Washington County Awards

Washington County Awards, Scholarships and
Opportunities for Competitive Awards
**Washington County 4-H Member Permanent Records should accompany all award
applications. A member must be an achievement (Standards of Excellence) member to be
eligible for any awards.
Club Officer Awards
Club President and Vice President Recognition
Award: Each recipient receives a 4-H gift.
Winner: Awarded to members serving as a Club President or Club Vice President and who turn
in a one page essay following the criteria below.
Criteria: Members should write a short one page essay, including details regarding their
experiences as a club officer. The essay should include examples of personal leadership in
preparing the club agenda, planning programs, assisting members, holding officer meetings,
etc. which gives insight into the leadership role they served in. Deadline: September 1st
Club Secretary Recognition
MANDATORY for all clubs
Award: Each recipient receives a 4-H gift.
Winner: Awarded to members serving as Club Secretary and who turn in their secretary books
meeting the criteria below.
Criteria: The attendance roll should be complete for each meeting. Minutes may be
handwritten or typed and the pages inserted in the book in some fashion. Minutes should have
complete motions, seconds and results of votes, etc. Deadline: September 1st
Club Treasurer Recognition
MANDATORY for all clubs
Award: Each recipient receives a 4-H gift.
Winner: Awarded to members serving as Club Treasurer and who turn in their treasurer books
meeting the criteria below.
Criteria: Treasurer’s book should include a complete financial statement and audit. The audit
must be completed by a member, parent and leader who are not affiliated with the club’s
treasurer. Ensure that the bank statements match the treasurer’s records.
Deadline: September 1st
Club Reporter Recognition
Award: Each recipient receives a 4-H gift.
Winner: Awarded to members serving as Club Reporter and who turn in their monthly reports
meeting the criteria below.
Criteria: Reporters should complete a form for each meeting and submit it to the office in a
timely manner. Deadline: on a monthly basis, final due September 1st
Club Scrapbook Recognition
*NEW for 2013-2014*
Award: 4-H gifts for members and cash award for club.
Winner: Club members submitting scrapbooks from club activities throughout the current 4-H
year will be recognized and considered for the award.
Criteria: One scrapbook per club. Members working on scrapbooks should work as individuals
or in groups of no more than three people. Scrapbooks should capture details of
events/activities that the club has participated in during the current 4-H year. Captions should
be provided regarding details of the event. Deadline: September 1st
Project and Activity Awards
County Project and Activity Medals
Award: Each recipient receives a medal. Medals are ordered through the state and sponsored
by the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Winner: Awarded to a member in each project/activity area who scores the highest, at least 50
or more points on the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award application. The number
of medals we can award are determined by our total project enrollment.
Criteria: Members should complete the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award
application. A member can receive a medal only once in each project/activity area.
Deadline: September 1st
County Project and Activity Blue Certificate Awards
Award: Each recipient receives a blue certificate sponsored by the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Winner: Awarded to a member who has received the medal award and continues to submit
records in the same project area striving for county outstanding and/or state competition.
Criteria: Members should complete the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award
application. A member can receive a certificate more than once.
Deadline: September 1st
County Outstanding Project/Activity Award
Award: Each recipient receives a framed certificate and a gift from the project/activity sponsor.
Winner: Awarded to a member in each project/activity area who scores the highest, as least 85 or
more points on the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award application.
Criteria: Members should complete the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award
application. Areas of recognition include:
Environment and Natural Resources
Animal Sciences
Food, Nutrition and Health
Plants and Soils
Home and Family
Engineering and Technology
Personal Development
Community Involvement and Global Awareness
Deadline: September 1st
Livestock Awards
Award: Livestock/Agriculture related gifts sponsored by local supporters of the 4-H Livestock
Winner: Members achieving a top score according to application judging guidelines in each
species (beef, dairy, goats, horse, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine).
Criteria: Complete and submit Livestock Record. Members should also complete the
Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award application.
Deadline: entry during current 4-H year 4-H Shows, records due September 1st
Electricity Achievement
Award: The Energy Education Council will provide one plaque to each county to recognize one
4-H member for outstanding achievements in electricity.
Winner: 4-H members achieving outstanding success in electricity and achieving a top score
according to application judging guidelines.
Criteria: Members may only receive this honor once. Members should complete the
Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award application.
Deadline: entry during current 4-H year 4-H Shows, records due September 1st
Illinois Holstein-Friesian Association Recognition
The Illinois Holstein-Friesian Association provides certificates and medals to 4-H dairy members.
First time recipients receive a pin; previous recipients will receive a certificate.
Criteria: Members should complete the Washington County 4-H Curriculum Area Award
Deadline: entry during current 4-H year 4-H Shows, records due September 1st
Club Awards
Club Recognition for Progress Award
Award: “Superior Progress” patch.
Winner: Awarded to each club who achieves 75 percent or more of their club’s annual reported
goals. These include club projects, community service, fundraisers, membership, county
participation, and special activities.
Criteria: Clubs should complete the Club Progress Guidelines Report Form.
Deadline: Initial goals due at beginning of 4-H Year, final due September 1st
Triple Crown Club Progress Award
Award: 4-H Gift from the Sourcebook as determined by the State 4-H Office.
Winner: Each club who has met the requirements for Club Recognition for Progress Award for 3
consecutive years.
Criteria: Clubs should complete the Club Progress Guidelines Report Form each year. Clubs must
have achieved 75 percent or more of their club’s annual reported goals and have been recognized
as a winner of the Progress Award for 3 consecutive years. Once a club has received the Triple
Crown award, the next year their “count” starts over. Deadline: September 1st
Club Standards of Excellence Award
Award: “Award of Excellence” patch.
Winner: Awarded to each club who achieves 11 or more of the 14 standards (Illinois 4-H
Standards of Excellence for 4-H Groups Report Form).
Criteria: Clubs are encouraged to achieve Standards of Excellence status in much the same
way as individual 4-H members. Clubs should complete the Illinois Standards of Excellence for
4-H Clubs and Groups form. Eleven of fourteen standards need to be met during the 4-H year
to qualify. Deadline: September 1st
Triple Crown Club Standards of Excellence Award
Award: 4-H Gift from the Sourcebook as determined by the State 4-H Office.
Winner: Each club who has met the requirements for Club Standard of Excellence Award for 3
consecutive years.
Criteria: Clubs should complete the Illinois 4-H Standards of Excellence for 4-H Groups Report
Form each year. Clubs must have achieved eleven of the fourteen standards and have been
recognized as a winner of the Standards of Excellence Award for 3 consecutive years. Once a club
has received the Triple Crown award, the next year their “count” starts over.
Deadline: September 1st
State Club/Group Recognition Award for Competition
Award: State Award Patches, Certificates and a Cash Award sponsored by the State 4-H Office
Winner: A maximum of three awards will be presented in each club membership category in all of
the seven curriculum areas. A tenth award may be presented in the club membership category
that has the most applicants.
Criteria: Clubs are required to submit the Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report. Reports must follow all
criteria outlined in the report instructions. Reports must receive a minimum of 50% of eligible
points in order to be recognized as a State 4-H Award Winner.
Deadline: August 15th
County Club/Group Recognition Award for Service
Award: Certificate and a cash award sponsored by local supporters of the Washington County
4-H Program.
Winner: Each club who turns in a Service Award Application and who reaches an approved score
according to judging guidelines.
Criteria: Clubs are required to submit the Service Award Application. Reports must follow all
criteria outlined in the report instructions.
Deadline: September 1st
Illinois IFYE Club/Group Intercultural Recognition
Award: Certificate
Winner: Clubs participating in intercultural activities and who exhibit an Intercultural project at
the 4-H Shows.
Criteria: Clubs should exhibit a group Intercultural project at the 4-H Shows during the current
4-H year. Deadline: entry during current 4-H year 4-H Shows
Dairy Month Recognition
Award: Gift cards sponsored by Midwest Dairy Association
Winner: Clubs participating in dairy month activities and who submit a dairy month report will
be scored and top winners will be recognized.
Criteria: Clubs should follow all criteria outlined in the report instructions.
Deadline: August 1st
Scarecrow Contest
Award: Top individual and top small group will receive a 4-H gift. Top club will receive a
popcorn/movie party.
Winner: Top individual, top small group, and top club who participate in the contest and who
acheve an approved score according to guidelines.
Criteria: See guidelines sheet for criteria. Deadline: 1st Monday in November
Holiday Tree Contest
Award: Top individual and top small group will receive a 4-H gift. Top club will receive a pizza
Winner: Top individual, top small group and top club who participate in the contest and who
achieve an approved score according to guidelines.
Criteria: See guidelines sheet for criteria. Deadline: 1st Monday in December
Pack the Pantry Contest
Award: Top club will receive an ice cream party.
Winner: Top club who participates in the contest and who achieve an approved score
according to guidelines.
Criteria: See guidelines sheet for criteria. Deadline: Friday before Fair Week starts
Window or Table Display Contest Winners
Award: Clubs receive cash awards and recognition for promoting 4-H during National 4-H Week.
Winner: Two top clubs who participate and who meet approved scores according to judging
guidelines will receive cash awards.
Criteria: The displays are judged on the Monday of National 4-H Week. All rules on National 4-H
Week paperwork must be followed. Deadline: beginning of October (To Be Announced)
State 4-H Promotional Windows
Applications may be made by a club, county or Extension Unit. Extension Units may
request more than one adjoining window space; however, availability will depend upon
the number of requests received. Should more than 15 requests be received, a lottery
drawing will be held for the spaces available following the May 1 deadline. Applications
must be in writing and include the name and contact information for the display
Entries must be coordinated by a volunteer and/or 4-H member(s). (Extension staff may
not be listed as the coordinator of the window display.)
Window displays should portray a representative selection of county 4-H projects and
activities OR may focus on one of the three 4-H Mission Mandates:
Citizenship/Leadership; Healthy Lifestyles; or Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Coordinators will be sent exact window assignments and sizes after May 1 deadline.
Set-up for Illinois Building Windows will be held in late July. Illinois Building windows
must be taken down on designated days at end of August. Specific times for set-up and
disassembly will be established and contacts notified by mid-June. No security will be
provided for the Illinois Building before the set-up dates or after the disassembly dates
noted above.
Space for a maximum of 15 county or club exhibit locations will be provided. Premiums
will be awarded at $200 or amount noted in current State Fair Premium book for the
current 4-H year. (*All premium amounts are subject to change due to the availability
of premiums from the Illinois Department of Agriculture.”
Individual Member Awards
First Year Member Awards
Award: T-Shirt, first year member pin, $20 voucher toward the cost of attending 4-H Camp.
Winner: Top ten scores from First year Achievement Members turning in their Washington
County 4-H Member Record.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record. First year scores
generally range in the 20’s. Deadline: September 1st
Second Year Member Awards
Award: T-Shirt, $20 voucher toward the cost of attending 4-H Camp.
Winner: Top ten scores from Second year Achievement Members turning in their Washington
County 4-H Member Record.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record. Second year scores
generally range in the 20’s and 30’s. Deadline: September 1st
Five and Ten Year Member Awards
Award: 5 or 10 year membership pin and certificate.
Winner: Five and ten year Achievement Members turning in their Washington County 4-H
Member Record.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
Illini Summer Academies
Award: $100 voucher to attend Illini Summer Academies
Winner: Two members scoring the highest on the Washington County 4-H Member Record
who will be in high school at the time of the event. A previous winner of the National
Leadership Award (formerly the I Dare You Award). Members can only receive this award once.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record and having previous
recognition as a National Leadership Award (formerly the I Dare You Award) winner. Scores
generally range in the 70’s and 80’s. Deadline: September 1st
Illinois Junior Leadership Conference
Award: $80 voucher to attend the Illinois Junior Leadership Conference
Winner: Two members scoring the highest on the Washington County 4-H Member Record
who will be in 7th or 8th grade at the time of the event. Members can only receive this award
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
Discover Chicago
Award: $100 voucher to attend Discover Chicago Trip
Winner: Two members scoring the highest on the Washington County 4-H Member Record
who will be in the 5th, 6th, or 7th grade at the time of the event. Members can only receive this
award once.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
4-H Camp Award
Award: Full Cost vouchers to attend 4-H Camp.
Winner: Three members scoring the highest on the Washington County 4-H Member Record
who will be in the 4th, 5th or 6th grade at the time of the event Members can only receive this
award once.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
National Leadership Award
(Previously the I Dare You Award)
Award: Certificate and “I Dare You” book by Danforth. Members are also eligible to attend a
National Leadership Conference with possible scholarship opportunities.
Winner: Members who are 15-18 years old or who have completed the 9th grade. Awarded to
members climbing up the ladder of achievement and leadership responsibilities.
Criteria: Members should complete and submit the Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Scores range in the 50’s and 60’s. A member can receive this award only once.
Deadline: September 1st
Project Achievement Awards (8-11 Years Old)
Award: First year: project achievement medal. Additional years: certificate
Winner: Members meeting the standards of excellence for their age group and who have
submitted their completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Criteria: Members must have met the following criteria:
1. Select a project, decide what to do in the project, complete a record.
2. Attend at least 2/3 of club meetings after enrolling (or number determined by club or
club leader).
3. Give a talk or demonstration or presentation at club level.
4. Exhibit a project at the 4-H show.
Deadline: September 1st
Service Achievement Awards (12-14 Years Old)
Award: First year: service achievement medal. Additional years: certificate
Winner: Members meeting the standards of excellence for their age group and who have
submitted their completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Criteria: Members must have met the following criteria:
(steps 1-4 above plus…)
5. Serve on a club committee or hold a club office.
6. Participate in a community service activity or in a learning activity in the community.
7. Assist leaders with a special club activity, tour or program.
Deadline: September 1st
Leadership Achievement Awards (15-19 Years Old)
Award: Age 15 – Key Ring, Age 16 – Sportspack, Age 17 – Cooler, Age 18 - Umbrella
Winner: Members meeting the standards of excellence for their age group and who have
submitted their completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Criteria: Members must have met the following criteria:
(steps 1-7 above plus…)
8. Participate in a 4-H learning experience at the county, multi-county, regional or state
9. Provide leadership for a project, an activity or for a 4-H group.
10. Assist in conducting programs at the county level or beyond.
Deadline: September 1st
County Outstanding 4-H Member Award
Award: Each winner receives a plaque.
Winner: Two members are selected for this award. Awarded to the top two scores on the
Washington County 4-H Member Record. (Scores range in the 70's, 80's and 90's.) A member can
receive award only once.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
4-H Year Achievement Award
Medals are sponsored by Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Winner: Recognizing 4-H member(s) having had an extraordinary year. Scores are from
the Washington County 4-H Member Record. A member can receive this award only once.
Criteria: Submitting a completed Washington County 4-H Member Record.
Deadline: September 1st
Victory Award
*NEW for 2014-2015*
Award: 4-H gifts
Winner: Members receiving at least 200 points will receive a 4-H gift. Members receiving all
400 points will receive a special grand prize.
Criteria: Members must complete victory tasks on a regular basis throughout the 4-H year and
have their booklets signed and stamped. Deadline: September 1st
Encouragement Award
Award: 4-H gifts
Winner: Up to two nominated members from each club will receive a 4-H gift.
Criteria: The Encouragement Award is a unique award intended to encourage youth to keep
trying their best. The Encouragement Award is reserved for a child who may not be receiving
other types of 4-H medals and awards, but always tries to do his/her best on projects and at
club meetings/activities. Nominees should have at least completed the 5 th grade to be
nominated. Club leaders should nominate any deserving members from their club. Use a
separate form for each member nominated. Deadline: September 1st
Alumni Medal Awards
Award: Certificate and pin.
Winner: 4-H members who are completing their last year as a 4-H member.
Criteria: Completion of final year in 4-H. Deadline: September 1st
Cloverbud Graduation
Award: Certificate and 4-H gift.
Winner: 4-H members who are completing their last year as a 4-H Cloverbud member.
Criteria: Completion of final year as a Cloverbud. Deadline: September 1st
Project Goals
*NEW for 2014-2015*
Award: Entered into a drawing for a cash prize and a 4-H gift.
Winner: 4-H members who complete and submit the “Planning for My 4-H Project Work”
Criteria: Submitting a completed “Planning for My 4-H Project Work” Form showing significant
steps towards working at and reaching/surpassing goals.
Deadline: goals to be set at beginning of 4-H Year and completed by September 1st (end of 4-H
Leader/Volunteer Awards
Friend of 4-H
This award is an annual recognition of a person or organization whose leadership, actions, and
support have contributed to the improvement and promotion of the Illinois 4-H Youth
Development Program. Contact Extension Office for details regarding nominations.
Award: Plaque and name placed on permanent plaque located at local Extension Office.
Criteria: A letter of recommendation is required. Nominees should exhibit these qualities:
- Unselfishly donates time and talent to the benefit of the entire 4-H program.
- Is willing to share knowledge with 4-H members, leaders and staff.
- Has a strong belief in the “goodness” of the 4-H program.
- Is honest and fair in their dealings with the 4-H members.
- Is a positive example of hard work and leadership to 4-H members.
- Has been a long-time supporter of the 4-H and Extension program.
- Contributes financially to the 4-H and Extension program (if applicable).
Deadline: September 1st
4-H Hall of Fame
The Illinois 4-H Foundation established the Hall of Fame in 2005 to honor extraordinary 4-H
alumni, volunteers, and former 4-H staff. Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame inductees have a track record
of exemplary service to 4-H or outstanding career and community achievement and were
nominated by either county University of Illinois Extension staff or by the Illinois 4-H
Foundation Board. Contact Extension Office for details regarding nominations.
Deadline: May 1st
Illinois 4-H Larry Fischer Leadership and Spirit Award
The Illinois 4-H Foundation created the Larry Fischer Leadership & Spirit Award in 2001 to honor
county 4-H or Extension foundation board members or other county fundraising volunteers
who exemplify the spirit of "making the best better" for their county's 4-H or Extension
fundraising efforts.
Larry Fischer has been a dedicated volunteer for Illinois 4-H for many years. His effective and
inclusive leadership style and his passion and spirit for the youth that 4-H serves earned him the
respect that resulted in his name being associated with this Leadership & Spirit Award. An
Adams County native and a graduate of both Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and the
University of Illinois, Fischer retired as the Vice President of Instruction at John Wood
Community College in 2008. Larry Fischer served on the Illinois 4-H Foundation board for eight
years and was elected to two terms as President.
Nomination Information
Nominations Due: May 1
Nominees must have served on the county 4-H or Extension foundation board or in a similar
volunteer role as a fundraiser for county 4-H or Extension programs.
The person nominating the volunteer should print and complete the following application
(Larry Fischer Application) and return it along with the following:
 A letter of nomination, which includes the nominee's:
Significant contributions to the county's 4-H or Extension fundraising efforts
List of outstanding professional accomplishments
Notable contributions in citizenship and community service
Other notable honors, special recognitions, civic and volunteer activities, and
philanthropic interests
Three (3) letters of support that focus on the individual's fundraising activity and succeses
Biographical sketch/description of career accomplishments (a résumé or curriculum vitae
are also acceptable)
Illinois 4-H Family Spirit Award
The Illinois 4-H Foundation created the Illinois 4-H Family Spirit Award to annually recognize an
Illinois family who has substantially benefited from and who continue to be advocates for the
Illinois 4-H program over multiple generations.
To be nominated, a family must have a minimum of:
three generations of representation
15 different family members (including in-laws) that have either been 4-H members,
leaders, or volunteers
100 cumulative years of 4-H membership or volunteerism
Selection will be based on:
Total number of family members with 4-H connections
Total number of years in 4-H involvement
Diversity of experiences and recognitions earned by the 4-H members
The collective impact that family members have made as advocates of their respective
county and state 4-H programs
The collective family's involvement in community service and belief in philanthrophy to
the 4-H program
Nomination Process:
1. The family member taking the lead on the nomination should complete the online
nomination form. This form will notify the Illinois 4-H Foundation that you will be
submitting a complete nomination via the mail by May 1.
2. Complete as many copies of the Family Member Biography Form as needed so each
family member is listed on a separate form.
3. Complete a Family Summary Form to compile the family's total number of years of
participation in each category.
4. Provide a one page/five hundred word typed "Family 4-H Story" reflecting on how 4-H has
impacted your family and how your family has supported 4-H.
5. Mail a cover page, (which should include the family name as you would want it to appear
on the award, name of nominator (or contact person), email address, home address,
phone and fax number), all individual family biography forms, and the Family 4-H story to:
Illinois 4-H Foundation
1401 South Maryland Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
6. Please staple or clip your submission. No binders or books, please. One joint family
photograph, if available, may be submitted, but is not required. All submissions are
combined into one binder for review by selection committee.
7. Applications will be judged based upon this scoring rubric.
8. Applications will be considered for three years at a time. After three years, family is
allowed to re-submit application.
9. The deadline is May 1.
Winners will be recognized at the Illinois State Fair, on the Illinois 4-H Foundation website, and
in the annual Cloverseed.
4-H Alumni Award
This award recognizes an elite group of Illinois 4-H alumni for their outstanding career
accomplishments and leadership in civic, community, and professional activities. Contact
Extension Office for details regarding nominations.
Award: Plaque and name placed on permanent plaque located at local Extension Office.
Deadline: May 1st
Janet Windler Memorial 4-H Leader of the Year Award
Salute to Excellence Nominees
Award: Plaque and name placed on permanent plaque located at local Extension Office. Name
submitted as Salute to Excellence nominee
Criteria: Letters of recommendation (from 4-H Staff, 4-H youth participants,
parents/volunteers) should outline the following:
1. Positive impact the nominee has has on 4-H and on 4-H youth.
2. Nominee’s ability to work with young people on projects and activities in a way
that promotes decision-making, problem-solving, meeting challenges, mastery
and youth/adult partnerships.
3. Nominee’s innovative approaches to engaging youth and increasing diversity
among participants.
4. Dedication to a safe and inclusive environment.
5. How nominee models character and professional behavior when interacting with
participants, families, and community partners.
6. Nominee’s innovative approaches to performing volunteer service.
7. Increased funding/resources/new initiatives generated by nominee.
8. Recruitment of additional volunteers.
9. Personal growth from being a 4-H volunteer (that you have observed).
Deadline: October 1st
Competitive Opportunities
Handbook Cover Contest
Award: Winner will be recognized by having their entry displayed on the cover of our current
Winner: Individual entries will be judged, scored, placed and chosen according to criteria.
Criteria: See guidelines sheet for criteria. Deadline: March 1st
4-H Poster Contest Winners
Award: Members receive cash awards and recognition for promoting 4-H during National 4-H
Winner: Two top members who participate and receive approved scores from judging criteria
will receive cash awards.
Criteria: The displays are judged on the Monday of National 4-H Week. All rules on National 4-H
Week paperwork must be followed. Deadline: beginning of October (To Be Announced)
Superior Young Producers Awards Program
Award: $1000 scholarship to five individual winners of the overall Superior Young Producers
Award. A plaque will be presented to each of the “top three” phase winners in the individual
phase competition.
Winner: Members 14 and older who are current 4-H members conducting project work in one
of the following species areas: beef, dairy, horses, sheep, or swine. Participants do not have to
be exhibiting animals at the Illinois State Fair in order to participate in the SYPA contest.
Criteria: Exhibitors may only receive a scholarship one time throughout his/her 4-H eligible
years. The contest consists of a Skillathon, Management Test, and Live Animal Judging or
Meats ID. Ask Extension Program Coordinator for more details.
Deadline: prior to contest in August
State Master Showmanship Contest
Award: Cash prizes in the amounts of $1000, $750, and $500.
Winner: Exhibitors 14 years of age or older at the time of the state event. There may be one
exhibitor per county. Member must be enrolled in the correlating 4-H livestock
event/showmanship competition in their represented county.
Criteria: Participants must provide their own livestock (steer or heifer, market lamb or
breeding lamb, and a market hog or breeding gilt). Exhibitor will be scored on overall
showmanship abilities. Ask Extension Program Coordinator for more details.
Deadline: June 1st/August 1st
Illinois Veterinary Science Award
Award: $200 cash award.
Winner: Members between the ages of 15 and 18 who are currently enrolled in the Veterinary
Science project and have been for at least 3 years. Members may only receive this award once.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: July 1st
4-H Key Award
Award: Certificate
Winner: 4-H members who are 16 to 18 years of age. A maximum of two applications per
county may be submitted. Members may receive this award only once.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: March 1st
4-H Premier LCP Award
Award: Certificates for county level and state level winners in addition to an opportunity to
attend the two-day Premier 20 Leadership Conference.
Winner: 4-H members who are at least 17 years of age as of December 1st. Maximum of two
applicants per county. Members may only attend the conference as a winner once.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: January 3rd
Illinois 4-H Legacy of Leadership Scholarship
Award: $1000 scholarships towards a college education
Winner: High School Senior or post-high school student 4-H members who have been enrolled
in the program a minimum of five years. Members may only receive this award once.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: March 1st
State Fair Jr. Horse Show Scholarship
Award: Scholarships towards educational purposes.
Winner: 4-H members completing their last eligible year as a horse project member and who
have exhibited at the State Fair Jr. Horse Show at least once in the past three years.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: September 15th
Illinois 4-H Livestock Scholarship
Award: $1000 scholarships paid directly to a post high school educational program.
Winner: Current high school seniors or post high school 4-H members who have been enrolled
in a Livestock Project a minimum of 3 years during their involvement in the 4-H program. Must
be pursuing a college degree related to the agriculture industry.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: March 1st
State Illinois 4-H Award
Award: Award Medals, State Recognition, opportunity to win trips to National 4-H Congress
Winner: Candidates should be between the ages of 15 and 18 at the time of their enrollment.
Criteria: Members should follow guidelines on the application.
Contact Extension Office for an application. Deadline: December 1st/January 3rd