4H CLINTON COUNTY CLOVERBUD AWARD APPLICATION My 4-H Cloverbud Award Application Page 1 of 5 Instructions • Fill out the 4-H Cloverbud Award Application one time at the end of the 4-H year (FOR ALL CLOVERBUD PROJECTS ONLY SEND IN ONE AWARD APPLICATION) • This information will be reviewed and you will be recognized for your participation. My Name is: Age: Grade in school: My address is: I belong to the 4-H club. I have been a 4-H Cloverbud member for Show and tell (4-H demonstration) � Yes Exhibit (something you made) � Yes year(s). � No � No Project activity sheets or workbooks � Yes � No List 4-H projects I have completed this year: Example: Visual Arts/Fiber Monster Pillow 1. I went to the following club or county events: Example: 4-H Rally/Fishing derby 1. Fishing Derby (C) and Fishing Derby (CL) Complete these questions: 1. This year I learned to: 2. Next year want to learn about: 3. My favorite things in 4-H this year were: Signature of Cloverbud Member Signature of Cloverbud Parent Signature of Club Leader Date: Here are drawings of my 4-H project or 4-H activities.