Communications I

Communications I –For 1st year enrolled in project – Exhibit a binder portfolio showcasing at least three activities
from the project manual. Show basic activities and anything that extended lessons. For 2ndand 3rd years in project:
Include everything from earlier year’s work and add section showcasing at least four additional activities per year.
Communications II – Use of page protectors is recommended. For 1st year enrolled in project – Exhibit a binder
portfolio showcasing at least three activities from the project manual. Show basic activities and anything that
extended lessons. For 2nd and 3rd years in project: Include everything from earlier years’ work and add section
showcasing at least four additional activities per year.
Communications III –For 1st year enrolled in project: Exhibit a binder portfolio showcasing at least three activities
from the project manual. Show basic activities and anything that extended lessons. For 2nd and 3rd years in project:
Include everything from earlier years’ work and add section showcasing at least four additional activities per year.
Journalism - Exhibit a portfolio showing the results of the appropriate year’s activities noted below:
Year 1: Accomplishments of a minimum of five 2-star activities from Part 1, answering all of the questions in
the activities.
Year 2: Results of doing a minimum of five 2-star activities in Part 2, answering all the questions in the
Year 3: Results of doing a minimum of five 3-star activities from Parts 1 and 2. One of the activities must
include writing an advance story, a follow-up story, or a feature story.
Year 4: Results of doing at least two 2-star activities and three 3-star activities from Part 3. If the activities
include making an audio or videotape, contact the office so we can provide a way for the judge to view or
listen to it.
No State Fair class exists for these projects.
4-H’ers 10 - 18 enrolled in any project may choose to participate in the “Career Connections” class for an additional
exhibit opportunity.
1. Exhibit the “Career Connection” form for your age group which has been completed based on information
you gathered about the career and an interview you conduct with someone in that specific career field
(available at the Extension Office or on the website.)
2 Form should be placed in a page protector or binder. Additional materials or information may be added.
4-H Exhibit is not eligible for State Fair selection. 4-H’er must make an additional exhibit in the project
category to participate in the “Career Connection” exhibit class.
Open to members 15 – 18 who have completed all levels within the project area. Exhibits in this category should go
“above and beyond” what the 4-H project books cover and should represent an accumulation of years of project
The exhibit may include, but isn’t limited to, original works, objects, demonstrations, digital presentations, programs,
websites, games, apps, performances, or posters which you have made. Choose whatever method best shows what
you’ve learned. You must furnish any equipment you need for your exhibit. Internet service will not be provided for
the exhibit. All exhibits must include something visual, such as a printed copy of a digital presentation, which will
remain on display during the exhibition. Electronic equipment will only be used during your personal judging time
and will not remain on display during the entire exhibit period. The completed Illinois 4-H Clover Challenge
Agreement must be presented with the exhibit. The agreement can be found at: