2014 July - September Calendar of Events






Main Office: McLean County, 402 N. Hershey Road, Bloomington, IL 61704 Phone: (309) 663-8306

Branch Office: Livingston County, 1412 S. Locust Street, Pontiac, IL 61764 Phone: (815) 842-1776

Branch Office: Unity Community Center, 632 Orlando Avenue, Normal, IL 61761 Phone: (309) 862-4041

Branch Office: Woodford County, 109 E. Eureka Avenue, Eureka, IL 61530 Phone: (309) 467-3789

Make sure you visit our website at web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw to find more information.




Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus Webinar, July 22 – 1:30 p.m.

The annual threat of West Nile Virus builds in early summer and continues into the fall. Learn how to control and cope with northern house mosquitoes, floodwater mosquitoes, and other mosquitoes to protect yourself and your community from bites and disease. Please go to web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/register/ for more information.

This webinar will be held at the Extension offices in McLean County and Livingston County and the El Paso Public

Library, 149 W. 1st Street, El Paso.

Mosquitoes and West Nile Virus Webinar – Woodford County, July 24 – 1:30 p.m.

The annual threat of West Nile Virus builds in early summer and continues into the fall. Learn how to control and cope with northern house mosquitoes, floodwater mosquitoes, and other mosquitoes to protect yourself and your community from bites and disease. Please go to web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/register/ for registration information. This webinar will be held at the Eureka Public Library, 202 S. Main Street, Eureka.

Landscaping Tips and Techniques, August 11 – 7 to 8:30 p.m.

The Illinois Prairie Wild Ones will present this program and give you the opportunity to sit down with several native experts to discuss a variety of topics related to using natives within your landscape. During this program, four tables will be set up to discuss soil, collecting and cleaning seeds, natives for butterflies, and key resources you should consult for all of your questions. Leading the discussions will be Bill Davison, Extension educator, local food systems and small farms, Jason and Kristi Shoemaker, Janet Rasmussen, and Jennifer Sharkey.



Illinois Budget Policy Toolbox Webinar, August 12 – 12 p.m.

“Tools to Address Spending” is the topic for this webinar. The Illinois Budget Policy Toolbox is a collection of papers that assess policy options that help to frame the issues surrounding Illinois’ precarious budget situation.

Using the best academic scholarship, leading policy experts from the University of Illinois, they will provide a nonpartisan overview of the state’s fiscal situation and evaluate the pros and cons of a variety of revenue and spending options. These webinars will be offered on the second Tuesday of every month. For registration and additional information, please go to web.extension.illinois.edu/fmpt/ . Registration is required. You will be provided log-on information so that you may participate in the program from your home or office via the internet.

Illinois Budget Policy Toolbox Webinar, September 9 – noon to 1 p.m.

“Important Questions About Redistricting in Illinois” is the topic for this webinar. The Illinois Budget Policy Toolbox is a collection of papers that assess policy options that help to frame t he issues surrounding Illinois’ precarious budget situation. The University of Illinois Extension Local Government Information and Education Network, in partnership with the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs (IGPA), will present an opportunity to learn more about this project and interact with the scholars through a series of webinars.

Registration is required at web.extension.illinois.edu/fmpt/ . You will be provided log-on information so that you may participate in the program from your home or your office via the Internet.


All 4-H members and volunteers: Please refer to your latest copy of the 4-H newsletter/email for upcoming events in your county. Youth interested in becoming a 4-H member (ages 8-18 as of September 1, 2014) or Cloverbud member (ages 5-7 as of September 1, 2014) may contact the University of Illinois Extension office in their county for more information.

Please note that the public is welcome to attend any of the 4-H programs as an observer but will not be able to participate in any program as the deadline for entry has already passed.

McLean County 4-H Beginner Sewing Workshop, July 17 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Home and Community Education (HCE) members will be hosting a workshop for 4-H members and non

4-H members who want to learn how to sew a beginner level project. We will be making a square or rectangular pillow. This workshop is open to all youth ages 8 to 18. Members are asked to bring a sack lunch along with one yard of solid fabric (no stripes or checkered prints) or all over prints are encouraged. Material should be either

100% cotton or polar fleece. This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office.

Livingston County 4-H Show, July 14 through 17

Livingston County 4-H Show will be held in conjunction with the Livingston County Ag Fair. This will be held at the

Livingston County 4-H Park, 18142 4-H Park Road, Pontiac . See the show book for judging times and dates.

Woodford County Fairgrounds Set-Up, July 19 – 9 a.m.

The Woodford County 4-H Fair is a great community event that would not be possible without the cooperation of

4-H members, parents and volunteers. Every club is asked to assist with fair set-up and/or clean-up. Check with your club leader to find out when your club is scheduled to work. Please bring rakes, gloves, brooms, buckets, rags and leaf blowers. Your help is needed to make the park look great. Lunch will be served at 11 a.m.

McLean County 4-H Food Demonstrations, July 19 – 11 a.m.

Come see McLean County 4-H members demonstrate their knowledge on their 4-H food projects. This will be held at the McLean County Extension office.


Livingston County 4-H Cool-Down Party, July 19

Let's cool down after the fair! Bring your 4-H friends and family and enjoy swimming, hotdogs, and Prairie Farms ice cream. This will be held at the Odell Pool, 300 W. Second Street, Odell.

Woodford County 4-H Fair, July 21 through 24

The Woodford County 4-H Fair will be held at the Farm Bureau Park in Eureka, 1448 County Road 800 North,

Eureka. See the fair book for judging times and dates.

Woodford County Fairgrounds Clean Up, July 24

The Woodford County 4-H Fair is a great community event that would not be possible without the cooperation of

4-H members, parents and volunteers. Every club is asked to assist with fair set-up and/or clean-up. Clean-up will begin immediately after project release on Thursday, July 24. Check with your club leader to find out when your club is scheduled to work. Please bring rakes, gloves, brooms, buckets and rags.

McLean County Fairgrounds Set-Up, July 26 – 9 a.m.

The McLean County 4-H Fair is a great community event that would not be possible without the cooperation of

4-H members, parents and volunteers. Every club is asked to assist with fair set-up and/or clean-up. Your help is needed to make the fairgrounds look great for the fair! Free lunch will be served around 11:30 a.m.

Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Application Deadline – July 28

We need Illinois 4-H members or those who might be alumni this Fall, ages 16 to 19 as of September 1, 2014.

Terms are two years in length. All team members must have participated in the Speaking for Illinois 4-H training by the end of their first year of the term. Additional information and an application can be found at web.extension.illinois.edu/state4h/members/leadership_sylt.cfm

. Applications are due July 28 for interviews at the

2014 Illinois State Fair. Contact Deb Stocker at dstocker@illinois.edu

, or a current YLT member or advisor if you have any questions about the Youth Leadership Team and what we do.

Woodford County Splashdown – July 28

After working so hard to complete projects, train animals, prepare presentations, attend meetings and serve on committees, it’s time for a treat. All 4-H members and their immediate families (parents and siblings living at home) are invited to a private party at Splashdown at East Side Center in East Peoria on Wednesday, July 28

(tentative). Additional information will be provided soon.

McLean County 4-H Fair, July 30 through August 3

The McLean County 4-H Fair will be held at the McLean County Fairgrounds, 1106 Interstate Drive, Bloomington.

See the fair book for judging times and dates.

McLean County Fairgrounds Clean Up, August 3 – 5 p.m.

The McLean County 4-H Fair is a great community event that would not be possible without the cooperation of

4-H members, parents and volunteers. Clean-up will begin immediately after project release on Sunday, August 3.

Illinois State 4-H Poultry Judging Contest, August 7 – 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Teams are made up of three to four contestants, with the three highest scores being used as the team total.

There will be three classes of post egg production, four classes of ready-to-cook fowl or fryers, two classes of candled shell eggs and two classes of exterior egg quality. Contestants must also give oral reasons on two egg production classes. This will be held at the Orr Building on the Illinois State Fairgrounds.

Illinois State Fair, August 7 through 17

The State of Illinois Fair will run from August 7 through August 17 in Springfield, Illinois. Please visit agr.state.il.us/isf/ for more information.

Livingston/McLean/Woodford Judging Day at Illinois State Fair, August 9

All 4-H members from Livingston, McLean and Woodford Counties, who are eligible, will show at the Illinois State

Fair. If you have any questions, please check with your local Extension office.


Illinois 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, August 16 – 10 a.m.

Participants do not need to be enrolled in a dairy cattle project to compete in the contest. The contest will include six classes of dairy cows and heifers selected from various dairy breeds at the Illinois State Fair. Oral reasons are not mandatory for other contestants, though junior members are encouraged to try their hand at oral reasons on one cow class. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. in the open show ring of the fairground.

4-H Records Deadline, Woodford County, September 2 – 4 p.m.

It is important to write down everything you have done this 4-H year. The 4-H records consist of the "My 4-H

Activities" sheet and Project Goal Sheets and Livestock and Crops & Soils Records. These should be completed every year even if you don't apply for awards. Outlines are needed to apply for some awards. Consult the

“Woodford County Recognition for Excellence: Guidelines for Keeping Records and Applying for Awards” book for complete details. Books are available online at web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/downloads/46958.pdf

, from your leader or the Extension office.

4-H Family Camp, September 19 through 21

Interested in a family fall getaway at 4-H Memorial Camp near Monticello? Summer is the time to secure your spot in this popular program. This is a weekend filled with action your whole family will enjoy: Rock Climbing,

Arts and Crafts, Outdoor Cooking, Rocketry, Canine Demonstrations, Professional Storytelling, Campfire

Programs and much more! For more information visit the 4-H Memorial Camp website at web.extension.illinois.edu/4hmemorialcamp/memorialcamp.cfm

or call 217-762-2741.


Testing of Pressure Canners, July 16 – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, Nutrition and Wellness and Registered Dietitian will be testing pressure canner gauges for accuracy. There is no charge for testing. Those of you wanting to have lids tested must have taken, or be scheduled to take, “Yes! You CAN: Preserving Safely” home canning class or the online course “Preserve the

Taste of Summer ”. If you are unable to come during these hours, you may drop off your lid(s) at the office and be contacted when the lid(s) is ready to be picked up. This will be held at the Livingston County Extension office.

It's Thyme for Herbs - OSF St. James Diabetes Support Group, August 5 – 6 to 7 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, Nutrition and Wellness and Registered Dietitian, will share ideas and tips on using a variety of fresh herbs to replace sugar and salt in recipes. A food demonstration with tastings and recipes will be provided. This program is free, open to the public, and designed for those living with diabetes. This will be held at the OSF St. James Hospital, Main Floor Conference Room, 2500 Reynolds Street, Pontiac.

Yes! You CAN! Preserving Safely, McLean County, August 7 - 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian will present this program. You will learn basic food preservation, scientific methods of preserving food safely, up to date safety guidelines and we will test your dial gauge canners for accuracy during class. Just bring your canner lid. Note: We cannot test weighted gauges. There is a $5 fee for this class. For registration, please call 309-663-8306 or go to web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/register/ . This will be held at the McLean County Extension office.

Yes! You CAN! Preserving Safely, Woodford County, August 15 – 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian will present this program. You will learn basic food preservation, scientific methods of preserving food safely, up to date safety guidelines and we will test your dial gauge canners for accuracy during class. Just bring your canner lid. Note: We cannot test weighted gauges. There is a $5 fee for this class. For registration, please call 309-467-3789 or go to web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/register/ . This will be held at the Woodford County Extension office.


OSF Center for Healthy Lifestyles: Canning Homemade Salsa, August 26 – 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian has partnered with OSF

Center for Healthy Lifestyles to teach this class. Whether you are a beginner canner or an experienced preserver, you’ll learn how to safely preserve your homemade salsa. Step-by-step instructions, recipes and tastings will be provided. This will be held at the Center for Healthy Lifestyles at OSF St. Joseph Medical Center, 2200 E.

Washington Street, Bloomington. The cost is $15 per person. To register, visit www.osfstjoseph.org/calendar or call toll-free1-888-627-5673.

Cooking with Fresh Garden Produce, August 28 – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian has partnered with Eureka

Public Library to present this program. You will learn the many benefits of fresh produce and how to turn them into culinary creations. A food demonstration with tastings and recipes will be provided.

There is a charge of

$3.00 per person. To register, call the library at (309) 467-2922. The program will be held at the Eureka Public

Library, 202 S. Main Street, Eureka.

Yes! You Can! Preserving Safely Livingston County, August 29 – 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian will present this program.

You will learn basic food preservation, scientific methods of preserving food safely, up to date safety guidelines and we will test your dial gauge canners for accuracy during class. Just bring your canner lid. Note: We cannot test weighted gauges. There is a $5 fee for this class. For registration, please call 815-842-1776 or go to web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/register/ . This will be held at the Livingston County Extension office.

Fresh Fare: Upgrading Your Brown Bag Lunch, September 10 – 6 to 7o p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian will present the program in a dining room setting. Tastings of the dishes prepared will be served to your table. This program will be held at Evenglow Inn, 1303 E. Indiana Avenue, Pontiac and it is open to the public. To register, please contact

Evenglow Inn by Sept. 9 by calling 815-842-9040 and ask for Norma. A suggested donation of $5 will go to

Evenglow Inn. The program is located next door to the Boys and Girls Club.

I on Diabates - McLean County, September 18 and 25, October 2 and 9 – 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

This series is presented by Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian.

The program provides information on treatment goals and self-monitoring, managing carbohydrates, sodium, cholesterol and fat portions, planning meals, reading food labels, and using artificial sweeteners, low-fat products, and herbs and spices. In each session participants receive recipes, watch cooking demonstrations, and taste foods to meet their dietary needs. This program is meant to compliment the recommendations of your health care provider and to help you and/or your loved one manage diabetes. There is a program fee of $20 per person for all four sessions, or $25 for two people (One set of materials to take home). This fee is for the purchase of food and supplies. Advanced registration is required by September 17, 2014. Space is limited, so enroll now. To register, call the McLean County Extension office at 309-663-8306 or register online at http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lmw/ . This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office.


Village of Downs Farmers ’ Market, June through September – 4 to 6 p.m.

The Downs Village Market, located at the southwest edge of the Village of Downs, offers a variety of locally grown and select regional produce, meat, baked goods, honey, plants and flowers, and quality crafts. Master Gardeners are on site weekly to answer gardening questions. We have weekly music/entertainment. Open every

Wednesday, June through September.


Downtown Bloomington Association Farmers ’ Market, May through October – 7:30 a.m. to Noon

Located on the historic downtown square, the Downtown Bloomington Association Farmers' Market is a popular

Saturday morning meeting place. Not only does the market give customers a venue to buy locally grown farm products, it also puts them in touch with local artists, musicians, and community organizations. The market features different musical performances each week. Cooking demos are offered regularly, and the McLean

County Museum of History sponsors hands-on activities for all ages. The Farmer ’s Market is a producer-only market offering a wide array of farm products including vegetables, fruits, cheeses, pork, beef, free-range poultry and eggs, flowers, plants, herbs, and more. Most products are chemical-free and grown using sustainable practices. In addition, a variety of locally processed foods are available.


Unit 5 Free Summer Lunch Program, June 27 through July 25 – 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Unity Community Center is offering free lunch to youth 18 years and younger. Meals for adults are available for

$2.40. We accept cash only. We would love to see you there. This will be held at Unity Community Center. Please call the center at 309-862-4041 for more information.


Comfort Quilts Workshop, July 21 and August 18 - 9 a.m. to Noon

We are working on quilt tops to finish them. At that point, they will be distributed within McLean County.

The public is invited to help with the donation of materials, money to help with the postage or buying of needed materials. This workshop will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office. Please contact

Eileen at 309-533-1135 fo r more information and for a “materials to bring” list. This project is ongoing and open to all with the “expense” being your time and sometimes supplies.

Dresses, Shorts and Pants for Children Workshop, July 21 and August 18 - 1 to 4 p.m.

We will be taking fabric the size of a pillowcase or larger and stitching it to make dresses, shorts and pants. We will be giving them to needy kids throughout the U.S.A. This is open to all ages and is a good community service activity for 4-H youth, even with little sewing skills. This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County

Extension office. Contact Barb Erdman at 309-242-6187 for information.

IAHCE District 4 and 5 Officer Workshop, August 24

Please keep the date open. We will update you with more information as it becomes available.

“Garlic” Local Leader Lesson, August 25 – 1 to 3 p.m.

The programming for September unit meetings will be given by John Taylor. This program is free and open to the public. Please call Joann Hart at 309-310-9205 for more information. This will be held in the auditorium at the

McLean County Extension office.

McLean HCD Officers Orientation Workshop, August 25

Please keep the date open. We will update you with more information as it becomes available. This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office.

Scarves, Hats and Gloves Workshop, September 8 - 9 a.m. to Noon

More details will be available soon for this Cultural Enrichment activity. This will be held in the auditorium at the

McLean County Extension office.

Read and Share, September 15 - 2 to 3:30 p.m.

The book we will be featuring will The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty. This program is free and open to the public. Please call LaVonne Cunningham at 309-661-6391 for more information. This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office.


Cooking with Fresh Vegetables, Local Leader Lesson, September 22 - 1 to 3 p.m.

Jenna Smith, Extension educator, nutrition and wellness and Registered Dietitian will teach this program. This program is free and open to the public. Please call Joann Hart at 309-310-9205 for more information. This will be held in the auditorium at the McLean County Extension office.

Don’t forget!


University of Illinois | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Local Extension Councils Cooperating

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in any of our programs please contact us.

