve. If you would like to be removed from this list, simply reply to this email and put remove in the subject line. Feel free to contact us at 815-2684051. University of Illinois*USDA*Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate please contact us 815.268.4051