April 2015 Advisory Council

U of Extension
Bond-Clinton-Jefferson-Marion-Washington Unit
Multi-County Council Minutes
April 13, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.
Corrections approved at 6/8/15 meeting
Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order by Diana Ostrom
Roll Call:
Roll Call was recorded. Council members present as indicated by a checkmark, members absent as
indicated by no checkmark:
Bond Co.
Clinton Co
Jefferson Co.
☒ Robert Johnson
☒ David Ratterman
☒ Paula Kiselewski
☒ Diana Ostrom (Chair)
☐ Tracy Grayling (Secretary)
☒ Ken Hayes (Vice)
☒ Jan Woker
☒ Cliff Schuette
☐ Derek Moore
☒ Larry Thiems
☐ Taylor Zurliene
☒ Cathy Gajewski
Marion Co.
☒ Connie Williams
☐ John Boeker
☒ Jeff Littrell
☒ Michelle Hester
Extension Staff Present:
Washington Co.
☒ Kimberly Taylor
☒ Jim Wisely
☒ Brett Roe
☒ Christine Bevil
Lisa Wait – County Director
Janice Vahlkamp-Bond County Office Support Assistant
Approval of Minutes:
Jeff Littrell made motion to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Christine Bevil. All in favor;
none opposed. Meeting minutes for February 9, 2015 were approved.
Review of Financial Reports:
Financial report was provided to all members to review. Lisa Wait expressed that the budget expenses
are looking good. Lisa Wait presented the Council Agreement and explained the matching funds from
the State of Illinois. Brett Roe made a motion to approve the $10,000 Council Agreement and Christine
Bevil seconded the motion. None opposed.
Efforts to Reach Underserved Populations:
Cathy Gajewski expressed concerns with focus on Mt. Vernon schools at the expense of neglecting
some of the more rural, smaller communities.
Old Business:
All five Counties held their spring County Extension Board meetings to review the FY16 proposed
budget and identify potential new Council members. Contacting potential new Council members is in
progress. New members will take seat at the Annual meeting in August.
New Business:
 FY16 Budget Proposal - The Unit 23 FY16 budget proposal was distributed to the council. Kim
Taylor motioned to approve the budget and Michele Hester seconded the motion. None
County Extension Board/Council members - Lisa Wait distributed a handout with a list of
nominations for Advisory Council. Council members were asked to review. A description of
what Advisory Council and the members role was handed out and members were asked to
Extension Updates:
Council Members
Bond County:
Dairy Judging was held April 11th with 25 participants and a clinic to follow. A Cookout
fundraiser will be held on Saturday April 18th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Thrift Shop parking
lot. A Coggins workshop was held on April 12th. Three painting workshops were held in April.
Clinton County:
A successful egg hunt was held. There were many workshops includingflower arranging,
theatrical, dog obedience, and rockets. A quilling spin club was started as a result of a
workshop. There was a timber management program on invasive species.
Jefferson County:
County Board meeting went well. The Foundation meeting also went great. The 4-H dues went
up because the number of members is increasing. This caused a deficit in the Foundation
budget. A sewing spin club has started. Jefferson County was on Channel 3 news for a first aid
camp offered at Rend Lake College. Pam Schalihorn, CED, initiated 2 Market Vendor workshops
that went very well.
Marion County:
A HCE meeting is planned for the 30th of April. HCE held a book sale to fund their Scholarship. 4H is planning a scavenger hunt. The Livestock Judging Contest attracted entrants from four
states. Conservation days are coming up at Forbes Lake.
Washington County:
A Foundation scholarship meeting was held to discuss the 6 applicants. A 4-H leaders meeting
was held. A program, “Projects that Pop,” was facilitated by older 4-H members helping newer
4-H members. The Eager Beavers 4-H club is hosting a color run in Nashville, on June 20th. The
Master Naturalist classes are currently being held on Saturdays. A community garden is being
started at the Hoyleton Children’s Home.
County Director – Lisa Wait yielded to visiting Extension staff to provide updates on their
program areas.
Liz Miller, Youth Educator, provided a report on, “What’s Happening in 4-H?” She explained
what programs are happening within the 5 counties. See handout.
Helen Leonhardt, FCS Coordinator, gave a report on FCS in terms of impact areas. See handout.
General Announcements:
Next Meeting:
June 8, 2015
David Ratterman made motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Jim Wisley. All in favor;
none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Vahlkamp