The Mighty Clovers learn from guest speakers.

The Mighty Clovers learn from guest speakers.
The Mighty Clovers 4-H Club has been doing a lot of learning! We have had many guest
speakers come to help us learn more about the soil, flower production and sales, and veterinary
medicine. We were very lucky to have Mr. Bratta come to talk to us about soil and some of the
different properties involved in soil. We also had Mr. Gensler come to talk to us about growing
flowers and how he has used this skill to grow his business at Gensler Gardens. Lastly, we had
Dr. Tyler come to talk to us about veterinary medicine and what is involved in being a vet. We
are so thankful to each of our presenters for taking the time to come and share their knowledge.
We continue to learn through talks and demonstrations of our club members as they are learning
more about the projects they are involved in.