May 2016
Members should have received their 4-H show registrations in
the mail! If not, please contact the extension office.
Registrations are due to the office by June 1!
*The 2016 4-H Showbook is online on the website under “4-H Shows” tab!*
Many events and programs are scheduled over the next weeks,
if you would like to meet with 4-H staff in person call ahead or schedule an
appointment to be sure one of us is in the office.
In this issue:
Local News pg 1-5
Clover Spotlight! pg. 3
Exhibitor Info pg. 4-5
State News pg 5-6
Metro Spotlight pg 7
Calendar pg. 8
NEW Members! 4-H Show Orientation: Are you new to the 4-H Show? On Thursday, May 19, there
will be a 4-H New Member Show Orientation from 6 to 7 pm. at the Springfield Extension office for Sangamon
and Menard 4-H members. Attendees will have the opportunity to: ask questions about completing their entry
form for County Show and turn it in; watch a mock conference judging and ask questions about the process (all
general project exhibitors are required to conference judge at the 4-H Show); and ask any question they may
have that are Show related. A schedule of events will also be available. Please register online by May 17th.
SELF DEFENSE CLUB (Ages 8 & older): Master techniques through Japanese martial arts and Brazilian
Jiu-jitsu that will help you learn confidence, self-esteem, concentration, and focus on physical fitness in Self
Defense Club! Wear comfortable workout clothes (t-shirts, yoga pants, shorts—NO tank tops allowed).
Enrollment form also required. Call 732-8289 to register or register online at web.extension.illinois.edu/lms/
(will also be open to general public) DATE/TIME: FRIDAYS: June 3, 10, 17, 24 (6—7:30 pm) COST: no charge 4H member/$20—”new to 4-H” member. LOCATION: Yoshukai Kenkyukai Karatedo, 101 West Main Street,
Williamsville, IL Registration opens online May 1, and has a maximum of 20 participants.
4-H All SEWN Up SPIN Club: This 4-H SPIN (Special Interest) Club focuses on sewing and textile skills and
projects. Open to all youth ages 8-18 (as of September 1, 2015) Sangamon County Extension Office (700 S.
Airport Dr. Springfield, IL) Sponsored and led by the HCE Capitol Unit Meeting Dates: June 2, 9, 16, and 23 from
6-8 p.m. Cost: Free for current 4-H members (A $20 annual program fee will be required for youth not currently
enrolled to enroll as a member for the 2015-2016 4-H year.) This SPIN club is limited to ten members on a first
come first serve basis, so register online, today!
4-H Space Camp 2016: Open to current Illinois 4-Hers who will be 7-9th grade in the fall of 2016.
U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama (Nov 10-13). Youth will travel on a Cavallo Charter bus to
Space Camp in Huntsville, AL. Pickup points include Peoria, IL; Springfield, IL; and Mt. Vernon, IL in the evening
on Thursday, November 10th. We will arrive at Space Camp early Friday morning, spend two full days and nights
at Space Camp, and leave Sunday morning and arrive home Sunday evening. The fee ($400) covers travel,
overnight accommodations at Space Camp, insurance, and meals. Optional additional costs include
snacks/souvenirs. Registration and non-refundable deposit of $100 (first installment) must be received by no
later than June 1. Space is limited, register online @
http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lms/4h.html www.facebook.com/LMS.4H
Menard County Extension Office 420 S. 7th ● Petersburg, IL 62675
Phone: 217/632-7491 ● Fax: 217/632-2425 ● E-Mail: menard_co@illinois.edu
Sangamon County Extension Office ● 700 S. Airport Drive ● Springfield, IL 62707
Phone: 217/782-4617 ● Fax: 217/524-6662 ● E-Mail sangamon_co@illinois.edu
May 2016
Volunteer Opportunity in your local communities! “4-H Creativity Lab” is coming to many local
communities this summer and we need your help to spread the fun of 4-H. These programs focus on STEAM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) and will be free to youth to participate. 4-H staff will be
leading programs, but we need assistance from parents, leaders, alumni, and responsible
4-Her’s who can help youth with activities. No previous knowledge required, please contact Kathryn or Sharon if
you are interested in helping grow 4-H this summer! Program registration information will be shared soon.
4-H Shotgun sessions have been planned for 2016: Youth ages 12 to 18 are eligible to participate.
Sessions will be held at Lefthander's Gun Club, Loami, IL, from 6 PM until dark on the following Thursday's: June
2, June 9, June 16, June 23, June 30, July 7, and July 14. Participants are not required to supply their own
equipment. For more information or to register go to: web.extension.illinois.edu/sangamon4h or call Sharon
Lounsberry at (217)782-4617.
4-H Double Dutch League: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7 p.m. June 14th-August 18th Open to all youth aged
5-18 (as of September 1, 2015) Sign up by June 7th or get more information by contacting Erica Austin at 217553-1815 eaust2@illinois.edu. Location Boys and Girls Club in Springfield, IL led by Tryis McPike.
4-H Family Fun and Picnic: 4-H Foundation is hosting a Family Picnic at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 9, in
the pavilion at the Sangamon County Fairgrounds in New Berlin following the Sangamon-Menard General
Project Show. All Menard and Sangamon County 4-H families are invited. Hot dogs, chips and drinks will be
provided for those who register by July 6 online at http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lms/sangamon4h/
(If families want to come and bring a picnic lunch of their own, they can do so without pre-registering.)
Following the picnic will be 4-H Recognition and Family Fun Activities including: 4-H Style Show (4-H Clothing and
Textiles exhibits modeled), 4-H Public Speaking, recognition of 4-H Scholarship Winners, Activities, and Games.
One of the games that will be part of Family Fun will be Tug O’ War. Any youth wanting to participate should
show up the day of the event, (Saturday, July 9) at 1:00 pm at the scales by the livestock barns on the Sangamon
County Fairgrounds. Teams will be formed from those present. We encourage spectators as well as participants
to put the date on your calendar and check out details in the 4-H Show Book online at
Outdoor Archery Sessions - Sangamon-Menard Extension will be offering a series of six 4-H recreational
archery sessions at Panther Creek Outdoor Archery Range, located at 1 W. Gilreath Road, Chatham, IL. Sessions
will be on Wednesday evenings June 8, 15, 22, 29 and July 6 & 13, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Youth ages 8-18 as of
September 1, 2015 are eligible to participate. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced archers are welcome. Slots
will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. Those interested in participating must register online at
http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lms/sangamon4h/ to reserve their spot. Scroll down the right hand side of the
page to the Register Online section and click on the link for the archery sessions.
There will be an activity fee of $30 collected in advance, to cover the six week series. If the lump sum payment is
a hardship, please contact Sharon Lounsberry to discuss options. Youth who are not currently enrolled in a 4-H
Club will pay a $20 program fee to join 4-H. Youth not currently enrolled in the Abe Lincoln 4-H Shooters 4-H
Club will be sent Shooting Sports enrollment forms to complete and return in advance of participating.
Enter photography contest: Time is almost up to enter Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs 4th
annual Cream of the Crop Photo Contest. Enter online by July 7 @ illinoistreasurer.gov and look under the
Resource Center on the right side of the screen.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 2
May 2016
Your 4-H adventures
can be featured too!
Submit articles,
photos, stories,
videos, etc. to
Kathryn Long
Clover Spotlight!
 Archery Sessions are back again and these intermediate level shooters
enjoyed having a time all their own. Thank you to the wonderful
volunteers who make this opportunity possible!
 Participants of “4-H’s Got Talent!” had a blast showcasing their unique
talents with music, poetry, and dance! Thank you to all who participated
and came to support this all-new program! Check out clips on Facebook.
 4-H Spark Tank: 4-H members were presented with a grant from Farm
Credit for their project for community change “Preserving the Lasting
Memory of the Lincoln Colored Homes.”
 Sangamon-Menard 4-H Federation donated the items and proceeds
collected at their 4-H Trivia Night event to the Animal Protection League;
they spent their April meeting volunteering at the APL’s annual fundraiser
organizing donations.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 3
May 2016
4-H Show Books Online: The 4-H Show Book is a full service guide for 4-H families, providing information
about everything you need to know about this Summer’s County 4-H Shows including: exhibit requirements for
each project, eligibility requirements for exhibiting, rules, deadlines, map, and schedule of activities! The
Menard and Sangamon County Show Books are available online at:
Several changes have been made this year to everything from exhibit requirements, to deadlines, rules, and the
schedules, so PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!! The main 4-H Leader of each club will be given a hard copy of the show
book and one can be viewed at the Extension Office as well. An e-mail message that information was ready was sent to all families
that have provided us an e-mail address. We have some addresses that bounce back to us, so if you are not receiving notices about the 4-H newsletter etc.,
either your computer settings reject it, or your address is incorrect in our system. Please contact us with questions.
Here are some highlights of changes that were made to 4-H General Project guidelines to keep us in line with
State Fair exhibit requirements. The complete rules will be available in the Show Book
 Innovation classes were added to several projects.
 Several new projects this year were added and are now in the showbook!
 Expanded opportunities for Sewing & Textiles, Cooking 101-401, and Photography.
 All 4-H members ages 8 and up (as of September 1, 2015) are eligible for State Fair.
 There were changes this year to the list of projects that are eligible to advance on to State Fair; projects
eligible for State Fair exhibit are accompanied by a SF class number.
Important County 4-H Exhibitor Information!
This year ALL Menard and Sangamon 4-H general projects will be exhibited together
(The Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat, Poultry and Rabbit Shows will remain separate for this year)
Public Speaking- The 2016 Sangamon-Menard 4-H Public Speaking/Foods Demonstration Contest will be
held on Saturday July 9th after the picnic and style show at Sangamon Co Fairgrounds in New Berlin, IL.
Clothing Show - All Sangamon and Menard Sewing & Textiles and Shopping in Style exhibits (regardless if
they are a sewn or purchased wearable item, display board or sewn non-clothing item) will be judged
Saturday, June 25th at 10:00 a.m. Fashion Revue will be judged on July 9th at the 4-H Style Show.
Aerospace exhibits – Both Sangamon and Menard members will exhibit at the Sangamon County
Fairgrounds in New Berlin, on Saturday, July 9. Members should check their static exhibit in between 8-9 am,
along with all other general project exhibits. The optional Rocket Launch will be held at 11:30 am, weather
Small Pets/ Animal Science exhibits will show on Saturday, July 9 as part of the General Project Show, at
the Sangamon County Fairgrounds as part of the General Project Show. This includes all Menard and
Sangamon members enrolled in Small Pets, Vet Science, and any livestock projects or Dog/Cat where the
member chooses to exhibit an Animal Science display board. Dog and Cat Show (live animal exhibits only)
will be a Unit Show held in Lincoln on July 30.
All other Menard and Sangamon general projects will be exhibited Saturday, July 9, at the Sangamon County
Fairgrounds in New Berlin. Members will pick-up exhibit tags and check-in their projects from 8-9 am., and
conference judging will begin by 9:30 am.
Conference judging is required this year for all general project exhibits. If a member has a conflict they
must contact the Extension office by June 1 to make arrangement to conference judge ahead of time to be
eligible for premiums, award consideration, or State Fair Delegate selection AND complete a form to display
with their project at the 4-H Show.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 4
May 2016
Menard County livestock will continue to be exhibited in 4-H classes during the Menard County Fair. Refer
to the Menard County Show Book for entry information.
Exhibit Tags – This year exhibit tags will not be distributed prior to the 4-H Show. Pre-printed tags will be
available for members to pick-up at the shows. Please allow enough time to get your tags picked up and
attached and have your project checked in on time. Most exhibits must have an exhibit tag, and all articles of
the exhibit should be tagged with the exhibitor’s information. Exhibits without tags will not be judged.
Exhibit tags are not needed for the following projects: public presentations, all livestock, bicycle, dog
showmanship, dog obedience, dog care, cat care. However, animal science displays will need an exhibit tag.
County 4-H Show Entry Information and Deadline
The ENTRY DEADLINE will be JUNE 1. Late entries will not be accepted.
The office mailed customized entry forms directly to 4-H members. They should be completed using class
information from the 4-H Show Book, and submitted to the Extension office by June 1. Please contact 4-H
staff with questions.
Cloverbud members will not receive, and are not required to complete, entry forms, but are eligible to exhibit
following guidelines listed in the Show Book.
This year there will be a slot on the top of your entry form for you to include an e-mail address for where you
would like to receive confirmation that your entry form was received. Confirmations will be sent within one
week of receipt in the office. If you provide an e-mail and do not receive a confirmation, or if you do not
provide an e-mail address, it is your responsibility to check with the office to confirm that it was received.
If an exhibit is brought to the 4-H Show that is not pre-registered, the exhibitor will not be eligible for
premium money, trophies, or selection for State Fair.
ONE premium per class number! As always, the premiums for our 4-H shows this summer will be based
on the "X" factor. Further explanation can be found in the show book.
Breaking the rules is the new rule! Innovation Classes…This year in selected
projects, 4-H members may choose to exhibit in the INNOVATION CLASS which allows members to decide the
BEST WAY to show off what they learned in their project. Your exhibit should be creative, such as a video you
made, a website you created, a performance you gave, an app you created, something you made, or anything
else YOU choose. A few rules (of course). This is only open to youth 13 and older in the following projects: child
development, computer science, crops, geology, health, interior design, leadership, natural resources,
photography, robotics, theatre arts, tractor or video. Ask the Extension office for more information. Remember,
your exhibit has to be something DIFFERENT than what fits in the normal class exhibit option.
Picture yourself in The Clover: Has your 4-H project changed your life? Does 4-H let
you do something you really love? Is your 4-H project something you want to do for a career?
We’d like to tell your story in the 2016-17 issue of THE CLOVER. Send the following to Judy
Bingman @ jmbingma@illinois.edu by June 15:
 Couple sentences on WHAT YOU LEARNED from your project
 QUALITY PHOTO of you with your project
Win $1,000! The Superior Young Producer Scholarship Program is offered by the Illinois State
Fair to 4-H and FFA members in Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy, and Horses. Five overall winners in each species
receive $1,000 scholarships. Youth participate in several contests; judging, skill-a-thon/hippology stations,
management test, meat identification, and/or quality assurance testing. Registration is due by July 1; forms are
available on the Illinois State Fair website, under Competitions > Junior Livestock Premium Book.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 5
May 2016
Help us tell the story of Illinois Agriculture: Be a Livestock Ambassador: Illinois State 4-H
Livestock Ambassadors promote Illinois 4-H and the livestock industry throughout the state at events such as
Illinois State Fair, Illinois 4-H Livestock Judging, and the Youth Livestock Conference. Youth must be 16 to 21
years of age as of 9/1/16. Applications are due June 1 to Dan Jennings at the address indicated on the
application form. New members will be notified soon after the deadline so they can attend the June 17-19
training in Champaign. Five new members will be selected. The application may be downloaded @
https://uofi.box.com/s/cz4hvzslvtijspgd0h37vfrp1hlilfpe or available from the Extension office.
Win $1,000! The Superior Young Producer Scholarship Program is offered by the Illinois State
Fair to 4-H and FFA members in Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy, and Horses. Five overall winners in each species
receive $1,000 scholarships. Youth participate in several contests; judging, skill-a-thon/hippology stations,
management test, meat identification, and/or quality assurance testing. Registration is due by July 1; forms are
available on the Illinois State Fair website, under Competitions > Junior Livestock Premium Book.
Shout out the #True Leaders in your life: As part of the
National 4-H “Grow True Leaders” campaign, use your social media
accounts to “shout out” how proud you are of the #TrueLeaders in your
life. Here’s how to make a shout out… post a photo or video of an
amazing kid doing their thing. Say why they are amazing, then add two
hashtags….. #TrueLeaders and #thats4H. Do it all summer long. Be sure to
follow @Illinois4H on Twitter and Facebook to see our Shout Outs.
Speaking of Leaders… Sangamon County had four 4-Hers participate in
this year’s Junior Leadership Youth Conference in February!
Illini Summer Academies: Like ag? You’ll like this! Space is still available for
several popular Academies related to agriculture! Don’t miss your chance! If ag is your bag,
then you’ll love Ag Business, Agricultural Mechanization, Entomology, and Plant Science. Does
science and engineering make you smile? Try Aerospace Engineering, Astrobiology, Chemistry, Computer
Science, and Electrical & Computer Engineering. Do you love to create? Try Creative Writing and Digital
Fabrication and Informatics. Are you fascinated with humanity? Maybe you’ll like Anthropology and Human
Development & Family Studies. The conference runs from 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 26 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday,
June 29 on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. It is open to any youth (including those not yet
in 4-H) who will be at least 14 years of age by Sept. 1, 2016 and has completed eighth grade by the time of the
conference. Check out all the information on our website @ go.illinois.edu/illini4H. Payments made by check
must be received within 1 week of registration or the registration will be canceled. Registration closes May 15.
State fair age change means all 4-H members are eligible: Illinois 4-H and the Illinois State Fair
Junior Livestock Department have revised the exhibition age so that all 4-H members (youth who were 8 to 18
years of age as of Sept. 1, 2015) can exhibit at the state fair this summer. The Junior Livestock Department has
extended its age to 21. Since 4-H age ends at 18, the only way to exhibit at the state fair junior livestock show if
you are 19 to 21 is to be an active FFA members as verified by Illinois FFA and in accordance with one of the
following program options: Maintain active membership on the roster of their local high school FFA Chapter;
Maintain active membership in a collegiate FFA Chapter in a post-secondary institution of higher education in
the State of Illinois; or Maintain active membership in an Illinois FFA Alumni Chapter.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 6
May 2016
4-H Metro Volunteer of the Month
Allaina Blackwell is the March volunteer of the month. Allaina is a
Fund Developer at the Family Service Center. This is Allaina’s first
year as a volunteer for 4-H. She is currently the co-leader for the 4-H
FAME Group. 4-H is proud to honor Allaina as the March volunteer of
the month. Here are a few fun facts about her:
What is your Favorite Color? Yellow
What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time I enjoy
baking, taking ballet lessons and exploring museums and historic sites.
What do you like to do with your family? I love holidays with my family; we eat great food,
enjoy time together and honor the traditions we’ve created through the years together.
What is a goal you would like to achieve? My continued goal is to work towards a constant
state of peace.
Why do you choose to volunteer your time with 4-H? 4-H is an important way for me to have
a positive impact on youth in my community, while utilizing personal knowledge and experiences to
highlight areas of knowledge that will have an impact.
In your opinion what is the importance of being involved and volunteering? Everyone has
a duty to be involved in their community, and to seek to offer their unique knowledge and passion to
strengthen that community. I believe it is important to support the community I am a part of, and to
use my voice and opinions to make change in the ways I am passionate about. Volunteering
accomplishes all of these things in an active, fully engaged way.
Metro 4-H Youth Spotlight
Aliyyah Dickerson:
My name is Aliyyah Dickerson and I
am an 8thgrader at Grant Middle
School. I have been in 4-H for 3 years
in the BOOM Remix Group. I enjoy 4H because it has taught me how to
communicate because I used to be antisocial. The advice that I would give
someone is that 4-H is a great
organization. They help you to become
leaders and they also try to help you go
down the right path in life.
Alicia Dickerson:
My name is Alicia Dickerson. I am also in
8th grade and attend Grant Middle School.
Like my sister I have been in 4-H for three
years and involved with the BOOM Remix
Group. I enjoy 4-H because we get to
learn different things. Like being kind and
treating everyone you want to be treated
and not to bully. If someone wants to be
involved in 4-H I would tell them that this
program has brought me a long way and
they should try it sometime
METRO 4-H Pizza Ranch Fundraiser: Take a break… Bring your family out for Dinner at
the Pizza Ranch on May 11th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (1100 Lejune Drive in Springfield)! The Sangamon County
Metro 4-H’ers are doing a Community Impact fundraiser to go towards their programming activities. 15% of
each ticket will go towards our programming efforts. Please share with Family and Friends. Thank you in
advance for your support!
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 7
May 2016
Swine Members! Youth Pork Quality Assurance ONLINE - Youth Pork Quality Assurance is
required for any exhibitor showing Jr., Open, or Premiere barrows at the 2016 Illinois State Fair. Proof of PQA
certification will be part of the Illinois State Fair entry forms. Keep in mind that this year the eligibility age for
exhibiting at the IL State Fair was reduced to 8, as of September 1, 2015.The training is available online. Visit
the website www.pork.org/pqa-plus-certification/ and choose “Youth PQA Plus – click here to certify online”.
Mark Your Calendar
See newsletter and website for registration and further details
(If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in advertised programs, please contact U of I Extension, 782-4617)
 Deadline to complete QAEC for all animal science projects –May 1 , 2016
 Deadline to register for 4-H Horse Show –May 9, 2016
4-H Federation (open to 8-12th grade) May 12 at 6p.m. Sangamon County Extension Office
Metro 4-H Pizza Ranch Fundraiser May 11th 5-8 p.m.
Unit 16 Horse Show, Sunday, May 29th begins at 8:30 a.m.
 Deadline to register for County 4-H shows --- June 1, 2016
June 20 State Livestock Judging Contest
Clothing Show Saturday, June 25th Sangamon County Extension Office
State Poultry Judging: June 28 at the Stock Pavilion on the U of I Campus in Champaign. Note:
this is a change from the normal time during state fair.
June 24th-31st State Junior Horse Show (registration due June 1)
June 26 - July 1 National Shooting Sports Contest
June 26 – 29 Illini Summer Academies
General Project Show Saturday July 9 Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin
(Including Animal Science Displays, Fashion Revue, and Public Speaking)
Sangamon County Livestock Shows July 9- 10 Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin
Menard County Livestock Shows July 19-23
Unit 16 Cat and Dog Shows July 30, Logan County Fairgrounds
Illinois State Fair August 11-21, 2016
 August 20 Illinois State Fair General Project Judging Day
 August 20 Illinois 4-H Foundation Family Event at the Illinois State Fair (Orr Building)
State Dog Show at Dog Training Club of Champaign Saturday, Aug. 27 & Sunday, Aug. 28
September 10 Shooting Sports: State Shoot Archery
September 24 Shooting Sports: State Shoot Rifle
October 1 Shooting Sports: State Shoot Shotgun
4-H Family Fun Day and 2016-17 Kick-off (late October TBA)
4-H Space Camp 2016 Nov 10-13
Visit U of I this summer:
There are many programs sponsored by the U of I College of ACES this summer. Learn more at
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. State| County | Local Groups | USDA Cooperating
pg. 8