Volunteer Role Description


Volunteer Role Description

Role Title Tech Team Coordinator



Provide support to youth interested in technology type activities

Provide workshops on technology topics

 Coordinate activities of a county tech team

Recruit people with technical expertise for skill building

Recuit people with youth development expertise for relationship building

Success Criteria:

Ensure that team meets on a regular basis - minimum of six times per year

Ensure that at least one community service project is done by the team

 Ensure that activities are youth-led

Ensure that youth gain technology skills and life skills that can be applied elsewhere

Time Required:

10 hours/month

 Preparation, implementation and follow-up time


Determine and secure meeting location

 Work with … to recruit youth

 Work with…to recruit additional adults

Work with youth to determine expectations and guidelines

Work with youth to determine plan of work for team

Recruit and secure resources (people/equipment/software)

Develop program plan for team with active input from youth participants

 Develop risk management plan for team activities

Develop a budget for tech team activities

Maintain regular contact with Extension staff

Target Dates:

 September - August

Resources Available:

Extension Staff support

State Technology Specialist

4-H Project Manuals

Hardware/Software tech support

Area community college or vocational center

Training Opportunities:

 State technology training

4-H Volunteer Training

Ages & Stages Lesson

Experiential Learning Lesson

National 4-H Technology Conference

On-line classes

Internet/Web Safety

Reports to:

Extension 4-H Staff

For Questions Contact


Volunteer Signature


Extension Staff Signature








Volunteer Screening of all volunteers will be required.

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

University of Illinois • U.S. Department of Agriculture • Local Extension Councils Cooperating

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.
